So, I write reviews of material and study guides, which I send out to a lot of the student body at my school. I email them on a large email list, which is visible to all who receive it.
One of our classmates gave me her email today to receive reviews and such, and normally, I would add her to the mailing list right away, BUT, her email had a weird address. Her own So I check it out, because I'm the curious sort. Turns out she's a porn star, working for Playboy, and her website consists of pictures of herself. Yea, those kinds of pictures.
I cannot in good conscience add her to the list and reveal this to everybody with some curiosity who notices a weird email address, and, simultaniously, I cannot just send her the material privately because she'd know I'd have noticed.
Debating on a course of action right now to save her embarassment.
Though honestly, you might want to send her an email about it, just nicely saying that she might not want to use a personal email for something that goes on a big email list
a) You're not responsible for her personal choices. If she gave that address and she is aware that the mailing list publishes all email addresses to everyone on the list, then that is on her, not you.
b) I personally dislike being CCed on big mailing lists unless it's the kind that is meant to breed conversation between people. BCC is ideal for that anyway, whether the people on your list work for Playboy or Gymboree.
Send me her email and I'll ask for you.