I played the new AvP at EuroGamer Expo. I was convinced that it will be released around February.
Multiplayer is good (not all game modes are like hidden:source) except it can be tricky controlling aliens as they can crawl on alllll surfaces, and if you somehow climb a tree, and then turn and walk around the curcumfrence of the trunk, can be very confusing :S but good fun though! I won the match as the alien hehe.
Controlling the aliens in AvP2 was also pretty disorienting, I'd oftentimes forget whether I was on the ground or ceiling. Maybe the aliens could play in third-person to make it better but I'm not sure if it's an issue that could actually be fixed.
In a statement, Rebellion CEO Jason Kingsley said the company was disappointed its upcoming title had been banned in the country, but he added he was in agreement the game was not suitable for minors.
"As we understand the law in that country the authorities had no choice as we agree strongly that our game is not suitable for game players who are not adults," he said.
"The content of AvP is based on some of the most innovative and iconic horror movies, and as such we wanted to create a title that was true to the source material. It is for adults, and it is bloody and frightening, that was our intent.
"We will not be releasing a sanitised or cut down version for territories where adults are not considered by their governments to be able to make their own entertainment choices."
Orange'd for "Oh snap!"
Good on them I say, even though this means I'll have to import the game to play it (but I probably would have anyway if they'd pulled a L4D2 on it). The big downside is that Multiplayer will be dead here, not much point making servers for a game that isn't released here. Ah well.
Unfortunate that you won't get your MP fix, but I have to respect Rebellion for their decision. It's the right one to make, and maybe if enough developers cut Australia out of the videogame business they'll change their minds.
(They won't.)
In other news, still totally excited for this game!
"We will not be releasing a sanitised or cut down version for territories where adults are not considered by their governments to be able to make their own entertainment choices."
Some site said that the Aussies really aren't a bunch of repressed people and that the issue is ONE fucker who won't cast the vote needed to get a higher rating. The gaming lobby has been pretty aggressive but he won't bunch.
AvP freaked me right the hell out. I was unable to play the marine campaign because it was just way too tense for me to have any fun. Credit to them for pulling it off though.
AvP2 I loved, because of the wall crawling alien. Scurrying about and chomping heads was super fun.
Some site said that the Aussies really aren't a bunch of repressed people and that the issue is ONE fucker who won't cast the vote needed to get a higher rating. The gaming lobby has been pretty aggressive but he won't bunch.
Can anybody confirm this?
Yep, pretty much just the South Australian Attorney General stubbornly holding back the whole thing. He's completely without reason or logic and refuses to budge whatsoever on his viewpoint. So we pretty much have to wait until he gets voted out, which is unlikely due to him being in a safe seat or we wait until he dies. Le sigh.
-SPI- on
UnluckyThat's not meant to happenRegistered Userregular
Some site said that the Aussies really aren't a bunch of repressed people and that the issue is ONE fucker who won't cast the vote needed to get a higher rating. The gaming lobby has been pretty aggressive but he won't bunch.
Yep, pretty much just the South Australian Attorney General stubbornly holding back the whole thing. He's completely without reason or logic and refuses to budge whatsoever on his viewpoint. So we pretty much have to wait until he gets voted out, which is unlikely due to him being in a safe seat or we wait until he dies. Le sigh.
His name is Michael Atkinson.
Remember that name with intense hatred people.
My mates are gonna go insane with rage with this news, AvP2 was our favourite LAN game and the concept of a sequel thrills us.
Now it's banned....Oh boy howdy do I wanna do inhuman things to inhuman people.
What bothers me is that this might be a sign of things to come in terms of games getting classified. Now I don't know a whole lot about the content of AvP (other than I'm assuming its a lot like the first two) but I seriously doubt there is anything in there which is more gruesome that the film AvP: Requiem - that had some real nasty bits.
I am also certain there is nothing in the game worse than the Saw films either - some messed up stuff there.
