OK. Now let me preface this question by saying that I generally have a policy of complete, brutal, often-unnecessary honesty with people, especially girlfriends (of both the casual and serious species). When someone asks me, "Do you think I'm stupid?" or "Does this make my ass look big?", I always answer honestly. It's just my thing, I don't do it because I believe there's a moral imperative to do so, and while it might cause some damage on occasion, in my experience, people actually like the fact that they can take anything that comes out of my mouth 100% seriously. But a lot of my real-life friends also think of me as a sort of "phantom," since I virtually never talk about myself...I say this by way of saying that my "100% honesty" policy is rarely--if ever--really directed at myself. Meaning, I talk about myself so little with real-life friends that they would be hard-pressed to collectively assemble more than a paragraph or two of real information about me.
So my problem is this: I met a charming young lady during the holiday "party season." We've been hanging out a lot since we met, and things look to be heading in a pretty serious direction. The snag is that last night, she asked for The Number. I'm not talking about phone number, of course. At first, I tried the "look at the monkey" element of the Chewbacca defense. She played along at first, but later, she came right back to it, and demonstrated her desire for an answer by giving me Her Number. This time, I simply said that I didn't really think it mattered, that there is no reason to ask for that sort of information, and that there's no "correct" answer; too low a number, and I'm an inexperienced loser, too high, and I'm a manwhore or a player. She knows I'm clean, so I fail to see what the concern can be. Well, she wasn't very happy with my reason, and I ended up going back to my place after a sort of mini-argument. You know, the sort you generally get when someone is hurt, but doesn't want to show that they're hurt, so they kind of underplay the whole thing...and it gestates, and later blossoms into a Very Serious Argument indeed.
At any rate, I need to know if I should be honest with her. I have an almost visceral aversion to lying, but like I said, I don't see why it would matter so much. If she's so keen for an answer, the answer might matter to her. Not necessarily, mind, but it might. Input?
tl;dr "Look at the monkey" didn't work...should I be honest, or lie? Or is it not worth bothering at this point?
In this specific instance, it kind of depends on why she asked you, which we may never determine conclusively. Have you slept with her yet?
Lay it on her. If she can't handle it, it was never meant to be.
And yes, we've slept together.
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You first mistake was probably being so evasive though. In the future now she will probably wonder what other topics of conversation you are trying to avoid.
That said though, Fforde, I DO think that this relationship might "have legs." And I know that I have to give her an answer. My real question is whether I should go against my pattern/preference and fudge the number a little.
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You may kind of be in a lose-lose situation. If you are honest, she flips out and leaves you. If you lie she may find out the truth later, and worse, find out you lied to her. If you think you can tell the truth and keep the relationship together, then I'd be totally honest with her. I guess that's hard to predict though not knowing her motivation behind asking.
Is it possible someone told her you were a player and she was trying to verify that? If so your best bet may be to be honest and tell her if you had anything to hide you wouldn't have told her, that it is what it is, and that you were just worried how she might react. "You really do mean the world to me!" That kind of stuff.
However not telling her just gets her to imagine all the reasons you won't tell her, which will likely be far worse than the reality.
In this situation? Yes.
Look, no matter what you say, as you pointed out, it can be construed badly. Too low, you're a pathetic loser, too high, you're a player. Either way, she asked for the information, so she should be prepared to deal with whatever consequences come from you telling her honestly what that number is. Does it matter? To her, it obviously does. In the grand scheme of things? Probably not, but then anything is only as important as someone makes it out to be. "Perception is 100% of reality" and all that.
Just tell her and be honest. If she can deal, great. If she makes a big deal about it either way, I'd say it's time to cut the ties and go your separate ways.
She's curious about you and your hisotry. If she cares for you as an individual it won't affect how she feels about you.
Hiding it is only going to make her curious and somewhat cautious. "WHY won't he tell me?" will be in the back of her mind.
The problem is that pure honesty would probably confirm--at least in her mind--any crap she's heard, even though I don't feel it does.
t DeVryGuy I just sent you a PM.
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If she doesn't like it, it's her own fault for asking.
Besides, there's always the "Rule of 3."
If you are going to be together she has to accept who you are. If she cant accept that you slept with x number of women, maybe that is an indication of a greater incompatibility. I agree with Halfmex, I would just tell her. If she can't deal, might as well part ways because there probably would be something else down the line she'd take issue with anyway.
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The problem is that she has already asked. This means that if he deftly evades the issue she will feel frustrated and somewhat "betrayed."
Needless to say, the trust will suffer for it.
The problem is that I now have no way of knowing if it really meant that much to her in the first place. We watched Clerks 2, and got to talking about the first Clerks, and...well, you can see where it came from. She didn't seem terribly serious when she asked, and the question grew more or less organically out of our conversation. I suspect that my refusal to give even an indirect answer MADE the answer important to her.
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I say tell her the truth now. It can only really portray you in a good light. You've slept with a lot of women but you were modest, even embarrassed, about it so you aren't a total dick about sex.
I disagree. I don't feel like this has anything to do with trust. If it were a trust issue, there would have to be some concern/chance about his past repeating itself...i.e. dating past girlfriends. If she can't understand how unproductive it is to dwell on the past and how stupidly unimportant it is to know that number, there might be room for trouble later on.
