
What type of film should i buy for my Holga 120n?

JazzBlackJazzBlack Registered User regular
edited October 2009 in Help / Advice Forum
Just recently decided to enduldge in a Holga camera, was just wondering what kind of film whould be best, as i am completly new to using film cameras.

The user manual says it takes 120 medium format film but a quick search on ebay leaves me confused with the different types. Any advice?

JazzBlack on


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    SosSos Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Black and white or color?

    Sos on
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    flapjackflapjack Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    JazzBlack wrote: »
    Just recently decided to enduldge in a Holga camera, was just wondering what kind of film whould be best, as i am completly new to using film cameras.

    The user manual says it takes 120 medium format film but a quick search on ebay leaves me confused with the different types. Any advice?

    120 film is a larger, squarish film that comes on a spool. You can order it online from, say, B&H or you can usually find rolls at camera shops. Local ones are usually the best bet, followed by the chain stores.

    You can get 120 film in either B&W or color, but if you want the typical light leak and weird coloration effects that Holgas bring to the table, you'll want color film. In the end the choice is yours, though.

    flapjack on
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    JazzBlackJazzBlack Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    either, want to try both B&W and colour

    edit: o and by the way its on a budget, so any advice on where to get it cheap would be apreciated. im thinking shopping around on ebay would be my best bet

    JazzBlack on

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    SosSos Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    This can really change on how you want your images to turn out. Film photography is a nice hobby but it has a small learning curve. Also experimenting is good. Since you got a holga you should be aware that you're first few rolls won't be very good if you haven't messed with film much.

    Here is some good ISO 400 black and white film. I experimented with 4 kinds and settled on this one. If you're going outside in bright sunlight get some ISO 100.

    For color: If you're just starting out go negative. 400 is always a good speed with 100 for bright sunlight. VC and NC are purely up to preference. It has been awhile but I'm pretty sure I used this

    EDIT: As for the budget thing: well, film isn't the most budget friendly hobby. You may have to do a send out to get it processed if you don't have you're own stuff which can be 10-20 dollars per roll. I guess shop around for different brands from kodak. I think depending on where you're at Agfa may be a good bet. I don't know anything about the UK so that will just take a little bit of snooping.

    Sos on
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    DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited October 2009
    flapjack wrote: »
    if you want the typical light leak and weird coloration effects that Holgas bring to the table, you'll want color film.

    Also if you can find "expired" film as well. I have a 35mm back for my holga and used some film that expired about 5 years prior during one of my photography classes, the results were positive 8-)

    Unknown User on
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    JazzBlackJazzBlack Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    thanks for the advice ill have a shop around.

    JazzBlack on

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    mtsmts Dr. Robot King Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    another good trustworthy camera site is adorama.com

    mts on
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