
WoW FPS Problem (Laptop Issue)

MertzyMertzy Registered User regular
edited October 2009 in Help / Advice Forum
I bought a new laptop back in August and have been playing WoW on it. It was running pretty well on lower settings at first, but I think it's been gradually been getting worse. My fps is roughly 1-3 during boss fights, and it used to be much better.

Any thoughts?

Mertzy on


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    GafferoGaffero Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Have you checked for a buildup of dust on your fans? Or better yet, are your fans in working order? Do you have an idea of what your GPU/Core temperatures are under load (via SpeedFan or a related utility)?

    Gaffero on
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    RUNN1NGMANRUNN1NGMAN Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Did you disable all addons and see if that helps?

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    ascannerlightlyascannerlightly Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    i misread the title of this thread and threw up in my mouth a little bit

    have you ever taken the laptop apart and can-o-air dusted off the boards/cards ?

    ascannerlightly on
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    MertzyMertzy Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    i misread the title of this thread and threw up in my mouth a little bit

    have you ever taken the laptop apart and can-o-air dusted off the boards/cards ?

    It's brand new...would I have to do that so soon?

    Mertzy on
    THE END.
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    GafferoGaffero Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    I would download SpeedFan (http://www.almico.com/speedfan.php) so we can crunch some numbers together. It's possible that there's a buildup of dust, but that's relative to where you have your laptop.


    -Do you have a cooling pad? Is your laptop slightly elevated for air flow/ventilation?
    -Maybe make a mention of your CPU and GPU. Try updating/rolling-back drivers if that's an option.

    Gaffero on
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    MertzyMertzy Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    I'm currently running an Intel Core 2 Duo, T6500 @ 2.10Ghz. I don't have a cooling pad at the moment and I live in an older house (50 years maybe) so that could be a factor I suppose.

    Speedfan seems to be a pretty cool program, but I can't figure out how to find my GPU.

    Mertzy on
    THE END.
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    ascannerlightlyascannerlightly Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Mertzy wrote: »
    i misread the title of this thread and threw up in my mouth a little bit

    have you ever taken the laptop apart and can-o-air dusted off the boards/cards ?

    It's brand new...would I have to do that so soon?
    couldn't hurt (unless it's under warranty). a sizeable dust bunny could have been sucked into the fan. also, smoking in a room with computers makes them dirtier than alot of people realize.

    ascannerlightly on
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