I am considering writing a paper for my King Arthur class that explores the power of Excalibur as a symbol, and I was trying to compile a list of games that feature it, whether it's usable equipment, important to the plot, or contains specific reference to other Arthurian elements. From my own experiences, here's what I came up with:
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow - bonus for still being in the stone, fail point for not being an anvil
Final Fantasy - bonus points for Gilgamesh having a fake Excalibur
Knights of the Round - fail points abound for general abuse of Arthurian myth (and not a great game to begin with)
Golden Sun
Probably a ton of RPGs, but I can't really recall a lot of them. If it's just an item, it probably won't help the paper much, but if it has special properties, like being the best weapon, or holy elemental, etc., then I might be interested.
Does anyone else have any games in mind that aren't listed?
Man, I forgot about that game. I rented it once. Not very good, but perhaps an example of how translators often just choose Excalibur as a name for any ol' sword.
Yeah, and next semester I'm taking the equivalent class for Robin Hood. Since the English department has no money, most of the other British Literature courses have been cut, but I need them to graduate. The first half of the semester is literature (Lawman, Malory, Geoffrey of Monmouth, etc.), the second is movies. Yesterday we watched Monty Python & The Holy Grail. A few weeks ago we watched the one with Kiera Knightley (it was pretty dumb).
It's not a good game but uh... It's an example I guess?
Do you consider Excalibur as the sword in the stone or the sword from the Lady of the Lake?
In River City Ransom, Excalibur could be bought at Merlin's Mystery Shop but it's just a stat increase and not a weapon.
Even as an unlockable in SCII?
3DS FC: 4699-5714-8940 Playing Pokemon, add me! Ho, SATAN!
(Young King, Old Wizard/Mentor, Magic Sword)
That's right, bitches. I'm old school like that.
It hits on a few Japanese games not officially released in the US.
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3DS: 3454-0268-5595 Battle.net: SteelAngel#1772
Man, that's an elementary mistake on my part. But the two have become so conflated that the "sword in the stone" in games is still of interest to me, if it is clearly intended to be Excalibur.
beat me to it.
That is like the most common artifact in the game, aside from sting.
It's been over 10 years since I played it (I have it around here somewhere), and I don't remember if it had Excalibur exactly, but it's an Arthurian Legend game, so I think it'd have to.
I thought Dungeon Master II had an Excalibur, but it's got an Excysmyr and a Blue Steele (unless any of those are linked with Excalibur in some way).
Nintendo Network ID: PhysiMarc
I think about 90% of final fantasy games had one.
It was about some girl who got a hold of it and travelled forward in time to after the apocalypse. I rented it once and couldn't get past the first boss because he was bugged
Nintendo Network ID: PhysiMarc
Legend of zelda has a lot of the pulling swords from stones and in the snes version you even throw it to a lady in a lake.
And there is also a whole bunch of games based on Arthurian Legend too that look delightfully awful here