Hark Brothers! It's released for everything! Except Europe.Incredibly important things to get out the way so you won't embarrass yourself asking about them later;- Yes, you can respec your skill tree for a certain percent of your wealth. You go to a New-U station, which are pretty much everywhere (as soon as you enter a new area, you're next to one) and you can do it there for a certain percent of your wealth.
- You can play with people of a higher or lower level than yourself, you'll get mad XP if you're the lower level player
- You do get to upgrade you inventory space eventually, quite considerably
- Make no mistake, Gearbox made this an AWESOME single player game first and then a FUCKAWESOME multiplayer game second.
- NO ITS NOT (completely) LIKE FALLOUT 3 (just maybe a little in the visual department), NOW GO DIE.
For all the Game info,
click on to see the old awesome OP.
Awesome-tastic Videos!
Gameplay videoComicCon 2009 trailerBorderlands is for REAL GAMERSBorderlands: Claptrap Web Series ep. 1Borderlands: Claptrap Web Series ep. 2
What's that? You wanna know who you can Play as? You didn't click the link you lazy jackass! Alright then, I'll give...
From left to right: Roland, Lilith, Mordecai, Brick
Roland is a former soldier of the Crimson Lance, a sort of highly trained private military that disregards law and order. A decade-old vendetta is rekindled when Roland learns that the leader of the Brigadiers has a suspiciously similar name to a man he has sworn to kill. Some of Roland's abilities are meant to supplement and support the party. His Leadership skill can boost the party's experience gains, while his Medical skill will increase health regeneration, and Support will increase weapon damage or regenerate ammunition for the party, Roland is a soldier class and the only class that doesn't have to worry about ammo as a special backpack produces an infinite supply.
Once a human, Lilith at one point was turned into a siren. One of only six Sirens, they are a group of people with unbelievable powers, but no way to control them. She comes to Pandora in search of another Siren, in an effort to find out more about herself. Lilith is essentially the mage of the group, using her Siren powers to support the group and attack the enemy. Some of her powers include the ability to increase the group's rate of fire, as well as the power to create temporal bubbles, which she can manipulate to slow down enemies and hostile projectiles or speed up allies.
Mordecai came to Pandora in search of a man from his past named Demosthenes. Upon learning that Demosthenes has died, Mordecai sets off to learn how he died and what he was carrying. Mordecai's play style is that of a lone ranger, preferring to snipe enemies from afar. Some of his special abilities can augment the party's damage from headshots or give accuracy boosts and is a hunter class. Later in the game, he will befriend a bird-like creature named Bloodwing that will assist in combat.
A massive specimen of a man who likes to use his fists to smash the enemy above all else. He wears a necklace adorned with the paw of his beloved deceased dog. He fills in the tank niche and can take quite a beating as well having the ability to chug berserker-state inducing pills for short bursts of power.
You can play with up to four other players, regardless of which class they went with. You want a team of tanks? Y'all roll Bricks'. XP is given equally but loot is free for all, shoot your own team if you have to get it before them. ( I don't recommend that, unless you're Roland and are actually healing them). There is a PvP mode of deathmatch but its not what you bought the game for.
For alls yous PC guys...
How to change FOV:
>> my documents\games\borderlands\willowgame
open willowinput.ini
Bindings=(Name="F10",Command="FOV 90",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False)
add it amongst the other bindings, change the fov to whatever you want and switch it by the corresponding keys
How to turn off In-Game Voice Chat:
>> my documents\games\borderlands\willowgame
open willowengine.ini
find bHasVoiceEnabled=true
change it to false and you wont be transmitting voice all the time. Then you can use a better voice chat system, like Steam VOIP or Ventrilo. At least until Gearbox decides to patch this version up :P
(shamelessly stolen from the GBX forums ;-))
If the mouse feels odd to you, try this:
>> my documents\games\borderlands\willowgame
open willowinput.ini
Find bEnableMouseSmoothing=true, change to false
How to turn off the opening splash screens, brought to you by TetraNitroCubane:
1) Navigate to My Documents\My Games\Borderlands\WillowGame\Config
2) Open WillowEngine.ini
3) Search for "FullScreenMovie"
4) Erase all the entries in the [FullScreenMovie] section (Do not go past the next section title, wrapped in square brackets!)
5) Make the file read only: (Right click, properties, read only)
6) Done! All you see now is the engine logos and such (much better than seeing all the other videos).
