Okay, this is in Texas as I'm sure that matters.
Trying to keep a long story as short as possible, I was rear-ended by a driver that was covered by Farmers insurance. They paid to fix my car and that part is done. The medical is where it is getting complicated.
When the agent originally took a look at my car, he offered a total of ~$375 for medical (doctor visit, medication, and pain/suffering). I told him I wanted to see a doctor before I signed off on that, so I did. The next day I called back and got his supervisor. His supervisor denied any and all medical claims that I might be owed.
So after the car was fixed, I approached them again as my bumper cover and left absorber (08 Yaris hatchback) had been cracked and needed to be replaced. Again, no go. I've been arguing further and further up the chain while racking up chiropractic bills.
From here, I see my options as:
-Keep going up to President of Claims and CEO of Farmers with phone calls and e-mails to everyone along the way until someone pays my doctor to shut me up.
-File with Texas Department of Insurance
-Take the driver to small claims court to recoup my medical bills and maybe some pain/suffering.
Anyone have some advice on the best way to get my doctor paid?
You are in an unusual scenario though since Farmer's will probably argue that your claim was already settled, in which case your own insurance company may refuse to litigate, because that's the kind of deals that these insurance companies make between one another.
Call your own insurance, see what they can do for you. Expect to not get through this without spending some of your own money.
we also talk about other random shit and clown upon each other
Net result for me - number for Texas Department of Insurance which I already had.
Net result for them - losing a customer as soon as this is taken care of.
With the medical, your insurance company should have stepped up to help you. You give them copies of the medical bills, they show that to Farmers and come to an agreement. Instead of going up the Farmers ladder start with your insurance agent and see what they have done, because it seems like you did all the legwork for them.
Next time, call YOUR insurance before talking to the other persons insurance at all.
Even if you don't file, it puts the incident on their radar and they can help you.
we also talk about other random shit and clown upon each other
I'm with Nationwide. I'll be calling them tomorrow to see if there's anything at all they can do to help me for the third time. I figure a three strikes and they're out rule.
The only thing left to pay is the medical bills from the wreck. I'd seen a few places that claim that one thing to do to avoid a huge crazy lawsuit against an insurance company is to take the driver to small claims court, which the insurance company will have to pay up for anyway. Is this a horrible idea? One reason I want to avoid taking Farmers itself to court is that good ol' Rick Perry signed a law sometime recently that says I have to pay both my and Farmers court costs if I lose my case. Just another bit of Texas tort reform, I guess.
Also, this might not need to happen. I have another visit to the chiro tomorrow, and I'm supposed to call the kind of high up guy at Farmers I talked to this morning about what exactly the medical bills come out to. Hopefully it'll be below a magic number that he'll be willing to write a check for to get rid of me.
Mostly I'm just really frustrated (the adjuster's supervisor basically called me a 65 year old woman for complaining about "such a minor impact" among other things) with the whole thing. I just want this over and done with and my medical bills paid.
Do you have an agent that you or your family deal with?
If you do, call them first and explain the problems you are having.
If he/she can't expedite the situation, ask to speak with a district manager.
Threaten to file a complaint with the better business bureau.
Generally, chiropractic bills under $1000 are a rubber stamp for these businesses.