Here's your standard, wiki-stolen background:
Two main designers for the popular Warcraft III custom map, Defense of the Ancients: Allstars (commonly abbreviated as DotA), Steve "Guinsoo" Feak and Steve “Pendragon” Mescon are involved with Riot Games in the making of League Of Legends: Clash of Fates[6]. Guinsoo created DotA: Allstars from the original DotA, created by Eul, by adding his own mix of content, including over 40 heroes, numerous items, and various gameplay changes. Guinsoo then passed DotA: Allstars on to its current developer, Icefrog. Pendragon, who is the Director of Community Relations for Riot Games, helped create the DotA: Allstars website along with its forums, and is still currently working on League of Legends: Clash of Fates.
The game has RELEASED,
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Peeps usually be hanging out in the PA vent, hit it up for some games.
If you can't find any there check out the LoL vent ( and you can probably scrounge up a pre-made.
Character Builder
Check it out, it's fun to play with while you're at work and can't be at home playing. It's made by community members; so, expect it to change a bit behind any patches.
There is now a tutorial that new players can check out.
If you're just starting and wondering who to play (I believe you play her in the tutorial as well), Ashe is generally a good starting character:
Free clicky to sign up and play.
Name: TheDeathJester
Switch: US 1651-2551-4335 JP 6310-4664-2624
MH3U Monster Cheat Sheet / MH3U Veggie Elder Ticket Guide
Grabbing someone from the bushes is the best.
I wish he wasn't so expensive, I like him but there are other, cheaper heroes I like more.
There are two bases at either side of the map. Each of those bases spawns waves of npc units, called minions, that run down one of several lanes towards the other base, fighting each other as the sides run into each other. There are also towers placed throughout the lanes, which on on the same side as the closest base and will shoot at enemies. Both sides are perfectly balanced, so the result is a deadlock.
However, there are also a number of units that are controlled by players, one per person. These units, called champions, will gain experience and gold as they kill enemy minions and champions, and can be used to shift the battle towards the enemy base, eventually destroying it.
Streaming 8PST on weeknights
450IP Ashe 4eva
AKA [PA]Ilovepandas
Looks like back to playing Ashe for another month :x.
I mean, on the one hand, it's actually very good at making you win/lose 50/50, in my experience, and it could be worse. On the other, it seems like every win is immediately followed by a loss, to the point where I practically might as well just go AFK the next match after I win one, because it'll assign me two feeders/leavers as teammates.
Out of any competitive community, I think the Fighting Game Community has the best mentality when it comes to being competitive. If it wins you games, then you play that shit until it stops working.
I wish more people thought this way, instead of playing the "bull shit" card. Play to win!
I think the other side of the coin is when only a few heroes are 'playable', this mentality drastically reduces the variety of the gameplay, and rightfully some people get pretty bored with it.
There's also the fact that, unlike in fighting games, you can't always have the hero you want in LoL.
He's 100% guaranteed ganks early game and it snowballs into late game. No other character gets such a no-skill option to kill people early game.
Gate needs to be nerfed so that:
Level 1 - Cannot use with a card picked.
Level 2 - Can port with blue card.
Level 3 - Can port with red card.
Level 4/5 - Can port with gold card.
As it stands there is absolute shit you can do to not get killed by a porting gold card TF behind you early-mid game. Requires no time, no setup, no skill. Just ping map, "get ready to gank," port, kill. Guaranteed.
Sorry if this has been covered before, but what do people think of Heimerdinger? He seems pretty divisive on the official forums, but everything's divisive on official forums.
He's more or less garbage.
Anything he can do another hero can do better.
Heimer's ability seems to entirely depend upon the enemy's level of aggressiveness. If they play defensively against him, he will lock down the lane and slowly creep his way up until countered. In end game, a well played Heimer always surprises me, but they're generally nothing to worry about and don't contribute a lot. Then again, their contribution of locking down a lane in the early game usually contributes to their team's advantage in the end game. Take this with a grain of salt, though, as I've not really played against any good Heimers.
I'm looking at making a "catch-all" rune page now that I'm almost 20. I figure stats like health, magic resist, armor, cooldown, and dodge are helpful for all heroes, but how should I fill my page?
Dodge fully negates physical attacks, but 6 * .75% is such a small number. Whereas armor gives more bang for its buck at lower numbers. Critical chance really helps out heroes like Gangplank, but every hero uses standard attacks. Would it help out the rest equally well, if bumped up 7%? How about cooldown? I assume the level-scaling version should be taken, since mana is generally an issue at lower levels. And quints is looking like +1 gold/10 seconds is the best all around.
I can see how she could be made workable, hell anything can with a little bit of luck and skill, but the claim that she's OP is just silly. There are much better power arrays out there.
