Giantbomb preview was pretty awesome. I was excited to see that class-specific role mod(?), looked interesting. Did that pistol have infinite ammo or just not need to reload?
I can't decide between Lilith assassin or brick explode-guy builds.
Looked like it didn't need either (reloading or using ammo period), but the damage appeared weaker. Could have been he didn't use pistols often with his soldier so the damage done wasn't the greatest.
It was also nice in the preview you can see a guy got a random blue from killing skags.
If you check the video again you will see that his pistol level was very very low compared to his assault rifle level.
I'm actually sort of glad this is coming out later for the PC, that way, if all the console player's dreams are dashed against the cold, hard rock of reality, I can hold off.
I certainly understand what the hold outs are saying and gaming is definitely a big investment of cash especially this season.
At this point with all the videos, preview articles, pod casts and leaked reviews I'm wondering what else could be said from other people that would be different and mind changing? Sure there are a lot of us already praising the game before it's out but I've also read and heard plenty of criticism from those who have actually played it.
Look into your heart, you'll find the answer. JUST GET IT! (or rent........)
InitialDK on
"I'd happily trade your life for knowledge of my powers."
-Louis C.K.
KlykaDO you have anySPARE BATTERIES?Registered Userregular
edited October 2009
I see this game being terrible without having someone to talk to while playing it and dick around with.
Basically, if you don't have at least 2-3 duels with someone over the course of a session because he stole your gun, you are doing it wrong.
I dunno just driving around hopping out and capping things is enough for me. Though I'm more of a loner, I enjoy a good multiplay session, but I won't be dependent on it. Was nice to see in the preview though that having one dude level 15 didn't mess up the experience.
Preacher on
I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.
IceBurnerIt's cold and there are penguins.Registered Userregular
edited October 2009
So this is an honest-to-goodness co-op sandbox game where you give other people your IP address or whatnot, and not yet another MMO? And there's shooting with the intent of ridiculous fun? Okay, some interest.
So this is an honest-to-goodness co-op sandbox game where you give other people your IP address or whatnot, and not yet another MMO? And there's shooting with the intent of ridiculous fun? Okay, some interest.
Purely co-op, no faux mmo mechanics.
Preacher on
I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.
I see this game being terrible without having someone to talk to while playing it and dick around with.
I loved playing the elder scrolls series, and being alone during them was fine to me. But if a friend or 3 could join my game and help me run through Oblivion gates (with scaling difficulty obviously) that would've made great games even awesomer.
Basically, I guess I'm saying sandbox rpg games have done just fine as single player stand alones. I dont see how adding the ability to be multiplayer will hurt this one.
Decoy on
KlykaDO you have anySPARE BATTERIES?Registered Userregular
edited October 2009
The difference between Oblivion and this is that Oblivion actually had quests that differed and often had different ways to finish them and also a story that mattered at least a bit behind it all.
This game has: Kill 5 dudes. Now kill 10 dudes. Now kill the big dude.
There is no way to compare the single player experiences of these both games in a way that is not completely ridiculous and makes me want to hate someone to death.
The difference between Oblivion and this is that Oblivion actually had quests that differed and often had different ways to finish them and also a story that mattered at least a bit behind it all.
This game has: Kill 5 dudes. Now kill 10 dudes. Now kill the big dude.
There is no way to compare the single player experiences of these both games in a way that is not completely ridiculous and makes me want to hate someone to death.
Ahh ok you played borderlands? How is the pistol range, some of them look like they have beefy scopes, but I wanted to know that they have good range.
Preacher on
I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.
The difference between Oblivion and this is that Oblivion actually had quests that differed and often had different ways to finish them and also a story that mattered at least a bit behind it all.
This game has: Kill 5 dudes. Now kill 10 dudes. Now kill the big dude.
There is no way to compare the single player experiences of these both games in a way that is not completely ridiculous and makes me want to hate someone to death.
Ahh ok you played borderlands? How is the pistol range, some of them look like they have beefy scopes, but I wanted to know that they have good range.
Yea how is borderlands? I didn't know you could reach such a definite description and outlook on an ENTIRE game's quests/missions by looking at screens and videos.
rakuenCallisto on
KlykaDO you have anySPARE BATTERIES?Registered Userregular
The difference between Oblivion and this is that Oblivion actually had quests that differed and often had different ways to finish them and also a story that mattered at least a bit behind it all.
This game has: Kill 5 dudes. Now kill 10 dudes. Now kill the big dude.
There is no way to compare the single player experiences of these both games in a way that is not completely ridiculous and makes me want to hate someone to death.
Ahh ok you played borderlands? How is the pistol range, some of them look like they have beefy scopes, but I wanted to know that they have good range.
