The New Xbox Update
(available currently to people who signed up for the preview)
Adds Facebook, Twitter,, Zune, and a bunch of other misc features.
The Facebook app is actually pretty decent. You access it via the new "My Community" heading on the dashboard.
After supplying your email and password (it does
not have to be the same as your gamertag email), you are presented with the home page. You can save your password for automatic login, by the way.
That leftmost tile rotates through the most recent updates as you would see them in your browser, I think it's roughly the last 25.
You can quickly press X to update your status:
Nothing fancy there. Chatpad/keyboard is highly recommended for anything longer than two sentences.
You can easily look at your photos. By the way, this is like.. the 3rd or 4th method of viewing pictures on your Xbox. Make up your damn mind, Microsoft. Anyway, you see them by album.
After you click on an album, you get a thumbnail overview like so:
By the way, yes you can read and leave comments on photos.
Your custom news feeds are available from LIVE:
Other people's status updates have a simple interface for like/commenting, and you can see the first comment or two under each:
Status that I've already "liked":
Finally, there's a method to find friends list people to add to Facebook, and vice versa. But it doesn't work yet because I think I'm the only one on my FL that has the update at the moment.
- You can see photos that are attached to updates
- You can see thumbnails of Facebook video posts, but not actually watch the video
- You cannot see any Facebook Application updates (games like Farmville, etc)
All in all a pretty nice feature, well put together, although it'd be nice if we could at least watch Facebook videos, since Microsoft should be able to sandbox those.
Twitter is the most simple update of all the new features, and you also don't need to download it like you do all the other ones. It launches directly from it's dashboard tab:
Login screen. Of interesting note, all these new apps will all show the password field with a lot more asterisks than your password actually is. IE if you somehow have a 4 character password, it'll still show like, 12.
This is what the home screen looks like. Plain and simple, but that's pretty much how Twitter rolls.
The tweet update screen:
You can easily view trending topics, like so:
So I selected #Windows7 and got to this tweet:
This is what happens when you hit Retweet. Note, it's kind of annoying that there's no character counter when inputting tweets.
This is what you see when you look at the updater's profile. Full functionality here, pretty good.
- You cannot have tweets pop up during gameplay/watching movies/etc. Honestly, I wish they would do this, because I know Messenger can do it. You have to go into the dashboard app to use it and view them.
- Twitter shows Xbox update as "from Xbox LIVE". Just if you wanted to know.
It's under "Music Marketplace" after you download it.
Home screen. It's all dark and emo. And yes your eyes do not deceive you, ZELDA ON XBOX!!!11111one
You get the same slideshows as the browser version, with the block, hearting, stopping and skipping. You press X to focus/unfocus the control bar.
Information tab for currently playing music. If you go all the way to the right, there's "Similiar Artists" and tags, so you can easily jump around to other music.
They have some predefined categories. Like "Gamer Music":
Scroll over and they also feature some video game composers. For example, Marty O'Donnell/Salvotori (of Halo fame), and Koji Kondo (Zelda, Mario, etc) are featured over here. Selecting their tiles starts a station of similiar music.
You can view your recent stations easily, and it updates immediately once you select a new tag/artist:
Of note, it appears you can switch accounts in here, so in theory a family only needs one gold accounts to use all of their profiles
- stream quality is great, comes on in about 3-5 seconds.
- you cannot stream outside of this app. The music will shut off once you go back to dashboard. So if you wanna stream while playing Xbox, you still have to use your computer.
- this is a complaint in general, but I tried to find game specific songs and just got way too much OC Remixes. If I could ban all OCRemix songs from showing up, that'd be spectacular.
- it seems it cannot decide between showing japanese names in japanese characters or the english equivalents. So if you search for Koji Kondo, you're only going to get his stuff that has been tagged with the english version of his name, because you can't put in japanese characters.
