Hey look it's Google's new "CHANGE THE WORLD" internet software product thing!
This is the thread for Google Wave, the not quite email not quite IM but completely
something social networking application.
It can be very confusing to do a thing with it, so here are some handy links!
The Unofficial Manual!
This thingy here is a guide from the people at Lifehacker, it covers just about everything you need to know for getting started and waves and blips and Wave ("wave" and "Wave" are very different!) and terminology and everything ever.
Read this.
"But I'm too lazy to read through that shit!" you say? Well, not to worry, some quick shortcuts and stuff to get you started!
SHORTCUTS It only shaves three seconds off of every ten minutes but goddamnit it's fun to know what you're doing.
TL;DR: Woooooo
So let's get a contact list thing going and make a hilarious SE++ wave that will be filled with Goatse and Tubgirl within two minutes!
Contacts for the Contact Throne: PM me to get on this shit I guess
(All of these end with "
Qorzm - Bryceforvice
BYToady - obidaih
Grey Ghost - Grankin3
Neville - taernim
Marth - danjapko
Barcardi - infinityguru
Also use this to beg for invites from people. I have none because Google hates me.
Qorzm - Bryceforvice
@Bryceforvice on Twitter Facebook
Honestly though this whole thing seems kinda like a BIG THING that is an interesting experiment at best
It's a shame seeing how I have a big group project coming up soon in uni, would be really useful for it.
we also talk about other random shit and clown upon each other
Probably just a personal thing though
they've created a solution to a problem that doesn't exist
we also talk about other random shit and clown upon each other
but we just used google docs instead and that was fine
That criticism was once leveled at cars.
Just sayin'
They are working on something called Raindrop which doesn't try to re-invent the wheel but provides a very very useful toolset for synchronizing e-mail to other communication channels, and also has smart filters for humans, advertisements, notification e-mails, etc.
Raindrop is great but apparently the source is currently unstable.
we also talk about other random shit and clown upon each other
Yes but Google Wave doesn't do anything 10 times faster than e-mail or instant messaging.
we also talk about other random shit and clown upon each other
but i reserve judgment
This seems like a downgrade from email
However, the ring will never leave your finger, and you will be unable to ever describe to another living person what you see.
There's a feature they haven't added yet where you can check a box and it will go into "draft' mode, so it just shows that you're typing, but not what you're typing.
Speed wasn't the deciding factor, but utility.
The final utility of this is not yet determined. That's the point of the exercise. I doubt it will become ubiquitous, but sometimes you innovate without seeing the final picture. I doubt the developers of the WWW standards and protocol expected anything other than dry academic exchange and the dim possibility of B2B communication, yet look at us now, debating the worth of this platform on an internet forum for a webcomic about videogames.
I don't want people to look at playback of an email conversation because 90% of the emails in a conversation have been redacted by later observations.
Get rid of those two things and maybe there is a product here I have a use for in a professional setting.
However, the ring will never leave your finger, and you will be unable to ever describe to another living person what you see.
If you get rid of those two things it becomes an internet forum.
That's all Wave really is.
Internet forums with real-time keystrokes and an invitation/subscription system.
we also talk about other random shit and clown upon each other
However, the ring will never leave your finger, and you will be unable to ever describe to another living person what you see.
Satans..... hints.....
Other than that, I'm still having trouble imagining how this is better than e-mail, IM, or a forum on an individual basis.
If anyone has a spare invite ill try it.'
At the moment with limited releases?
Not so much.
Satans..... hints.....
But I rarely ever actually send any e-mails