If you watched the video you can see that guns don't really have that much difference in range, but more in spread and damage they do at a distance.
A shotgun at a longer distance did like 8 damage per pellet, at close range it did around 30.
The submachine gun was the same, with obviously less spread.
Scope range on guns is a valuable and can thereby be random,you could get a pistol with a scope that puts most sniper rifles to shame.
Also, your sarcastic argument holds no value because the devs and people who played AND already own this game have both stated that the quests never,ever, break out of "kill these dudes" or "collect these items".
Again anything different and this game wouldn't be the type of game it is. What other kind of quests were available for diablo 2? If you are trying to make those an actual complaint it seems kind of silly.
"Zomg that action rpg has simplistic quests." And?
Preacher on
I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.
The difference between Oblivion and this is that Oblivion actually had quests that differed and often had different ways to finish them and also a story that mattered at least a bit behind it all.
This game has: Kill 5 dudes. Now kill 10 dudes. Now kill the big dude.
There is no way to compare the single player experiences of these both games in a way that is not completely ridiculous and makes me want to hate someone to death.
Ahh ok you played borderlands? How is the pistol range, some of them look like they have beefy scopes, but I wanted to know that they have good range.
If you watched the video you can see that guns don't really have that much difference in range, but more in spread and damage they do at a distance.
A shotgun at a longer distance did like 8 damage per pellet, at close range it did around 30.
The submachine gun was the same, with obviously less spread.
Scope range on guns is a valuable and can thereby be random,you could get a pistol with a scope that puts most sniper rifles to shame.
Also, your sarcastic argument holds no value because the devs and people who played AND already own this game have both stated that the quests never,ever, break out of "kill these dudes" or "collect these items".[/QUOTE]
well, shit there must be reasons to make up for this. Specifically exploration or other ways to discover random quests/missions.
KlykaDO you have anySPARE BATTERIES?Registered Userregular
edited October 2009
I never said this game will do bad, god dammit people.
I said the single player will be vastly inferior to playing with 3 other dudes, because in the end it is just a mindless shooting fest with loot.
Which is a good thing too,but can also get old really really fast and so playing with 3 other dudes while cracking jokes and fighting over loot and so on will be better. In my opinion.
Diablo 2 was also 9 years ago. Calling yourself Diablo with guns doesn't excuse dull and repetitive quests.
Since when does anyone in Diablo II play the quests?
As far as I know, people played for the gameplay and actual content involved, not for the quests or reasons for the quests. No one did any of the quests specifically unless they were like end Tier major quests that had crazy loot or involved crazy loot (Mephisto, Temples etc etc)
Diablo 2 was also 9 years ago. Calling yourself Diablo with guns doesn't excuse dull and repetitive quests.
You assume it needs an excuse.
Quests are a fancy way of telling you what direction to go shoot shit. Why throw wrenches in that?
Look at all those wrenches. If they don't actually try to make it interesting, fine. But I think plenty of people would appreciate some effort being taken to go beyond the simple 'Kill X, Collect Z, Find Y'.
No doubt more intricate or creative "things to do" would be awesome in any game. Now I don't make games but I assume it's hard and cost a lot of money. I'm sure every game designer wants to make the most awesome-creative-unique-fun-thing ever but with the time & money they have to work with choices have to be made.
Which is why I look forward to sequels or DLC. They can work with the base they already created and flesh it out even more.
InitialDK on
"I'd happily trade your life for knowledge of my powers."
-Louis C.K.
KlykaDO you have anySPARE BATTERIES?Registered Userregular
I really, really want to like Brick. I'm just afraid so much emphasis on Mr. Tank is going to make his damage balls, and its not like there's really "aggro" to worry about, so I keep thinking I'd be better off in the long run being someone who can pump out insane damage.
Didn't mean to start a shit storm. I only pointed out elder scrolls because its the only single player stand alone RPG I could think of at the time. Would it be better if I would've said "Mount and Blade"? That game had the simplest quests ever, sans the herding ones.
Heck don't all quests boil down to fetching A, killing B, gathering C, or (de)activating D? Its the journey that matters.
Gearbox has said plenty of times that BLs is a FPS first and foremost, and to speak to your point, yes First Person Shooters are better multiplayer. I guess it's up to the presentation and writing to keep me interested when playing alone, which we'll find out when it's released.
Decoy on
surrealitychecklonely, but not unloveddreaming of faulty keys and latchesRegistered Userregular
edited October 2009
I'll be honest, the single player of Oblivion was so bad I think I prefer the way this sounds >_>
Lilith's special seemed kinda "meh". I suppose if you could get the cooldown pretty low and get most of the bonuses for it, it could be nice... but compared to the turret it seems kinda underwhelming.
