So I finally made the leap into the ranks of Xbox 360 owners. I got an arcade from Amazon, with the deal that also gave me a $100 amazon gift certificate. I have to spend it all at once, so I'm trying to figure out how to get the most fun for my buck.
Here's what I have in the cart right now:
Refurb starter pack (20gb HDD, headset, 3 months live) $50
Unreal Tournament 3 $12
Gears of War $18
Dead Rising $14
Viking: Battle for Asgard $13
Total: $107
I got the starter pack because I want to be able to download some games, mostly Megaman 9. I figure it might help with Netflixx, too. I know Gears of War is supposed to be good. I think Dead Rising is supposed to be good. I've like Unreal in the past and Viking was cheap and had decent reviews.
I'm open to most games. I don't think I want to get into any of the Guitar Hero type stuff. I'm not a sports fan, so I don't want to play Madden, but I don't mind less realistic sports games. I liked Super Mario Soccer on the SNES a lot, for example. An RPG might be nice, too.
I have a pretty decent PC, so that rules some stuff out. I have the PC versions of the Orange Box, Bioshock and ES:Oblivion.
I just got a 3DS XL. Add me! 2879-0925-7162
Crackdown is supposed to be an awesome sandbox game and you should be able to get that for dirt cheap.
I can't think of anything else off the top of my head as far as games go, but I'll probably remember a bunch when I get home a look at my shelf.
that said, i'd buy the old games cheaply on ebay (or locally.. .used at blockbuster, or gamestop, etc.) and spend that money on accessories... if the arcade comes with a wired controller only, you MUST buy a wireless one... once you go wireless, you won't be able to even imagine how you dealt with cables for so long ... that said, i could be thinking of the old arcade pack, so if it does come with a wireless controller, buy a rechargeable battery pack kit, or you'll spend a small fortune on batteries.
if you don't have an HDMI cable around, definitely buy one of those... playing the 360 in standard def is painful.
I wish this was explained a little better, because my typical Dead Rising experience is put the game in, play for a while, try and do some of the missions, die, and then realize why I haven't played it in so long.
basically when you "save and quit" you start with the same character you died with and you get to get all the XP from the initial zombie attack photo minigame again. Between that and realizing there is an arrow/navigation system the game becomes a lot more enjoyable.
So Unreal is out, I don't really want to be stuck playing against bots. Crackdown will take its place for $17. Mass Effect is $20 on Amazon, which isn't a deal, but I think I'll look for that one used in town. It's also possible that I may have bought it but not played it during the Steam sale.
The arcade comes with a wireless controller now, so that's good. I've also got an HDMI cable on the way, and if the Xbox gets here first I can always just switch the ones I already have around.
Edit: Oh, I see. You're trying to find the best use of just $100. New titles are probably ruled out, then?
Had to run some errands for work. Stopped by a GameCrazy that was going out of business. Got Lego Indiana Jones, Sega Superstar Tennis and Supreme Commander, all for $7. And the discs don't even look like hockey pucks!
Oh you're already doing that. Live Arcade has fun stuff, download demos aplenty when you're finally online and they'll keep you busy for a while.
I finally bought Ninja Gaiden 2 and Fable 2 and I've been having an awesome time with both, but they're still relatively expensive I think.
Excellent choice there. I have a raging hard on for all Lego * Games.
I've seen Ninja Gaiden 2 for $14.99 in Blockbuster before. Actually Blockbusters usually have little sections where they put their extra copies of older rented game versions in plain cases and sell them at good prices. Their quality is expected to be what you would get as a rental and may have numbers painted on it. You also don't get a proper game case but often the book is in there.
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