Post your Gamertags, PSN IDs, GGPO ID, 2dfighter.com IDs and what fighting games you play in here, and I'll try to keep shit more organized this time, instead of having a thread where I do nothing but insult humble.
Tekken 6 is out next week! I am stupidly excited for it. Buy it for the PS3 so you can play with Knob and me, and maybe Shoe if he decides to get it.
Random Tekken 6 videos:
[Xbox 360]
The Sneak! - PA The Sneak / Street Fighter IV, BlazBlue, Virtua Fighter 5, MvC2
Futore - Debellum / SFIV, MKvsDC, MvC2
Sars_Boy - Sarsboy / BlazBlue, Street Fighter IV
Arete - NinjaFrizz / Street Fighter IV, Soul Calibur IV, Virtua Fighter 5
Knob - KnobbonK / Street Fighter IV, SF2HD
Octopus Medley - dr radicalrobot / Street Fighter 4, BlazBlue, Marvel vs Capcom 2, HD Remix
RabidDeathMoose - RabidDeathMoose / Street Fighter IV
[PlayStation 3]
The Sneak! - TheSneak / BlazBlue, Tekken 6 eventually-ish
Kuribo's Shoe - kuribosshoe / Tekken 6, BlazBlue, MvC2
Devlin_Dragonus - devlin_dragonus / Soul Caliber IV, MKvsDC, MvC2, Tekken 5 DR, WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2010
Transporter - TransportX / Blazeblue, Tekken, Soul Calibur IV, Street Fighter IV
Arete - NinjaFrizz / Tekken 5: DR
Knob - KnobbonK / Tekken 5: DR, Tekken 6
AggroChan - Sillender / Street Fighter IV, BlazBlue, HD Remix, MvC2
The Sneak! - TheSneak / god I will play anything on this damn thing but mostly Street Fighter III and Final Fight
2dfighter.com is better so just play there
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
maybe i'll get Soul Calibur soon but I don't think anyone will play that anymore
kuribosshoe tekken/blazblue/mvc2
those last two I'm loath to play online though
I will also be playing Smackdown vs. Raw 2010 if any of you fucks is getting that
PSN/PS3 devlin_dragonus : Soul Caliber IV, MKvsDC, MVC2, Tekken 5 DR, WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2010
I'm not very good at it
Whenever a new Tekken comes out, it always makes me wanna give it another try but I've never really gotten into it. I think it has something to do with the animation and juggle mechanic. Something about seeing dudes float in the air while the other guy punches him in the feet/shins just rubs me the wrong way. I have a hard time with 3D fighters in general, though.
I probably just need to play 'em more.
Now that you've played BlazBlue and are familiar with getting air combo'd and normal combo'd into oblivion, I would say give Tekken 6 a shot.
And 2DF sucks.
that's balls, but I will still wrassle you guys.
SFIII is better on 2DF than GGPO, and that's all that matters as far as I'm concerned.
And SFIII works fine on GGPO for me. I mostly use it for Last Blade and Alpha anyway.
i play sf4 and 3rd strike and vampire saviour (or even hunter if anyone prefers that. i do) and the tekkens
oh and if we still doin' hdr, i'll play that
and fuckin' seriously 3rd strike is so much nicer on 2df, plus - saved replays
need to play vs on both
i need to get 2df going so I can play jojos with some people
For 360 - SFIV/Soul Calibur IV/Virtua Fighter 5
For PS3 - Tekken DR
Havent decided which console Im getting tekken 6 on
through the soundtrack only?
But if you insist:
even easier than listening to it in the game. you guys suck.
Q is such a cool guy I want him in IV