Zoom Toggle
Within WillowInput.ini:
Put the text below under [WillowGame.WillowPlayerInput]
Bindings=(Name="ZoomIn",Command="StartAltFire | setbind ThumbMouseButton zoomout",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,LeftT rigger=False,RightTrigger=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False, bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)
Bindings=(Name="ZoomOut",Command="StopAltFire | setbind ThumbMouseButton zoomin",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,LeftTr igger=False,RightTrigger=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,b IgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)
Bindings=(Name="ThumbMouseButton",Command="zoomout ",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,LeftTrig ger= False,RightTrigger=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnore Shift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)
Bindings=(Name="ZoomIn",Command="StartAltFire | setbind RightMouseButton zoomout",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,LeftT rigger=False,RightTrigger=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False, bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)
Bindings=(Name="ZoomOut",Command="StopAltFire | setbind RightMouseButton zoomin",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,LeftTr igger=False,RightTrigger=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,b IgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)
Also Find:
Bindings=(Name="RightMouseButton",Command="advance dbutton bAdvancedButtonAux5",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt =False,LeftTrigger=False,RightTrigger=False,bIgnor eCtrl=False,bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)
and Replace with:
Bindings=(Name="RightMouseButton",Command="zoomin" ,Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,LeftTrigger=F alse,RightTrigger=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnoreS hift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)
To host an online game, the following ports need to be opened / pushed to the host's internal IP address:
6500 (TCP/UDP)
9989 (TCP/UDP)
7777 (TCP/UDP)
28900 (TCP)
27900 (UDP)
28910 (TCP)
STEAM Group, Bitches!XBOX 360 MetaTag Second
(simply add the tag and view the friends list of the tag, only PA'ers have this tag added so you'll only play with PA'ers. Smart, yes?
PA Borderwangs
Or if that one is full,
PA WanglandsPSN NAME-O'S
(PM me if you want in on the list). Alright, it's PA forum names first and the PSN names. You better get the reference! *shakes fist*)
Clayburn as
Doctor Fink as
John Zoidberg as
Antihippy as
Flo as
Lord_Asmodeus as
DasUberEdward as
-Loki- as
Shorn Scrotum Man as
Threepio as
stlobus as
KidDynamite as
wenchkilla as
GoodOmens as
IsotopeXElKaboom as himself
Bullfrogof7272 as himself
Johannen as himself
maraxus94 as himself
Ah_Pook as himself
SKILL TREES, MOTHER FUCKERS!BRICKLILITHMORDECAIROLANDElemental Damage, Weapons, and You!Incendiary elemental property adds the effect of fire to weapons, mods, shields and some enemies. It is most effective against unshielded, flesh enemies, such as Bruisers and Skags. Incendiary weapons bullet burst into flames when they impact. When a fire element triggers, the enemy is lit on fire, dealing damage over time. If the enemy dies due to fire damage, their corpse will burn away.
Corrosive weapons cause splashes of acid to corrode at enemies. Corrosive weapons are effective against heavily armored enemies, like Skags or Spiderants. When a corrosive weapon's effect triggers, the enemy will start to take damage over time. The damage is less than that of a fire weapon of the same level, but the corrosive damage also makes the enemy more vulnerable to all damage while it is in effect. Enemies that die to corrosive damage will melt away.
Shock weapons crackle with electricity and are very effective against shields, making them useful against shielded bandits and alien guardians. Shock bullets will crack with electricity when they impact. When a shock weapon's effect triggers, high damage is dealt to the enemy's shield and they take damage over time. If an enemy dies to shock damage, their face burns away and reveals their skull.
Explosive weapons' bullets explode when they impact, making them very effective against groups of lesser enemies. The explosions deal splash damage to nearby enemies when the effect triggers. Enemies that die to an explosive weapon blow into pieces.
Levels of Effect: The level of elemental effect on your gun effects two things:
1. How likely an element effect is to occur
2. How likely a more powerful element effect is to occur
So higher element level means there is more potential for you to score elemental attacks and more potential for them to be largely damaging.
Now on to the extremely interesting part, how each weapon scores and elemental hit:
Snipers: By far one of the most interesting, Snipers actually charge their element between shots. So the longer between your shots, the higher the chance is of a high elemental effect.
Revolvers: Slightly interesting as well, with a Revolver it's just a roll of the dice. Almost every shot will have element to it, but most times it will be a low level. Keep shooting and you're likely to hit the jackpot and score a high element burst.
SMG/Repeater Pistol: Each bullet has a chance to inflict the gun's max element effect.
Combat Rifle/Machine Pistol: The first few shots of a burst will have higher chances to inflict a high level element effect.
Shotgun: Another gamble with elemental damage but a bit different from the Revolver. With Shotguns it's: all pellets have an elemental effect or none of the pellets have an elemental effect.