It does seem like the OFLC is either under more pressure now to rate games more accurately (AvP probably should be R18, we just don't have that rating to give it. Look at Fallout 3, R18 everywhere else in the world, MA15+ here, with no difference in content) or changes in the ratings board staff have resulted in a new harder line stance. It certainly seems inconsistent with their previous decisions (but that's nothing new), especially stuff like L4D2.
Anyone else play minigun marine for the original AVP multiplayer? I loved that class, hope they bring it back.
NismoGrendel on
Ninja Snarl PMy helmet is my burden.Ninja Snarl: Gone, but not forgotten.Registered Userregular
edited December 2009
There hasn't been much out yet for the next AvP game, but it looks like we'll be seeing a return to when the Aliens couldn't insta-kill a human just by touching them. I stopped reading the books after I got fed up with instances where the Aliens would kill people just by going near them with their magically razor-edged everything. Also, bullet-proof Aliens without special ammo was retarded (one book had like one person who could kill the aliens because she was the only one with armor-piercing ammo; I guess we'll just ignore the fact that a conventional hunting rifle would deliver a lot more damage on impact). After years and years of humans just being there to get killed, it'll be nice to play a game where the developers remember that guns are pretty awesome, armor does more than look pretty, and Space Marines can kick ass.
Also, I once again extend my sympathies to you poor Australians and your insane politicians. What little I've seen of the SAW movies is infinitely more brutal and sadistic than anything I've yet to see in an Aliens anything. Go go political power grasping! I don't know what we've done right, but we somehow have managed to keep politicians from outright banning games they don't like.
Also, I once again extend my sympathies to you poor Australians and your insane politicians.
It's not that bad, we'll just do what we did with Left 4 Dead 2 - Steam Gifting. Seriously, Steam Gifting really is the salvation of Australia and Michael Atkinson's idiocy.
I really don't understand how a government has the right to say what can and can't be purchased by any intelligent adult. Well, except maybe murder. Buying murder should be regulated to once per divorce.
So my understanding is that Australia just doesn't have any ratings higher than 15, and that is why there are so many issues with violent games?
If that is the case, it just seems kind of silly. It would be like the US having film ratings that skip from PG-13 straight to NC-17.
And you've got one dude who's being a terminal dick about blocking not only a higher classification for videogames, but also any information that supports the public's opinion that a higher classification for videogames is warranted?
You Aussies come move to America, you guys can sleep on my couch and we will drink high fructose corn syrup and play violent videogames all day long.
So my understanding is that Australia just doesn't have any ratings higher than 15, and that is why there are so many issues with violent games?
If that is the case, it just seems kind of silly. It would be like the US having film ratings that skip from PG-13 straight to NC-17.
And you've got one dude who's being a terminal dick about blocking not only a higher classification for videogames, but also any information that supports the public's opinion that a higher classification for videogames is warranted?
You Aussies come move to America, you guys can sleep on my couch and we will drink high fructose corn syrup and play violent videogames all day long.
Sadly, I think it's more like skip from PG-13 -> Bann'd.
Anywho, perhaps we can get some PA'ers to hit up a Korean server or something? Perhaps we could all get useable pings or something there so us in the USA can play with the Aussies?
EDIT: I know the game is far off, despite the fact that I was speaking in the present tense, but I was curious as to the efficacy of such a plan.
Anyone notice how some things (mattresses and the copy machines in Highrise) are totally impenetrable? A steel wall, yeah that makes sense, but bullets should obliterate copy machines.
I don't know about you, but I always buy a bullet proof printer. Its a lot more expensive, but I think the advantages are apparent.
Well, to be fair, while NC-17 isn't actually banned in the US, it might as well be, since a theater that will play it and a retailer that will stock is are incredibly few and far between.
But at least there will still be Steam Gifting and dedicated servers, so Australians should still have some multiplayer options, however unnecessarily convoluted the procedure may be to get them, right?