Just tell her. Either she'll get over it, or she won't. If the relationship has legs, she'll get over it. If it doesn't she won't.
And people who are honest all the time are generally, in my experience, complete douchebags, who use honesty as an excuse for being assholes.
And I pretty much agree with your last paragraph. I am a complete douchebag, although I don't think it has all that much to do with my stance on honesty, and I certainly don't use anything of that nature as an excuse to be abrasive. I should point out, though, that I am not honest because I naively believe it's virtuous; I am honest because I enjoy it, because I was *raised to be, and frankly, after doing it for my entire adult life, it's become habitual.
*One of the first things I can remember my Mom telling me as a child was, "Whenver someone tells you that they think they're stupid/ugly/boring/etc., agree with them if you think it's true. They are just looking for attention, not honesty, so don't reward their behavior."
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I personally think someone has the right to know this about a potential mate. It does say something about someone's personality, their ability to be in long term relationships and it can potentially be a health risk as well. I personally wouldn't want to be with someone that has bounced from bed to bed to bed recently - but if it was in their past (and not like "last month" past) I'd look beyond it. And I'm a guy, I'd argue women are more sensitive about it than I would be.
Mario Kart DS: 3320 6595 7026 5000
Unfortunately, part of your second paragraph only definitely exists in the hypothetical. I certainly agree that knowing that your partner is clean and healthy is important, but telling someone how many people really holds only so much credibility. I'd like to believe that men I've been with have been truthfull when they disclosed their number, but their word is not exactly evidence. Someone can lie about their sexual past either to diminish or to enhance it. Because we don't know for sure their sincerity, "knowing" that number amounts to very little.
My personality, Herby, is that I like to enjoy life. To trot out a rather terrible bromide, I am one of those "life isn't a dress rehearsal" folks. What I'm concerned about is that someone might construe that as an inability to "settle down" or worse, be safe. And I am thoroughly committed to both.
As an adult, I have never cheated on a partner. I have been in a couple long-term relationships that were "open," but I am very much content to be a one-woman man. If she genuinely feels she needs to know the number, and isn't asking simply because I was initially evasive, then I worry about her motivation. She knows from reputation that I am honest, and I'm sure she knows or trusts that I am a faithful partner in my long-term relationships. So I fail to see the import of the answer to her.
And to flip things around a bit, I really wouldn't want to be with someone who's uptight about how many partners I've had. I believe that to be a character flaw, while I believe managed hedonism to simply be a character trait.
For the record, though, I've been more active since May 2006 than I have been at pretty much any other point in my life.
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The rest of your idea might have merit, but if I'm going to lie at all, I'd rather just guess what an acceptable number would be, tell her that, and then be more or less honest, telling her that my objection to being open with her was essentially one of principle.
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My apologies for the perceived connection. I didn't mean to imply the fear of acceptance. My concern was mostly with the long term ramifications of a lack of self-disclosure in a relationship. Again, I'm not all about telling someone every possible moment in your life, but there is that need from a partner to feel connected, often times by being trusted with personal information.
t Yar: :shock: Perfect.
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I can't imagine her accepting that.
naporeon - you'd know this best - do you think she's really asking just out of curiousity or do you think fundamentally she'll have a problem with the answer? I can understand being frustrated with her if you think she just wants to know and is being nosey. However, if you think she'd have an major issue with your ideals towards sex then I think it's more than just a number you're hiding from her, and that is a bigger issue.
As for her motivation for asking, I think that initially, it was just kind of jokey. Like I said, it grew out of watching Clerks 2 and discussing Clerks 1. But as for her motivation now? It's hard to say if it's just because I was being evasive, or if my evasiveness also happened to make her worried.
And I don't think she'd have a problem with my ideals toward sex; I think that there's a chance that she might make the wrong assumption about my ideals, however.
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As I said before, I'm generally pretty reticent when it comes to me-as-topic, but obviously, if I want to pursue a relationship with her, I should trust her to trust me. Your plan actually sounds pretty good.
EDIT: Although, on further consideration, I should answer your question directly. I didn't think of your suggestion on my own because I generally see an answer that needs to be couched in an explanation as 95% bullshit. People who do that are almost always hiding something.
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In general, honesty is not the best policy. It's one of those things that people say because it sounds good, but just isn't realistic.
For instance, I had a girlfriend move halfway around the country after I was gone for six months to be with me. I introduced her to a female friend who I had buddied up with (everything above board). The friend was gorgeous. The two of us would hang out, go to dinner, etc all while the girl was on "her" side of the country. Nothing physical ever happened.
My girlfriend didn't like her because she saw her as a threat. Once, after having a discussion about being open and honest and thinking through things like adults, she asked me if I wanted to sleep with the friend. I told her I thought about it. I NEVER lived that down, and there is no one that I've talked to who told me I should have told her the truth (which is what I did).
So no, it's not really the best policy.
I'm with you, and that's all I care about. It should be good enough for you, too."
Yeah, I did too. I still don't know what the fuck the monkey shit means.
I don't really see why this is such a big problem unless, like someone else said, it's over 50 or 0. Just be honest, especially if you want the relationship. Plus, if you're worried about it getting out or whatever, you can always ask her to keep it quiet. I see no reason why she'd tell anyone if you made a big point to keep it down.