Rocket Launcher: Always scores a high rank elemental effect.
Rarity! From Bestest to Worstest!PearlDark OrangeOrangeYellowPurpleBlueGreenWhiteUnderstanding Flavor Text!
Found in the stats boxes of guns are sometimes cryptic or humorous messages. These lines indicate a certain effect on the gun. Several decoded messages are as follows:
Unrelenting Firepower - Regenerates ammo [Revolvers]
Never Stop Shooting - Regenerates Ammo [Repeater Pistols]
Hallelujah! - Regenerates Ammo [SMGs]
I Can Do This All Day... - Regenerates Ammo [Shotguns]
Hold Your Ground... Forever - Regenerates Ammo [Combat Rifles]
Sometimes, I Forget To Reload - unlimited clip/ammo
Bring The HEAT! - Explosive Rounds [Revolvers]
We Don't Need No Water... : Explosive Rounds [SMGs]
Feel the Sting - Fires two bullets per one ammo [Sniper Rifles]
A Lead Wind Blows... - Fires two bullets per one ammo [SMGs]
2 More Bullets Makes All The Difference - Fires two bullets per one ammo [Combat Rifles]
Fast Hands - Super fast reload
Ride the Wave Dude! - Bullets follow a wave pattern up and down as they go out from the gun
Cross Their Heart, Hope They Die - Spread follows a cross-shaped pattern. [Shotguns]
And they call me maaaaaaaaaaad! - Bullets zig-zag when fired. [Revolvers]
The ultimate close quarters feline. - Bullets follow a spiral path when fired. [SMGs]
Holy Crap, It Shoots Rockets! - shoots rockets intermittently while firing. [Shotguns] (Uses the weapon's ammo type, not actual rockets)
Big Tony says "Hi" - Massive Clip [Repeater Pistols]
Guns of the Revolution never fall silent. - Massive Clip. [Combat Rifles]
One Bad Dog - Massive Clip [Shotguns]
Be Careful Not to Drop It... Might Lose A Toe - +100% Melee Damage. [Repeater Pistols]
Beware The Horde - Once fired, one rocket becomes several. The longer the rockets travel, the more they split, which can lead to 20+ rockets for a single shot! [Rocket Launchers] (Sort of like a MIRV warhead.)
Monster Kill! - Fires several rockets simultaneously with each trigger pull. [Rocket Launchers] (Still only uses one ammo per shot.)
The Unstoppable Force! - Rockets periodically explode in mid-flight. [Rocket Launchers] (Note the rocket continues traveling to hit its mark, regardless of how many times it explodes in flight.)
It Dives! - Rockets have an arced trajectory. [Rocket Launchers]
Why Don't You Go Shoot Yourself An Elephant? - Massive Damage; No Scope [Sniper Rifles]
The Cutting Edge - Shots have a chance to ignore shields.
Pele needs a sacrifice! - Massive Fire Damage.
Give Sick. - High chance for Corrosive damage; effect has a chance to transfer to nearby enemies.
I Have You In My Eye Sir (Massive Zoom, Seen on a white sniper rifle)
The All-Seeing Eye. - Massive Weapon Zoom. [Combat Rifles]
Sniper Rifles are for Chumps. - High Accuracy; Tight Pellet Spread [Shotguns]
Sniper Killer... Qu'est que c'est - Fully Automatic. [Sniper Rifles] (Reference to the song Psycho Killer by the Talking Heads, the lyrics are "Psycho killer, qu'est-ce que c'est?" The phrase is French, Un ami, qu'est-ce que c'est?)
Lightning never strikes the same place twice, but it can strike freaking everywhere! - Area-of-Effect Shock [Alien Rifles/Eridian]
"I feel like I'm gonna break this thing." - Slows walking speed; Causes Massive Shock Damage [Alien Rifles/Eridian] (Reference to the movie 'Men In Black'; Specifically, the ridiculously-powerful miniature handgun, 'The Noisy Cricket')
BAM!BAM!BAM!BAM!BAM! - While scoped, fires the entire clip in one burst. [Sniper Rifles]
The Destructor has come. - While scoped, fires the entire clip in one burst. [Combat Rifles]
Invade your skull. - While scoped, fires the entire clip in one burst. [Repeater Pistols]
A beast of many forms - Fire, Lightning, and Poison. - Bullets alternate between the 3 elemental damage types on every shot. [Revolvers]
Make Their Brains Hurt - Each shot fires a shotgun-like burst. [Sniper Rifles]
Aim for the Sniper - Better accuracy while scoped. [Shotguns]
Walk It Off - Chance to score a Critical Hit on an enemy's legs. [Sniper rifles]
For the Motherland - Grenades deal 10 times their usual damage.