Ok, seriously now. Fuck Australia. This is fucking ridiculous. This is what, 3rd game in a year to be refused classification? They want us to keep money in our own country, stop making us import shit.
I played the new AvP at EuroGamer Expo. I was convinced that it will be released around February.
Multiplayer is good (not all game modes are like hidden:source) except it can be tricky controlling aliens as they can crawl on alllll surfaces, and if you somehow climb a tree, and then turn and walk around the curcumfrence of the trunk, can be very confusing :S but good fun though! I won the match as the alien hehe.
Heh you could do that in AVP2. That used to be fun when waiting for a round to start.
Oh goodness. The screens from the new game look decidedly fantastic.
Will get. Will love it. Will not play the marine campaign, ever.
Another glorious day in the Corps! A day in the Marine Corps is like a day on the farm. Every meal's a banquet! Every paycheck a fortune! Every formation a parade! I LOVE the Corps!
War Bastard on
It was a stick.
HonkHonk is this poster.Registered User, __BANNED USERSregular
edited December 2009
I managed to play through most of the Marine campaign for AvP2, but I really can't do it with the first game.
I managed to play through most of the Marine campaign for AvP2, but I really can't do it with the first game.
Hand in your man-card, son. My burly chops ate shit and crapped victory HOORAH.
The marine campaign really wasn't that hard at all, once you got the art of taking down aliens with headshots in a few bullets down. Predators could be tricky, if you didn't have a missile launcher/grenades. Again though - the headshots were so damn powerful, only facehuggers really presented a serious threat.
Robman on
Ninja Snarl PMy helmet is my burden.Ninja Snarl: Gone, but not forgotten.Registered Userregular
I managed to play through most of the Marine campaign for AvP2, but I really can't do it with the first game.
Hand in your man-card, son. My burly chops ate shit and crapped victory HOORAH.
The marine campaign really wasn't that hard at all, once you got the art of taking down aliens with headshots in a few bullets down. Predators could be tricky, if you didn't have a missile launcher/grenades. Again though - the headshots were so damn powerful, only facehuggers really presented a serious threat.
I tried playing through AvP1 last year at some point and couldn't finish any of the campaigns. Not because they creeped me out, but because they were pretty awful. Climbing over an infinite number of identical ruins as an Alien was just mind-numbingly boring. As the Marine, the constant Alien spawning just pissed me off after a while.
And Marine campaigns are the best. They provide an excellent lesson in why a squishy race with a healthy sense of fear and the ability to construct weapons which fire standard explosive-tipped caseless 10mm light armor-piercing rounds are the real badasses.
3DS: 1521-4165-5907
PS3: KayleSolo
Live: Kayle Solo
WiiU: KayleSolo
I want to know more PA people on Twitter.
- Aliens have had their attack animations reworked from "eviscerate" and "headbite" to "dashing smile" and "shake hands politely"
- Predators have been replaced with Ewoks
Multiplayer is good (not all game modes are like hidden:source) except it can be tricky controlling aliens as they can crawl on alllll surfaces, and if you somehow climb a tree, and then turn and walk around the curcumfrence of the trunk, can be very confusing :S but good fun though! I won the match as the alien hehe.
Tried it, I couldn't map the second analog stick.
3DS: 1521-4165-5907
PS3: KayleSolo
Live: Kayle Solo
WiiU: KayleSolo
AvP2 was about the pulse rifle though
In a statement, Rebellion CEO Jason Kingsley said the company was disappointed its upcoming title had been banned in the country, but he added he was in agreement the game was not suitable for minors.
"As we understand the law in that country the authorities had no choice as we agree strongly that our game is not suitable for game players who are not adults," he said.
"The content of AvP is based on some of the most innovative and iconic horror movies, and as such we wanted to create a title that was true to the source material. It is for adults, and it is bloody and frightening, that was our intent.
"We will not be releasing a sanitised or cut down version for territories where adults are not considered by their governments to be able to make their own entertainment choices."
Orange'd for "Oh snap!"
