Flash Issues (Tweening)

Penguin_OtakuPenguin_Otaku Registered User regular
edited December 2009 in Help / Advice Forum
So for one of my final projects I'm creating a flash project that has movieclips (_mcs) imbedded within each other. The biggest MC is the content one which has the other 5 MCs embedded in it. I've created tweens by clicking the buttons going to these different MCs and now my task is to make each individual page OF these different MCs tween.

Home page + 5 buttons

Button click leads to pulling a tween to a different movie clip.

I have buttons set up to go "next" and "previous" for each of the frames to cycle through the content. When I put the same action script that I used for the first tweens into these MCs, it's acting wonky. The initial tween acts just fine, but when I click the next/prev buttons it just starts pulling a rave and flashing over and over again.

Any suggestions or thoughts? Here's the file:

To see the problem go to History and then click the next button.

The other pages aren't built yet because I wan to get the bugs out of this one first before having to reapply these changes on the rest of the MCs.

Thanks guys. (Apologies if my wording was awful, hard to describe properly. I can also provide the FLA file if needed [or the actionscript used])

Penguin_Otaku on


  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited December 2009
    It looks like you are missing a stop(); on your movieclips, so it is just replaying the mc as soon as it gets to the end which is causing the flashing.

    Unknown User on
  • JasconiusJasconius sword criminal mad onlineRegistered User regular
    edited December 2009
    I would say that too but the intervals of flashing actually vary and get slower towards the end.

    If I had to guess I would say it is too many keyframes and his visual symbols are not existing on certain portions of the timeline due to empty keyframe spam

    if not, then yeah, maybe a missing stop(), but the variation in the flashing gives me pause.

    its more helpful if you post your FLA

    Jasconius on
  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited December 2009
    Yeah I didn't notice that it stopped until just now, which makes me think it's an issue with how it is tweened.

    Unknown User on
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