Link to old thread of awesome
Sold out for consoles right now. Out Oct 26th for PC's.
(Yes, we broke Steam).
Incredibly important things to get out the way so you won't embarrass yourself asking about them later;- Yes, you can respec your skill tree for a certain percent of your wealth. You go to a New-U station, which are pretty much everywhere (as soon as you enter a new area, you're next to one) and you can do it there for a certain percent of your wealth.
- You can play with people of a higher or lower level than yourself, you'll get mad XP if you're the lower level player
- You do get to upgrade you inventory space eventually, quite considerably
- NO ITS NOT (completely) LIKE FALLOUT 3 (just maybe a little in the visual department), NOW GO DIE.
On to the good stuff!
For all the Game info,
click on to see the old awesome OP. I'm using this one for the new awesome stuff. SO MUCH AWESOME *Cries*
Game Trailers!Gameplay videoComicCon 2009 trailerBorderlands is for REAL GAMERSBorderlands: Claptrap Web Series ep. 1Borderlands: Claptrap Web Series ep. 2
What's that? You wanna know who you can Play as? You didn't click the link you lazy jackass! Alright then, I'll give...
From left to right: Roland, Lilith, Mordecai, Brick
Roland is a former soldier of the Crimson Lance, a sort of highly trained private military that disregards law and order. A decade-old vendetta is rekindled when Roland learns that the leader of the Brigadiers has a suspiciously similar name to a man he has sworn to kill. Some of Roland's abilities are meant to supplement and support the party. His Leadership skill can boost the party's experience gains, while his Medical skill will increase health regeneration, and Support will increase weapon damage or regenerate ammunition for the party, Roland is a soldier class and the only class that doesn't have to worry about ammo as a special backpack produces an infinite supply.
Once a human, Lilith at one point was turned into a siren. One of only six Sirens, they are a group of people with unbelievable powers, but no way to control them. She comes to Pandora in search of another Siren, in an effort to find out more about herself. Lilith is essentially the mage of the group, using her Siren powers to support the group and attack the enemy. Some of her powers include the ability to increase the group's rate of fire, as well as the power to create temporal bubbles, which she can manipulate to slow down enemies and hostile projectiles or speed up allies.
Mordecai came to Pandora in search of a man from his past named Demosthenes. Upon learning that Demosthenes has died, Mordecai sets off to learn how he died and what he was carrying. Mordecai's play style is that of a lone ranger, preferring to snipe enemies from afar. Some of his special abilities can augment the party's damage from headshots or give accuracy boosts and is a hunter class. Later in the game, he will befriend a bird-like creature named Bloodwing that will assist in combat.
A massive specimen of a man who likes to use his fists to smash the enemy above all else. He wears a necklace adorned with the paw of his beloved deceased dog. He fills in the tank niche and can take quite a beating as well having the ability to chug berserker-state inducing pills for short bursts of power.
You can play with up to four other players, regardless of which class they went with. You want a team of tanks? Y'all roll Bricks'. XP is given equally but loot is free for all, shoot your own team if you have to get it before them. ( I don't recommend that, unless you're Roland and are actually healing them). There is a PvP mode of deathmatch but its not what you bought the game for.
Let's start with Steam
XBOX 360 MetaTag Second
(simply add the tag and view the friends list of the tag, only PA'ers have this tag added so you'll only play with PA'ers. Smart, yes?
PA BorderwangsPSN NAME-O'S
(PM me if you want in on the list). Alright, it's PA forum names first and the PSN names. You better get the reference! *shakes fist*
Clayburn as
Doctor Fink as
John Zoidberg as
Antihippy as
Flo as
Lord_Asmodeus as
DasUberEdward as
Shorn Scrotum Man as
sojakfaElKaboom as himself
Bullfrogof7272 as himself
Johannen as himself
dantree as himself
And finally, a variant of this is in the game.
Oh yes.
"Keep away from guns that try to belittle your ambitions. Small guns always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great."
"Great works are performed, not by strength, but by great aim."
Edit: My templive name (since I don't have gold on my actual live account) is RoyalDanblaze. Feel free to add me I'm sure I'll be leveling my 16 Roland here in a bit.
