When first I went to increase floor space in my bedroom, I decided to just get a smaller mattress and go twin. Now, I have realized that while this addressed my problem, it did not really solve it- this room is just too small to have a large bed, and even the small bed keeps me from having a more comfortable space.
I am 17 and will probably be moving out sometime soon, so while I want the extra space, super long term comfort or durability is not really a concern.
Right now I am looking into Shikki-futons- these things look pretty awesome. They roll up after use, and I've read that they are very ergonomic. The best deal I've found online is about $200 for a twin- a little more than I would like to spend, but pretty reasonable.
I live in Seattle and I'm hoping that some shop in our International district might sell them for cheaper, but I don't really know.
Other than that the only thing I can really think of would be... buying a nice sleeping bag? I don't know anything about sleeping bags, but I don't imagine they make one I'm going to want to sleep in every night. :?
Is it actually reasonable to deflate/inflate it every morning/evening?
If not, it's hard to compete with the roll-up aspect of the shikki.
Why spend $200 for a few months of having a tiny bit more space in your room?
I'm going to have to second this.
Less than $200 from Ikea. You can keep your existing mattress, and it essentially takes up zero floor space.
It'll build character
If you want to be fancy about it you could go with the asian style of sleeping on a "futon", which is Japanese for "one inch of bedding on top of the floor", as the above posters recommended