So I'm trying to think of a few games to recommend my girlfriend, but I'm having trouble coming up with good suggestions.
Systems she owns: DS, macbook, and ps2.
loves the Professor Layton games, so anything like that should a success. She also likes the mario games, but has pretty much played them all. Zelda is out, as are games like Nintendogs.
So, she likes adventure games (especially ones with puzzles) and "casual" RPGs. I was thinking maybe Puzzle Quest? I've never played it, but it looked like it was light on the RPG elements.
Help me H&A!
There is a PC demo for Puzzle Quest. I own it for both the PC and DS, and it's pretty much the same game. It's just not as flashy on the DS. It's an easy recommendation.
My Backloggery
You should also look into Scribblenauts.
Seconding this!
Also, maybe Hotel Dusk? It's possibly my favorite DS game.
I realize the name sounds really serious, but it's essentially a mix of a casual RPG and a puzzle game. The battles are completely puzzle based, but not as abstract as PuzzleQuest. If she's turned off to the fantasy elves/humans/monsters though, it might not be the best option.
PSN/XBL: dragoniemx
Ya, she has played that one and enjoyed it quite a bit. I agree that the gameplay isn't necessarily casual, but the setting is (i.e. not your "epic fantasy final showdown between good and evil" that you usually get in a Final Fantasy type game).
PSN Hypacia
Xbox HypaciaMinnow
Discord Hypacia#0391
Games my wife likes:
Puzzle Quest
Kingdom Hearts (there is one for the DS) Your mileage may vary, its an action RPG...
Harry Potter games (ps2)
Those are the ones i can suggest based on the systems you have.
Great game, pretty 'casual' but tons of fun for 'gamers' too. Also Scribblenauts.
I like drawing, cartoons, cookies, and shiny pointy objects.
Kingdom Hearts (Big hit!)
Guitar Hero