Don't count on it
I'm hoping my American gift version of Borderlands activates the 26th.
Most shotguns deal wit Rakks quite easily.
Yeah I'm not holding out for that either.
I have to go to a stag do next weekend as well so I can't be shooting any mans. I will get to shoot some clay pigeons though so it kind of makes up for it. I might take some tape and random items to strap to the gun they give me so I can feel like I'm playing borderlands.
I want to know more PA people on Twitter.
"Okay, I'll just take this spork... and this croquet mallet... and this tea cup. Voila! Melee damage x3 and corrosive damage!"
Was in the GT review anyways.
We are going to a country home so the croquet mallet and the tea cup are a definite possibility, sporks are a little low brow but I could stuff the barrell with the finest silverware!
I want to know more PA people on Twitter.
probably the other way for HD sets
Then it'd be + damage to werewolves!
...oh god I can't wait for that zombie expansion.
does that ever remind me of diablo 1
I cant wait to start playing this on pc, I got some time in on the 360 and this game is awesome.
I heard something was broke with lilliths shift and needs a patch, is that true?
And fuck elemental skags. Right in the face. Running three way co-op, all around level 16-18 and we did that Arena three round challenge. Last level we had to fight two level 19 Badass Fire Skags. My goddamn sniper rifle was the only thing that could damage them, and it's a white gun!
Also - I know it's probably been mentioned before, but, for anyone who fires me a game/party invite and I don't respond - it's not that I don't like you! It's just I'm probably running a four player co-op game.
Right now two of my buddies from home have this, so we run a three player co-op, but if I see someone shoot me a game invite, i'll fire one back in return in hopes it's just a dude looking to play, since then we can get a fourth person!
Moe and Marley: x3 cold damage repeater with a huge ROF.
King Wee: 94 x9 shotgun (2 round clip, but who is going to hang out next to that guy?)
Rakk Hive: 394 x3, x4 fire damage rocket launcher.
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
The guns are great, I love how the weapons feel unique not just re-skins. I really like the pace of fighting. I love how the fighting isn't based on dice rolls. I love how this game feeds my OCD of opening every container I come across, much like Fallout. But the containers in this game all have stuff in them, and they respawn! I like how my turret can hold aggro for me. I like how from what I've seen so far, the enemies will fight each other. Everyone doesn't just hate me, I'm looking at you Far Cry 2.
I haven't had a chance to play MP yet, still waiting on an acceptance from the metatag. I haven't made it to a point where I can try out the vehicles yet either. I can't wait to get off of work today, so I can play this all night. My wife won't be home til late, so I can get some solid quality time with this.
How's the single player? My schedule is so erratic that the chances of playing with friends is pretty low (which has kept me away from games like L4D). Reviews seem to focus on multiplayer.
this was indeed a fucking hard mission. those fire skags can eat a dick.
if we didn't have a siren i don't know who we would have beaten this shit.
At this point in the game (level 19), me and my friends have only found weapons that do normal/fire/shock/explosive, and no good explosive one's as it is. We still need to do the Moe and Whatshisface mission, and they kicked our ass last time.
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
I don't think I've played long enough to pick up on this. But I did notice when I was running low on 'nades or health, or ammo. The game would throw those items at me. So what you're seeing very well may be the case.
i'm not sure what weapon would be best, but as a berzerker when i see them i activate my punchy mode and start jabbing a ton. takes them down in a few good punches.
My suggestion is to concentrate on killing one of them first, then combining fire on the other. I killed the fire guy, then just rocketed the other one over the course of several minutes until he died.
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
No. Kusanku
For anyone who is still holding out on purchasing Borderlands, what is wrong with you? Do you not like fun?
anyone wanna get a game going?
edit: Or maybe our bad timing combined into one large mass of bad timing.
I'll admit the game looked cool as shit in the original Game Informer exclusive and don't get me wrong, the art direction is fine as is but I was really looking forward to the grim alien world that was shown in the magazine.
As it stands my buddy is going to let me borrow his GF rental over the weekend and I'll get some good time in before Forza 3, but it dropped off my purchase list once I saw some gameplay videos. Kusanku
nice. i feel like a dick.
i was making breakfast man!