Where all da white wumminz at?
Pimpin' Ain't Easy.
Star in a Michael Bay Movie!Pull off amazingly lucky finishing kills and become famous!
PM me your Gamertag, PSN ID, or PC Thingy to be added to the multiplayer list
XBOX 360
ack - sacksy
johnham - Jhamilto
the sneak - PA The Sneak
Dadouw - Dadouw
Penguin Incarnate - Penguin Inc
UnbreakableVow - DesmondHumeWins
Daric - Darikashi
Saint Justice - Saint Justice
Faricazy - FariCommie
B.C. - QuietMessiah
JC of DI - JCofDI
CrackedLens - ZombieKyle
Marcus and His Band Of Mysterious Disco Ravens - Disco Burnout
The Far Side - The Near Middle
GirlPants - FleetFox727
Dead Legend - EagleEyeCope
Kantankeris - Tankhammer
HyperAquaBlasts - HyperAquaBlasts
CorporateLogo - CorpLogo
KrunkMcGrunk - Krunk McGrunk
bombardier - bombardactyl
Ranx - Ferroid
Filler Inc. - DublinSick
Spono - Spono Wolf
rhylith - Amalockh
The Iron Chancellor - Zorkwap
Dragonicity - Dragonicity
cadmunky - cadmunky
John Matrix - Big Picture
Shazkar Shadowstorm - Shazkar
Blue Powder - Maiow Zem
the cheat - the cheart
mully - mulldacity
Sonny - PhatTyler
Aretè - Ninjafrizz
Grath - grath01
Knob - Knobbonk
Penguin_Otaku -PenguinOtaku
Swill - Duk Koo Kim
Msuitepyon - msuitepyon
BoredGamer - Crazy Eyes Dave
Gazamc - Chuwero
Futore - Debellum
Cowardly - Dangersock
McCly - McCly
trentsteel - TRENT--STEEL
akoot - Meicheor
Metacortex - Metacortex187
Saar - alamedarchy
SirToasty - patoast
Bearstranaut - Bearstranaut
Brucelee41042 - Brucelee41042
Lets all be as cool as this guy!
so if you're a fat guy like me you're out of luck
except I'm not out of luck because I'm getting one
"Think of it as Evolution in Action"
I plan on cracking open a bottle of wine or two, and playing call of dudely.
Who's comin with me??
i shall attend.
"Think of it as Evolution in Action"
I should hope so.
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom
hope no further. six-pack of blue moonies locked and loaded.
"Think of it as Evolution in Action"
Pants are seriously overrated.
loose-fitting shorts actually.
you know....eeeeaasy access.
"Think of it as Evolution in Action"
also I think ima get some mw2 on this weekend.
I've already confirmed with humble that there will be much killing. Cracked will also get in on the action after he gets back from chugging several gallons of eggnog at some seasonal celebration ritual.
So, are you a bad enough dude?
But you know what? If thats what the dude loves and it makes him happy, more power to him.
Let us do this thing of which I speak.
I'm not very good, buy my dulcet tones more than make up for it. Unless I'm having a day where it sounds like I smoke 3 packs.
this is me
I feel ashamed that I have done so.
put me on the list
i will stab you right in your stupid asshole eyes
also did they patch the javelin bullshit yet
"Think of it as Evolution in Action"
if you had an update, then probably
fuck you, javelin faggots
now if i can just figure out how to be akimbo 1887 proof
Also, you are on the list now.
Maybe I will alphabetize it as well, seeing as Cracked is a lazy butt-face.
"Think of it as Evolution in Action"
And it turns out my best maps are the hated maps such as derail and wasteland. Not so much for sniping but I have more fun and a easier time doing sneaking missions. Also CQC. CQC?! Yeah you know me.
Add me.
XBL: msuitepyon
The one month in which I can use Live and get some games for my xbox.
And it is giving something called a E 74 error.
I bought it 2 weeks ago.
e: and apparently my 'standard warrenty is expired' because it is a refurbished console. Hopefully the 1yr warrently its suppost to come with covers this or i'm screwed :l
Level 67 bitches
I thought VI would be the last one, which was 500 kills, which took me for fucking ever.
Also: The game where me and The Sneak just fucking dominated on Estate was a thing of beauty.
It's not always an instant death like the ranger was, but the range man. The range
Getting headshots 40 yards out while turning away from the enemy. Disgusting.