Berserk sound likes something you really have to build for too (talent-wise)... I wasn't very interested in melee characters anyway. I'll probably still go Lilith first.
I was skeptical about how well free for all loot would work in this game. But then I noticed that you have to skill up each weapon type to use it better. I think people in mixed groups won't worry about needless gun looting since the real value is putting a great gun in the hands of someone who can use it best. Picking up an awesome gun for the sake of vendoring it probably won't be worth the effort and it makes you look like a dick.
I still see no evidence of a decent trading mechanism. Dropping loot on the ground to trade it was one of the worst aspects of Diablo 2. I'm honestly shocked that this hasn't been addressed. (Or did I miss it?) At least there's no backpack tetris. (I mention this against my better judgment. Let's not start that argument, I'm just expressing an opinion.)
It did seem like, for being designed with co-op in mind, it was really lacking in a lot of social mechanics. No way to trade loot, no loot distribution system, still dunno exactly how the grouping up thing works (IP address? Friends list?), and I assume there is an in-game voice, not relying on things like Vent (for PC, obviously xbox will have its Live chat integrated).
However, most of those are minor things that can be resolve via content update. And from what I've seen/heard of the developers for Borderlands, they are pretty cool chaps and interactive with the community.
Lilith's special seemed kinda "meh". I suppose if you could get the cooldown pretty low and get most of the bonuses for it, it could be nice... but compared to the turret it seems kinda underwhelming.
Berserk sound likes something you really have to build for too (talent-wise)... I wasn't very interested in melee characters anyway. I'll probably still go Lilith first.
Well the thing to remember is that its a stealth/super fast move. So you can use it to get behind an enemy coming out delivers a big punch attack and then you can follow up in the time it takes them to adjust to your new position.
In the video the dude playing lilith defeated a roland of higher level.
Preacher on
I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.
It did seem like, for being designed with co-op in mind, it was really lacking in a lot of social mechanics. No way to trade loot, no loot distribution system, still dunno exactly how the grouping up thing works (IP address? Friends list?), and I assume there is an in-game voice, not relying on things like Vent (for PC, obviously xbox will have its Live chat integrated).
However, most of those are minor things that can be resolve via content update. And from what I've seen/heard of the developers for Borderlands, they are pretty cool chaps and interactive with the community.
I don't mind that we don't have an mmo loot distro because for me thats wasted content. I'd want more guns/monsters/land then time setting up loot trading. You can see the stats of a gun before you pick it up, and if you don't play with cockbites it won't be an issue.
Especially with weapon skilling, only a real assclown would take a sweet assault rifle if they have a shit skill.
Preacher on
I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.
It did seem like, for being designed with co-op in mind, it was really lacking in a lot of social mechanics. No way to trade loot, no loot distribution system, still dunno exactly how the grouping up thing works (IP address? Friends list?), and I assume there is an in-game voice, not relying on things like Vent (for PC, obviously xbox will have its Live chat integrated).
However, most of those are minor things that can be resolve via content update. And from what I've seen/heard of the developers for Borderlands, they are pretty cool chaps and interactive with the community.
whoa, no loot swapping?? Do you literally have to go back to town and do a vendor swap?? Or can you drop stuff on the ground and then have a friend pick it up?
I want this game to come out right now so some of this stuff can be put to bed. It looks great. It sounds pretty awesome. I'd hate for them to have flinched at the last second and created some real deal breaking design flaws to simply get the game to market. It casts all the great music and PR stuff in a different light...
Yeah didn't mean to scare you like that. You can drop your guns so other mans can pick them up. I was talking more like a dialogue box kinda thing where you can swap stuff around. Thinking about it though, that is probably bit more cumbersome and time-consuming than necessary. Especially if you just need to give your homeboy a single gun, tossing it on the ground and him picking it up works. I was just remembering the video from Giantbomb and it seemed the guy took forever to pick the damn thing up. More of a communication issue there, I think.
If you check the video again you will see that his pistol level was very very low compared to his assault rifle level.
At this point with all the videos, preview articles, pod casts and leaked reviews I'm wondering what else could be said from other people that would be different and mind changing? Sure there are a lot of us already praising the game before it's out but I've also read and heard plenty of criticism from those who have actually played it.
Look into your heart, you'll find the answer. JUST GET IT! (or rent........)
-Louis C.K.
Basically, if you don't have at least 2-3 duels with someone over the course of a session because he stole your gun, you are doing it wrong.
