Now I'm sure there are some hardcore gamer Mum's and Dad's out there in the 40+ generations, schooling their kids at Call of Duty and hustling Tekken at the local arcades.
My parents aren't like that though... my Dad actively avoids all technology and won't even use the non-terrestrial channels on his television.
My Mum is more clued in, she hosts major message boards for a living so... yeah go figure. She has a Mac and a Wii.
I'm looking for a few good games (preferably for the Wii) for my Mum to play. I'll probably get a few as presents.In the most loving way possible I have to say she sucks at video games. So I need some that are at her skill level...
She likes games such as Harvest Moon, Spore, the Sims (and this sucba diving game where you take photo's of fish *yawn*).
The most challenging game I have seen her successfully play is Lego Starwars/Indiana Jones, so I'd set that as the upper peak of suitable difficulty.
Games where the sole purpose is killing stuff aren't such a good idea either, you should have seen her playing Spore she just wanted to make friends with everyone.
So any ideas? I've already got Cooking Mama down on my list of possibles but that's about it.
It should be possible to find some good oldschool pinball games for the Mac.
This is why I love women. They're so fucking adorable. Like puppies.
Get her a Wii points card and have her download the mario and tetris like games.
Did you just badmouth Endless Ocean?
There is. It's called Pinball Hall of Fame: The Williams Collection. It is amazing, at least on PSP.
I'm not sure about Pinball, I think something a bit more original would be better.
Hah, yeah that's the game. It could use a few unexpected shark attacks or moray eels hidden in the corals to liven it up a bit ;D
DeBlob looks good! Thanks for that one!
On a somewhat related note (parents & games) my parents don't really play games at all, but they don't mind watching me play. Strangely the games they like watching me play are, uh, on the violent side. Fallout 3, GTA:IV, and Brutal Legend have kept their interest throughout the whole game! Oddly Mass Effect is a surefire way to make them find something else to do. They also enjoy watching me play Forza, my mother is a horrible backseat driver. :P Ah, the Holidays, such a wonderful time.
Actually, how about the Monkey Island remake? Do you think she'd dig something like that?
I have no other ideas.
I bought her a Wii recently, and she plays Wii Fit and Wii Sports (tennis) every day, and she bought Space Invaders from the Wii Store as well. I have got her other games but they don't even get touched as she has no time left after playing those 3 for hours.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
It's amazing on EVERY system. I have it for both the Wii and 360 (the superior version, really), and it's astoundingly awesome on either one.
and then you're on a roll and the ball bounces into the fucking outlane
It has no Mario, no Sonic, no other 'recognizable brand names', it is simple, it can be played by people who can't game at all, and because it offers three games at the same time, they will find one game that they like best. It has a Tetris-like simplicity about its graphics and gameplay.
It's a real gem, and cheap too!
My dad's the same, which is sad because he uses his fusion powered beast of a machine to play counter strike all day. That's the only game he plays, though he usually buys the big name graphical powerhouse releases so he can see how his PC fares.
My mom's big into the stuff PopCap puts out. She also got into Puzzle Quest for a while after I gave it to her for Mother's Day.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
But WiiWare's worth looking into for exactly these types of games - World of Goo and LostWinds being particular standouts. Things that reward exploration and experimentation rather than punishing failure, right?
(And you'd best not be disrespecting Endless Ocean and its abyssal Giant Squid and Prehistoric Sharks of Terror!)
For what its worth, the only 'gamey' series my mum's still really into is the Legend of Zelda - but only on handhelds. She can't really get the hang of the 3D camera on the console versions - any recommendations on similar DS games where you've got 1) simple, cathartic combat, 2) interesting world-exploration, and 3) tricky but logical puzzles?
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
Did she stop at red lights too? Cause that's hilarious and also exactly what my mum would do.
I suggest a Brain Age game, if she likes problem solving and keeping sharp, and Wii Sports Resort, the new twists (pun intended) on bowling and the table tennis got my rents moving again pretty good.
My mom would watch me play GTA 3 when it first came out.
"Oh my goodness, what are you doing?! You ran a red light!"
"You're driving on the sidewalk! Oh those poor people!"
"Why don't you slow down?"
When it started to get annoying I would rig a mini-van with a bomb and park it someplace crowded. That was usually when she had enough.
I own World of Goo, great game, didn't realise it was on WiiWare.
LostWinds looks interesting, but how hard is it? Looks like it needs quite some dexterity, keeping the guy up in midair and stuff. Yeah. I forgot to mention she's a big Myst fan (has them all) so puzzle/exploration ones are good.
When I was a kid we used to play some cutting edge games together such as Space Quest: Roger Wilco, Prince of Persia and Lemmings.
Her playing racing games is amazing. It's incomprehensible to me how she can be so bad at them.
Aren't the Sam & Max episodes on Wii, and possibly other Telltale games as well? Definitely pick them up.