We have five new emoticons
:!!: :whistle: :...: :zzz: :winky:
The first four were made by Lexx KYSDS and the last made by boddah (submitted by eye sock).
The code for the new emoticons are (respective to the above order)
:!!: :whistle: :...: :zzz: :winky:
The thread that the emoticons were posted in and voted on is
Still, I'm sure they'll come in handy... sometime...
the others are stupid, though.
"Man, fuck TTB."
Man, fuck you.
He got my fat head perfect.
Fuck you whore, I need to get me a death emoticon
I will not buy this record...it is scratched!
Would you like to come back to my place...bouncy-bouncy!
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom
If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me? I ... I am no longer infected.
One key. No fancy-schmancy "colon text colon" crapola. It's right there, ready to be used, no money down, 30 day, money-back guarantee, batteries not included, bio-degradable, tilde.
oh yeah what the hell is this supposed to mean: :...:
nevermind it just looks stupid in the menu thingy