I gotta say, dementia/alzheimer's is pretty shitty when it hits your family unexpectedly.
So my grandfather on one side has been perfectly normal in the way he acts and his capabilities until two weeks ago. Then, all of a sudden, he collapses on the floor. He has to be rushed to the hospital and it turns out that his potassium levels are
below critical. They start him on some IV and other crap to try to get him stable.
Now that his levels are back to normal, he has
completely lost his fucking mind. He thinks my mother is 18, that he's still on a merchant marine ship (he's in a nursing home). Or he's in a bar. Or he's on an airplane.
The doctor's say stress probably brought it on. His hypochondriac 80 year-old girlfriend drives him up a fucking wall and he's been forced to basically take care of her because her daughters don't do shit. However she seems to make shit up to get attention and is a total drama queen.
Now I'm doing all the estate planning in a rush to try to not have the nursing home rape his fucking corpse and then try to rape the family.
He went to capable to institutionalized in a week
And fuck Medicare for being a royal pain in the ass throughout this whole process.
Let's talk about old people and what it's like taking care of our childhood heroes (grandpa fought in World War II, early a crapload of medals, and took some grenade shrapnel in his ass to save his life) and generally how it kinda sucks watching your grandparents pass.
In case you forgot by the time you got down here
there were people age 60, who were pretty much completely gone
and people ago 100 who could still talk to you as good as anyone
Here is a tip for you: If you have kids and you have a parent with a disease like Alzheimer's, it is significantly better for that kid to have no memory of their grandparent at all than to have what I have of Grandma.
they arent sure if the alzheimers accelerated the brain cancer growth, or if the cancer sped up the alzheimers
im just glad he died quick and didnt go through years of sitting around not knowing who anybody was
girlfriend's grandmother has alzheimer's and constantly asks for her husband who's been dead 15+ years
He's so over the whole situation and just wants it to end before the last bits of his life savings are withered away.
Although you do get some funny stories out of the whole ordeal. About a year ago, he tried to call my mom (who was in the room with him) using the TV remote, and started yelling "who the hell keeps changing the god damn channels on my television when I'm trying to make a phone call!"
That's not really Alzheimer's or Dementia. Still is terrible to go through.
thankfully haven't had to deal with Alzheimers in my family, though we're starting to worry about my gramma's increasingly flighty personality
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My grandmother had her life savings and everything owned willed over to her new husband
While she was in stages of dementia
My parents don't want to start a legal battle, though.
Yeah, it's really sad. He's apparently still okay writing but his correspondence is falling apart.
To be perfectly honest, I find Making Money incredibly rambly and hard to follow and I suspect Alzheimer's is the culprit.
e: sorry. My psych professor made us all watch that in class one day. I almost started crying at the part where he sees his wife and runs over to hug her. But I didn't because boys don't cry
I really, really hope they succeed.
apparently aluminum has been linked to alzheimer's but I don't know if that is like an actual real peer-reviewed thing or if it's more like chiropractry
But you're right, I've watched my grandfather go from imposing and badass to small, hunched and increasingly confused and it kills me to watch.
Half of it's his own fault though, he refuses to get a better hearing aid or teeth or a cane because "That's for old people"
I'm all "YOU FOUGHT IN A DAMN WAR YOU CRAZY BASTARD! They will literally give you whatever you want. He complains about his hearing and the fact that he can't manipulate things with his fingers very well anymore. The sumbitch flew in a tincan for years back and forth over Germany.
It's fucked up.
I forgot
Go fuck over your uncle for being a cunt.