White FC: 0819 3350 1787
If I was stuck with exactly one rune page today, I would choose Desolation/Evasion/Celerity/Fortitude.
Desolation is the least confident pick here but everyone autoattacks early and now that creeps have armor it will never be completely useless. You could go Insight on casters or Warding/Resilience on tanks if you were more committed in that direction.
Evasion is always the best Seal if you know you're grabbing 4/4 Evasion + Nimbleness mastery. Its preference stems from occasionally dodging 100% of a crit instead of always mitigating another 1-6% of a critical hit. If you don't grab Nimbleness that often, Vitality and Resilience are a bit better overall, if only due to their lower IP costs.
Celerity is chosen as cooldown is always useful. Focus is better as it's much more noticable early but costs twice as much as a Celerity rune. Warding/Shielding is solid on tanks, as is Force on casters.
Fortitude is the true catch-all Quint; all champions like having an additional 80-120 health at spawn. Avarice is a fine choice if you're on a budget; the previous thread had a post pushing 3 Avarice Quints, the Greed Mastery, and a 5g/10sec item as an opening move.
White FC: 0819 3350 1787
Not to mention that guide was made before the nerf. I will agree that before the patch, her ultimate could get a bit ridiculous with enough cooldown reduction, but that was pretty much the only thing she had going for her.
Once a "week." Supposed to be a 10 hero, weekly cycle. However, I feel like we had the first set longer than a week (set two didn't roll out until the most recent patch).
There's a rotation schedule on the LoL forums that says what champs are each week that I don't have time to link right now.
In other news: PolloDiablo and Colt are added to OP.
Anyone else not see your name, I'll try to be reading every page for add me posts.
I'm Fiaryn in game.
White FC: 0819 3350 1787
but srsly, trynde is a beast now if you know how to play him. and he can still solo mid against a fairly aggressive ashe.
katarina can go fuck the devil in hell (to steal a term from the DOW2 thread)
White FC: 0819 3350 1787
Nassus is a very solid character. His slow is one of the best in the game, he is fantastic at pushing a lane early and his ult can turn a team fight if used well.
As for builds, you'd have to do some looking around probably. I build him a bit oddly as more of an aura tank/support when I play him usually but it works for me so I've stuck with it. I've seen him built a LOT of different ways with success.
My build is usually something like -
Chalice of Harmony
Mercury Treads
Aegis of the Legion (although this was nerfed last patch, might not be good anymore?)
Stark's Fervor
Frozen Heart
I've only tried Nassus a few times but he seems fairly solid. Some nice area control with his fairly huge AOE, a good slowing ability, and his passive while not the best is still pretty useful.
Switch: US 1651-2551-4335 JP 6310-4664-2624
MH3U Monster Cheat Sheet / MH3U Veggie Elder Ticket Guide
Nasus is one of my favorites. Here's an item build I've been playing around with, though you may want to start with a Meki's Pendant earlier for the mana regen.
Rejuvenation Bead + 2 HP Pot & 1 MP Pot
Boots of Speed & Emblem of Valor or Chalice of Harmony
Mercury's Treads or Ninja Tabi (Depending on the match-up)
Stark's Fervor
It all depends on how the game is going. I've been able to farm the Stark's without ever leaving my lane once, and not needing any mana regen. (I have runes in mana regen, btw.) Other games, I've had to go back for the mana regen very early.
From here I usually build a Sunfire Cape and/or Frozen Heart if I'm looking to tank more, or I build the rest of the Triforce, building the Phage next.
I've played dual Auras before. It's a lot of fun too.
Also, this is the first DoTA game I've ever played, but a buddy of mine is really into HoN, how do these two compare?
ryze or annie are also good.
Opinions will vary and likely start flame wars. :P
My short and simple opinions as someone that never played DoTA and has played LoL and HoN. HoN is better polished and feels more "finished", however the community feels like it's mostly elitest pricks. LoL is more fun and has a much better community, but the game feels like it's still in beta and needs work.
I think they are both good games and it will just come down to personal preference.
To be fair, HoN had a lot more to start out with seeing as how it's mostly an upgraded version of Dota and they don't even try to hide it, evening saying in patch notes that certain new heroes are based on specific Dota heroes. LoL had to basically start from scratch with its hero design so it's not too surprising that it feels like it needs much more work.
I do think that in the long run LoL will be the better game. And on a side note I'm glad LoL doesn't show your ELO rating as I believe that showing your rating in HoN was one of the many reasons that most of the playerbase would rage so much (also allowing pubstomps to boost PSR? That's an incredibly retarded move there and it's because of that crap that I don't mind LoL's matchmaking too much).
Why couldn't LoL use DotA heroes directly as a basis for their heroes but HoN could? I mean, technically, most of the heroes in LoL have a very definite "yup, it's that hero from DotA with a switched ability or two" feel to them.