A hunter lives among the stars... - Chance to do Random Shock Damage in vicinity of user when fired. [Sniper Rifles]
Five Heads of Death - Each shot fires five tightly-grouped bursts, spaced out along a horizontal path. (Example) [Shotguns]
Have A Nice Day - Shots create a 'smiley-face' pattern.
Your Move, Creep - Fires a three-round burst per one ammo [Repeater Pistols] (References the movie Robocop; the clue is one of the character's catchphrases, and the three-round burst is indicative of his signature sidearm, the Auto-9)
Unknown Effects
Ahhh... Fresh Meat (Possibly a Transfusion effect?)
I Got Boohoo
Long and Strong (Speculated: Shots inflict a powerful Damage-Over-Time effect, which lasts a very long time)
PEW PEW PEW! (Chance for a bullet to home in on a target?) [Alien Rifles/Eridian]
Bring Out Your Dead!
I LIKE IT! (Chance for Massive Explosive Damage? [Sniper Rifles]?)
It's a painful thing.
Omnia Vincit Amor(latin: Love dominates all) (Speculated that this has a chance to turn enemies into allies for a few seconds, but this is untested and unconfirmed)
The living legend.
Thwack! (Daze Effect? Shield Bypass?) [Sniper Rifles]
It's a helluva thing...
War is in your blood.
May God have mercy on my enemies, because I won't. - [Revolvers]
Gonna cook someone today. - (From 'The Roaster' off of Taylor Kobb)
010011110100110101000111 - (Eridian Sniper Rifle? From '10100 Cannon' (Side note: Decodes into 'OMG' in english. )
Smack 'Em
Pain Heals
Drop The Hammer!
Tear it Up!
Double Whammy! [Repeater Pistols]
It rises! [Leviathan Rocket Launcher] (Arched trajectory. Similar to It dives?)
I Spy with my little eye - Seen on "The Spy" SMG.
Artist's rendition of how awesome Borderlands is:
Also, get used to making this face every time you open a weapons crate:
Did you know this is what Borderlands looked like before the awesome redesign?
"Keep away from guns that try to belittle your ambitions. Small guns always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great."
"Great works are performed, not by strength, but by great aim."
"You can get much farther with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone. "
A Capellan's favorite sheath for any blade is your back.
The OP that is.
I haven't played Borderlands..
is it good?
PM me if you're interested!
This make my borderlands boner very close to asplosion.
You've tried Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Target, etc?
Also, my Pearl weapon stats.
Pearl Shotgun
Damage: 46x9
Accuracy: 45.8
Fire Rate: 0.6
Magazine: 6
Plus 15% damage
Minus 52 recoil reduction
Minus: 25% fire rate.
It's served me well so far.
Borderlands is better than having an extra $34 in your pocket. Someone needs to help this man out.
And can I get an invite me to the Steam group? Thanks!
2 Walmarts,1 zellers, 1 toysrus, 1 staples, 3 best buy, 2 futurshop, local Willow video, 2 blockbusters, 4 EBGames *edit*Amazon.ca is out to
I my exploding Bloodwing. Whoever decided to add elemental effects to the special abilities isn't being paid enough.
GT is Gathlayo
Godspeed, Ironsides.
but instead of waking up to presents it's waking up to shooting people in the face all day.
Exploding face presents! My favorite kind!
I find Fire is awesome enough for most mobs, and shock is useless. Explosion hasn't done enough damage for me to be impressed with it on Bloodwing... and that's with the level 2 artifact, compared with the level 1 fire.
Spent all evening cooping with the missus. She's hooked. She'll be looking for online coop partners when I'm not here to.. satisfy her. Please be gentle.
GT: batshido
She's got a level 16 Siren right now. Elemental spec, because she loves setting doodz on fire. She'll likely be on Tuesday night when I'm in class.
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
Edit: Beat'd
There's nothing quite like watching Bloodwing causing fatal explosion damage to mercs in vehicles.
edit: having said that, I'm not sure what it would mean for the game, especially given that I, again, don't know what gun that's attached to. Bill Munny had a knack for for beating insurmountable odds in gunfights, typically with just a revolver and generally drunk. That line is said shortly before the final showdown of the movie, in which his shotgun misfires.
Really miffed that the Spy's flavor text isn't known.
Godspeed, Ironsides.
Cap- 272
Recharge- 54
But the main reason I am still using it is this- Quick Health Regen.
It effectively regens my health about as fast as my shields recharge.