Okay. So I've gotten involved with a guy (he's 22, I'm 27). It's going okay. I feel like I'm trying things on for size since it's been a very long time since I've been in a relationship with someone that wasn't just casual romps. It's pretty new, about 5 weeks, so I'm not
heavily invested, but I'm enjoying getting to know him, and getting to
know him. :winky:
Anyway, this morning he sent me a text message on my phone asking me to catch up with him for dinner, as he wanted to explain "what happened last night" before "someone else did".
Ominous! I asked him to just spit it out rather than suffering through a potentially awkward meal, and he told me he got
very trashed last night and made out with some ladies (he's bi) and a relatively good friend of mine. It all sounded very alcohol-induced, and he apologised and said it was meaningless. The girls I don't care so much about, but the friend was kind of :?
I'm trying to sort out my reactions, and could use a guage as to whether or not I'm being reasonable, or a doormat, or taking shit too seriously.
Basically, I just declined the dinner invite and said that
maybe he shouldn't make out with my friends. That's it. The relationship is still new, and I'm pretty forgiving - we all do stupid shit drunk - and I don't want to have some jealous freak out. At the same time I don't know if I've really established that I'm
not cool with that. Also, I know it takes two to tango, but I'm finding myself not very pissed at my friend. I don't know if that's unreasonable or not.
Could do with some advice here. Am I striking the right tone? Should I loosen up? Or take it as an omen and lower the life expectancy of this relationship now? :P I guess this is a bit of a YMMV question, but I'm interested in getting some different takes.
I mean, there's nothing wrong with a mistake here or there a long the way especially if he is the first to bring it up and apologize... just don't let more serious things like this happen too often if you're hoping for something long lasting.
Best of luck mate (and i think you're handling it pretty well so far)
Cause either way, he still made out with strangers while dating you.
I think that if he'd only made out with some girls I wouldn't have minded so much, and probably written it off as drunken lols, perhaps because I don't see myself in direct competition with women for this guy - a gay buddy of mine, I do. That he stepped into my social circle is probably what's bothering me more than anything.
I'm sure my reactions would be more uniform regardless of gender/social distance if this was a more mature relationship. The fact alcohol is involved is tempering all of my reactions too. I've made out with boys and girls alike when boozed and it's been utterly meaningless so I'm keeping that in mind.
vonPoonBurGer: Yeah, I mentioned the age gap for the very reason that I'm concious of it. Thanks for the advice.
Or is that sympathetic?
You can easily find someone who would never do this to you.
You're five weeks into the relationship, he had one fuckup and told you about it. Make it clear that you're not happy about it, and that it better not happen again, but honestly just letting it go is probably about the best, most mature reaction you can have.
I mean, I wouldn't blame you for dumping the guy, but it sounds like you really don't think that's necessary, and you more came in here because you're concerned that you should be more upset than you are. You shouldn't be.
We've only been seeing each other for 5 weeks, so I'm not madly in love with the guy, but I have a growing mental attraction to what was originally not much more than a physical deal.
I like him more the more I get to know him. He's like an onion, see! The first layer is all oniony and disgusting, but the more you eat, the more you get used to crying and smelling like an elderly unshowered italian man!
Thanatos: Thanks. And yeah, I just needed some peer evaulation. Appreciate it!
Maybe I'm just really critical of my own community, but finding a young gay guy who doesn't do dumb shit is tough.
Anyway, Robots, this is a funny situation. I'm 21, dating a 26 year old. Who is from Sydney (but now lives in the states). Luckily I am mature for my age and he is kind of childlike for his, so it's not too bad. But we've been together ~7 months now. So, on that front, the age thing can work.
As for the random making out, I think it's a good thing to go from your own experience. When I think about my boyfriend doing something silly like that, it pisses me off. Then I realize I did it before, a year ago, while dating someone else (long story, but I was about to break up anyway). And it was no big deal, I didn't mean anything by it and didn't feel anything close to love or romance, etc. And then him doing something like that doesn't seem as bad.
I'd say speak to your friend who made out with him, let him know what's up. And while it was OK once, and you forgive him, etc., that it's not okay for him (your boyfriend) to do it anymore, and if he feels like there's a risk of it repeating then maybe he shouldn't drink so much.
Honestly, I'm what's called an asshole.
So, yeah, I'd dump someone for something like that.
One reason being that people tend to use "I was drunk" as a get out of jail free card.
The second reason being that he made out with one of your friends, which is just an entire can of worms in and of itself.
But to answer your question, no, I don't think you're being a doormat or overreacting. I just wouldn't stay with him if I were in that situation.
I think it establishes a level of distrust that just should not exist in the relationship at this or any stage. My opinion.
For the record - I am about 4 years younger than my wife. She mentioned that she was done dating men younger than her, but I was lucky and impressed her enough to make it last. Good luck.