Good on them I say, even though this means I'll have to import the game to play it (but I probably would have anyway if they'd pulled a L4D2 on it). The big downside is that Multiplayer will be dead here, not much point making servers for a game that isn't released here. Ah well.
(They won't.)
In other news, still totally excited for this game!
dream a little dream or you could live a little dream
sleep forever if you wish to be a dreamer
Because no way in hell will my PC run that
That shit needs to be recognized.
Can anybody confirm this?
AvP2 I loved, because of the wall crawling alien. Scurrying about and chomping heads was super fun.
Yep, pretty much just the South Australian Attorney General stubbornly holding back the whole thing. He's completely without reason or logic and refuses to budge whatsoever on his viewpoint. So we pretty much have to wait until he gets voted out, which is unlikely due to him being in a safe seat or we wait until he dies. Le sigh.
Remember that name with intense hatred people.
My mates are gonna go insane with rage with this news, AvP2 was our favourite LAN game and the concept of a sequel thrills us.
Now it's banned....Oh boy howdy do I wanna do inhuman things to inhuman people.
In all seriousness I am sorry to the AU folks, hopefully this gets sorted out, though I do agree with Rebellion.
Course, that doesn't mean our politics are any better, just that they have to work a lot harder to make our lives miserable.
I am also certain there is nothing in the game worse than the Saw films either - some messed up stuff there.
Handmade Jewelry by me on EtsyGames for sale
Me on Twitch!
Also, I once again extend my sympathies to you poor Australians and your insane politicians. What little I've seen of the SAW movies is infinitely more brutal and sadistic than anything I've yet to see in an Aliens anything. Go go political power grasping! I don't know what we've done right, but we somehow have managed to keep politicians from outright banning games they don't like.
If that is the case, it just seems kind of silly. It would be like the US having film ratings that skip from PG-13 straight to NC-17.
And you've got one dude who's being a terminal dick about blocking not only a higher classification for videogames, but also any information that supports the public's opinion that a higher classification for videogames is warranted?
You Aussies come move to America, you guys can sleep on my couch and we will drink high fructose corn syrup and play violent videogames all day long.
Sadly, I think it's more like skip from PG-13 -> Bann'd.
Anywho, perhaps we can get some PA'ers to hit up a Korean server or something? Perhaps we could all get useable pings or something there so us in the USA can play with the Aussies?
EDIT: I know the game is far off, despite the fact that I was speaking in the present tense, but I was curious as to the efficacy of such a plan.
XBL: LiquidSnake2061
But at least there will still be Steam Gifting and dedicated servers, so Australians should still have some multiplayer options, however unnecessarily convoluted the procedure may be to get them, right?
Heh you could do that in AVP2. That used to be fun when waiting for a round to start.
Will get. Will love it. Will not play the marine campaign, ever.
Another glorious day in the Corps! A day in the Marine Corps is like a day on the farm. Every meal's a banquet! Every paycheck a fortune! Every formation a parade! I LOVE the Corps!
It was a stick.
Because its goddamn terrifying.
Facehugger, anyone?
It was a stick.
Hand in your man-card, son. My burly chops ate shit and crapped victory HOORAH.
The marine campaign really wasn't that hard at all, once you got the art of taking down aliens with headshots in a few bullets down. Predators could be tricky, if you didn't have a missile launcher/grenades. Again though - the headshots were so damn powerful, only facehuggers really presented a serious threat.
I tried playing through AvP1 last year at some point and couldn't finish any of the campaigns. Not because they creeped me out, but because they were pretty awful. Climbing over an infinite number of identical ruins as an Alien was just mind-numbingly boring. As the Marine, the constant Alien spawning just pissed me off after a while.
And Marine campaigns are the best. They provide an excellent lesson in why a squishy race with a healthy sense of fear and the ability to construct weapons which fire standard explosive-tipped caseless 10mm light armor-piercing rounds are the real badasses.
VWOP! Fry half a city!