PSN: theIceBurner, IceBurnerEU, IceBurner-JP | X-Link Kai: TheIceBurner
Dragon's Dogma: 192 Warrior Linty | 80 Strider Alicia | 32 Mage Terra
Purely co-op, no faux mmo mechanics.
I loved playing the elder scrolls series, and being alone during them was fine to me. But if a friend or 3 could join my game and help me run through Oblivion gates (with scaling difficulty obviously) that would've made great games even awesomer.
Basically, I guess I'm saying sandbox rpg games have done just fine as single player stand alones. I dont see how adding the ability to be multiplayer will hurt this one.
This game has: Kill 5 dudes. Now kill 10 dudes. Now kill the big dude.
There is no way to compare the single player experiences of these both games in a way that is not completely ridiculous and makes me want to hate someone to death.
Ahh ok you played borderlands? How is the pistol range, some of them look like they have beefy scopes, but I wanted to know that they have good range.
Yea how is borderlands? I didn't know you could reach such a definite description and outlook on an ENTIRE game's quests/missions by looking at screens and videos.
If you watched the video you can see that guns don't really have that much difference in range, but more in spread and damage they do at a distance.
A shotgun at a longer distance did like 8 damage per pellet, at close range it did around 30.
The submachine gun was the same, with obviously less spread.
Scope range on guns is a valuable and can thereby be random,you could get a pistol with a scope that puts most sniper rifles to shame.
Also, your sarcastic argument holds no value because the devs and people who played AND already own this game have both stated that the quests never,ever, break out of "kill these dudes" or "collect these items".
"Zomg that action rpg has simplistic quests." And?
Sounds like Diablo 2 to me. I think that game did decently despite that.
3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
I said the single player will be vastly inferior to playing with 3 other dudes, because in the end it is just a mindless shooting fest with loot.
Which is a good thing too,but can also get old really really fast and so playing with 3 other dudes while cracking jokes and fighting over loot and so on will be better. In my opinion.
As far as I know, people played for the gameplay and actual content involved, not for the quests or reasons for the quests. No one did any of the quests specifically unless they were like end Tier major quests that had crazy loot or involved crazy loot (Mephisto, Temples etc etc)
You assume it needs an excuse.
Quests are a fancy way of telling you what direction to go shoot shit. Why throw wrenches in that?
3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
So can we just stop this and wait in patience till we get the game while other people in the world are already playing it?
Look at all those wrenches. If they don't actually try to make it interesting, fine. But I think plenty of people would appreciate some effort being taken to go beyond the simple 'Kill X, Collect Z, Find Y'.
Which is why I look forward to sequels or DLC. They can work with the base they already created and flesh it out even more.
-Louis C.K.
K,will you get this on PC? If so, can we co-op?
I need to hear your manly voice while shooting little alien dogs.
The turret sounds like a lot of fun
Delicious, wonderful decisions to make!
Heck don't all quests boil down to fetching A, killing B, gathering C, or (de)activating D? Its the journey that matters.
Gearbox has said plenty of times that BLs is a FPS first and foremost, and to speak to your point, yes First Person Shooters are better multiplayer. I guess it's up to the presentation and writing to keep me interested when playing alone, which we'll find out when it's released.
Berserk sound likes something you really have to build for too (talent-wise)... I wasn't very interested in melee characters anyway. I'll probably still go Lilith first.
I still see no evidence of a decent trading mechanism. Dropping loot on the ground to trade it was one of the worst aspects of Diablo 2. I'm honestly shocked that this hasn't been addressed. (Or did I miss it?) At least there's no backpack tetris. (I mention this against my better judgment. Let's not start that argument, I'm just expressing an opinion.)
However, most of those are minor things that can be resolve via content update. And from what I've seen/heard of the developers for Borderlands, they are pretty cool chaps and interactive with the community.
Well the thing to remember is that its a stealth/super fast move. So you can use it to get behind an enemy coming out delivers a big punch attack and then you can follow up in the time it takes them to adjust to your new position.
In the video the dude playing lilith defeated a roland of higher level.
I don't mind that we don't have an mmo loot distro because for me thats wasted content. I'd want more guns/monsters/land then time setting up loot trading. You can see the stats of a gun before you pick it up, and if you don't play with cockbites it won't be an issue.
Especially with weapon skilling, only a real assclown would take a sweet assault rifle if they have a shit skill.
whoa, no loot swapping?? Do you literally have to go back to town and do a vendor swap?? Or can you drop stuff on the ground and then have a friend pick it up?
I want this game to come out right now so some of this stuff can be put to bed. It looks great. It sounds pretty awesome. I'd hate for them to have flinched at the last second and created some real deal breaking design flaws to simply get the game to market. It casts all the great music and PR stuff in a different light...
that's at least something.