Zune Marketplace
Honestly, not that much to write home about. It's pretty much the same interface as their previous video marketplace and Netflix, except now you can actually buy the movies, and now you have to download an app to do so. I wish Microsoft would choose a damn video solution and stick with it. Also it's kinda funny since the Netflix app directly competes with their own app, since you can just stream the TV shows via netflix instead of buying them with Zune.
News and More
I actually originally thought this wasn't available yet, but it is. I had a hard time finding it because it's buried way deep in Inside Xbox for some reason.
Note, the Dilbert is clips from the cartoon, not actual strips. It's all video here.
Viewing MSNBC's selection:
Watching a video clip from Brian William's show.
Just showing you where I found it under Inside Xbox.
So yeah, if this is supposed to be an answer to the Wii News and Weather channels, it hasn't been executed that well. It needs to be it's own top level option, they need to remove all the useless 'information' tiles from that section, and I didn't see weather anywhere. It's still easier to use Nintendo's channels than digging this stuff up out of the depths of Inside Xbox. Just my opinion.
Halo: WaypointClick here for my writeup on Waypoint.
Any idea how the HD quality is on streaming movies? I know they're trying to say that Streaming HD is how they're competing with Bluray but (being a picky videophile) I'm somewhat concerned about the bitrate. It's all very well having HD resolution but you need the bit rate to back it up.
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
Tried Facebook and Last.FM
Interesting, feels weird doing this stuff on my 360, but Last.FM especially will get a LOT of use.
Facebook needs some work, it's a bit clunky, but full-size photos is a refreshing change.
Last.FM though, I clicked the "ban song" button, and can't seem to find anywhere on the Last.FM website where I can see what I banned...
Yeah, I accidentally banned a song. This is the only answer they have about that:
And yeah, I don't want to joing your Mafia of vampire hunting farmers.
So those things don't work on the 360? GREAT. I don't have to worry about my wife taking over once I show her the one more cool thing the xbox can do.
Origin: theRealElMucho
Yeah I checked that too, 'cept I couldn't find any songs with "banned" in the cog drop-down. I definitely clicked a couple, hope they haven't been blocked for good...
Also, us lot in the UK get the Sky Player next week, yay!
I can't tell because I think this update isn't available for preview in Canada. I'd assume if you can use the web marketplace for Zune on your PC from Canada, the Xbox version will work.
I got an email about joining the preview and filled all my info in and I didn't get any messages about not being able to take part in the preview. When did the preview go live?
I'm pretty sure the last time I checked I wasn't able to use the Zune marketplace on my PC. I was pretty excited about being able to use the Zune marketplace on my xbox now I will be sad
Origin: theRealElMucho
They're sending out invites in "waves" so more people should get invites soon, I guess.
here's hopin'
I'm going to assume it's not in Canada, because the CRTC doesn't want us to have nice things.
Also, some of these things, like Facebook and Twitter, seem pointless to have on the 360, and just seem like they're there as trendy bullshit.
Kinda, I've never really used Twitter so I don't know much about that, but the 360-Facebook connection might be interesting. I'm not sure that I want the two to meet, personally. But might end up being quite cool in a "oh-shit-sweet-dude-didn't-know-you-had-a-360" kinda way.
thumbs up for listening to crystal castles fyre
Good times.
Great OP though.
I posted a single tweet.
I turned off my console, had dinner.
I came back four hours later, powered it on, and... System Error E 74.
Goodbye Xbox 360 #2, it's been fun.
PS: Xbox LIVE support website says it'll cost $99.00 to repair, though I'm sure a call to their support lines tomorrow when they're open will get it done for free. Still, I imagine I'll be at Best Buy within a week.
Don't have a Facebook or Twitter. Or Zune (hahahaha)
3DS Friend Code: 2165-6448-8348 www.Twitch.TV/cooljammer00
Battle.Net: JohnDarc#1203 Origin/UPlay: CoolJammer00
Everyone's calling for that. Since it seems to run as a separate application I'm not sure how easy it'd be, but it would absolutely rock if they could do it.
Edit: I don't mean anyone HERE. I mean like anyone ever.
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
I can watch NBC Nightly News from my 360? Awesome!