Lurker attaaaaack. I am drawing a lot more recently and felt like having a place to put them.
The ones with lame emo glasses that look too young to be able to use the intarwebs are me, hopefully starting a daily/semi-daily self portrait routine. The last one on the bottom is the most recent and also the closest resemblance.
Life drawing on the train
Life drawing here, too
Most recent:
crits. I can take them like a trooper, dish them out as needed please. If I break the h-scroll on resolutions lower than 1280x1024, lemme know and I'll resize the culprit.
Otherwise good stuff, keep it up!
JJ Thomson is discovering the electron! From a poster in the physics room.
Things I saw in a dream this week
Super-cool fucked up lighting. My friend said that his tube thing looked like a giant cigar and vandalized it, haha.
This one was...well. To be honest, I haven't drawn any women/girls/any sort of female anything in a really long time. I don't know why, but I need to fix that, haha. I'm hoping to get some nude ref paintings done this week, at least.
Starting self portraits again tomorrow, I had finals this past week.