just read one through 3 and thats basically the entire story
And the entire story sucks.
WoT becomes bad around the second time you see "Rand" in print which is, what, three pages in?
Jordan knows how to use English, I'll give him that much. But what he does with it is so very ugly, I want to smash his fingers.
Less-refined writers like Weis/Hickman or Feist may not be able to craft the same poetic imagery as Jordan, but at least their stories are interesting on the whole.
This thread is woven with lies. Terrible, treacherous lies.
I had my hopes up that I could call my friend and crush his dreams of ever finishing the Wheel of Time series, since he always talks about it.
Fuck it, he's no where near a computer for atleast a week, I'm calling him and telling him that fucker's dead. He died in New Zealand in a terrible writing accident, that ended in a short fall from a high cliff followed by molestation by several small woodland creatures. Bastard's dead.
I've been told it is to literature what Lost is to television:
Much longer than it needs to be, with no end in sight. Unless of course the author dies and the publishing company slaps together a half finished book that ends with the plane crash being a metaphor for the end of the world, and the island representing a place for the troubled souls that need their issues worked out before they can pass on or some shit. That or it was all in the head of the crazy fat guy. Probably that one. There is a crazy fat guy in Wheel of Time right? There should be.
I've been told it is to literature what Lost is to television:
Much longer than it needs to be, with no end in sight. Unless of course the author dies and the publishing company slaps together a half finished book that ends with the plane crash being a metaphor for the end of the world, and the island representing a place for the troubled souls that need their issues worked out before they can pass on or some shit. That or it was all in the head of the crazy fat guy. Probably that one. There is a crazy fat guy in Wheel of Time right? There should be.
I remember, way back when, in 7th grade. I had to do a book report. Everyone else picked relatively easy books.
Not me.
I picked the first book of the Wheel of Time.
We got a couple weeks where we were told to read the book, but we also had other homework. Everyone else had about ~150 pages to read, so it was all right.
Me? I had 800+ pages.
Yeah, I got into page 100 or so, did a book report on that, and got an A.
I remember, way back when, in 7th grade. I had to do a book report. Everyone else picked relatively easy books.
Not me.
I picked the first book of the Wheel of Time.
We got a couple weeks where we were told to read the book, but we also had other homework. Everyone else had about ~150 pages to read, so it was all right.
Me? I had 800+ pages.
Yeah, I got into page 100 or so, did a book report on that, and got an A.
It's the wheel of the ages. With each spoke representing an age and the turning of the wheel the passing of time. Currently we are in the forth age, but this age is almost at an end.
What a gullibull!
JordynNolz.com <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!
He wrote Wheel of Fortune.
he'd be the worst zombie ever
all chasing the same dude
then he never gets around to it
your = belonging to you
their = belonging to them
there = not here
they're = they are
Wait, that was Bob Barker. Wrong Robert.
R. Jordan is the litfag that wrote Wheel of Time.
JordynNolz.com <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!
Oh. I hate those novels.
this is taking goddamn for-fucking-ever
AVI -> anything takes too long.
Xilisoft is pretty quick, I've found...I think there's a Xilisoft app that does AVI to DVD...I'd have to check.
just read one through 3 and thats basically the entire story
And the entire story sucks.
WoT becomes bad around the second time you see "Rand" in print which is, what, three pages in?
Jordan knows how to use English, I'll give him that much. But what he does with it is so very ugly, I want to smash his fingers.
Less-refined writers like Weis/Hickman or Feist may not be able to craft the same poetic imagery as Jordan, but at least their stories are interesting on the whole.
Truely a cunning criminal mastermind.
I had my hopes up that I could call my friend and crush his dreams of ever finishing the Wheel of Time series, since he always talks about it.
Fuck it, he's no where near a computer for atleast a week, I'm calling him and telling him that fucker's dead. He died in New Zealand in a terrible writing accident, that ended in a short fall from a high cliff followed by molestation by several small woodland creatures. Bastard's dead.
But for that brief and wonderful moment, there was hope.
edit: Actually, I do like some of the ideas (the repeating of ages, the mages and stuff) but the books just could not grab me at all.
I read the first 9 books or so.
10000 pages or so was enough.
Secret Satan
I've been told it is to literature what Lost is to television:
Much longer than it needs to be, with no end in sight. Unless of course the author dies and the publishing company slaps together a half finished book that ends with the plane crash being a metaphor for the end of the world, and the island representing a place for the troubled souls that need their issues worked out before they can pass on or some shit. That or it was all in the head of the crazy fat guy. Probably that one. There is a crazy fat guy in Wheel of Time right? There should be.
Not me.
I picked the first book of the Wheel of Time.
We got a couple weeks where we were told to read the book, but we also had other homework. Everyone else had about ~150 pages to read, so it was all right.
Me? I had 800+ pages.
Yeah, I got into page 100 or so, did a book report on that, and got an A.
ITT we go around in circles.
Wheel of Time
as read by Wilford Brimley
shit, it's been like four years, I don't remember shit
Legalize Abortion!
Pregnancy is a jewish conspiracy!
What the hell is a wheel of time?
A clock
Lord golds face - a blank survey
Women pleasure men at the wave of a golden hand
And turn to receive when it waves again
i'm pulling my hair so hard right now.
As soon as he dies, two more will take his place. Mark my words.
Okay. What happens between pages 3,457,267 and 3,457,269?