All we need are some genestealer and terminator skins and we got ourselves Space Hulk
The game's already well suited to the attack/defend system. But the damage of the scouts would need to be bumped up a bit, genestealers are really nasty in melee.
And we'd need maps.
I would be willing to learn to map so this can be a reality.
Its weird because Jon's used to have the best ping of the PA servers. Then it went through that phase (which lasted months) of being total shit and having crippling server lag every few seconds. And now its fixed but has a terrible ping.
I live in Florida Job's used to have a ping that was 20 worse than Jon's but now they're about even since I bugged my ISP about changing something for me.
Barrakketh on
Rollers are red, chargers are blue....omae wa mou shindeiru
I'll refrain from making fun of that fact, and simply state that you're likely to get widely different ping times to the various servers than people in the US. (Which, while perhaps not being most of us, is probably at least the majority.)
Brilliant deduction, after 2 years of playing TF2 I finally have the answer.
The point you are utterly missing is that I'm annoyed we no longer play on anything other than jons because it fucks me over with a 200 ping instead of the 100 I could have, and it makes basically no difference to anyone else.
But its okay, I guess I'll just never ever play TF2 again.
Its weird because Jon's used to have the best ping of the PA servers. Then it went through that phase (which lasted months) of being total shit and having crippling server lag every few seconds. And now its fixed but has a terrible ping.
I live in Florida Job's used to have a ping that was 20 worse than Jon's but now they're about even since I bugged my ISP about changing something for me.
I live in FL and I get like a 80 - 90 ping to Jons, Zissou and Jobs is usually in the 100's while playing.
Shitty cable.
LittleBoots on
Tofu wrote: Here be Littleboots, destroyer of threads and master of drunkposting.
Brilliant deduction, after 2 years of playing TF2 I finally have the answer.
The point you are utterly missing is that I'm annoyed we no longer play on anything other than jons because it fucks me over with a 200 ping instead of the 100 I could have, and it makes basically no difference to anyone else.
But its okay, I guess I'll just never ever play TF2 again.
My first pick for servers these days is Zissou. Jon's is annoying because of the never-changing map rotation, Job's sucks because of the slot reservation bullshit.
Zissou is good maps and good fun, once people start filing it up.
TFC 2Fort is better than TF2 2Fort, but TF2 2Fort is better than all the other TF2 maps. In case anyone was wondering.
Neva on
SC2 Beta: Neva.ling
"Everyone who is capable of logical thought should be able to see why you shouldn't sell lifetime subscriptions to an MMO. Cell phone companies and drug dealers don't offer lifetime subscriptions either, guess why?" - Mugaaz
I also reside in Vigina... Well officially. I concur wiu this statement. Having rich friends on the coast means never eating a bad oyster again.
caffron said: "and cat pee is not a laughing matter"
Freudian slip?
All we need are some genestealer and terminator skins and we got ourselves Space Hulk
What's that mod he's using to see his damage numbers on the HUD?
No, I will not call it Hampton Roads.
The game's already well suited to the attack/defend system. But the damage of the scouts would need to be bumped up a bit, genestealers are really nasty in melee.
And we'd need maps.
I would be willing to learn to map so this can be a reality.
Milestones should be giving weapons now
get out
scoot scoot
You feel fat?
Tofu wrote: Here be Littleboots, destroyer of threads and master of drunkposting.
like a fatass king in a sea of annoying people?
I live in Florida Job's used to have a ping that was 20 worse than Jon's but now they're about even since I bugged my ISP about changing something for me.
Everyone whining about one server being better than the other is a BABBY.
Where do you live, out of curiosity?
I'll refrain from making fun of that fact, and simply state that you're likely to get widely different ping times to the various servers than people in the US. (Which, while perhaps not being most of us, is probably at least the majority.)
bad oysters indeed
The point you are utterly missing is that I'm annoyed we no longer play on anything other than jons because it fucks me over with a 200 ping instead of the 100 I could have, and it makes basically no difference to anyone else.
But its okay, I guess I'll just never ever play TF2 again.
I live in FL and I get like a 80 - 90 ping to Jons, Zissou and Jobs is usually in the 100's while playing.
Shitty cable.
Tofu wrote: Here be Littleboots, destroyer of threads and master of drunkposting.
Well, your initial post had this comment:
Given that, I figured you were just not knowledgeable on the subject, but perhaps my sarcasm detector is broken.
Right, why play through a half dozen maps until you get to demobowl, when you can go to Job's and vote it in for the next map?
It's full right now. All the others are empty.
Right, and why play a good map when you can play ctf_2fort and then tc_hydro and then ctf_well?
Could be worse. This could be counter-strike and we'd be stuck on an endless loop of de_dust.
Zissou is good maps and good fun, once people start filing it up.
"Everyone who is capable of logical thought should be able to see why you shouldn't sell lifetime subscriptions to an MMO. Cell phone companies and drug dealers don't offer lifetime subscriptions either, guess why?" - Mugaaz
You're a modern day Shakespearicles.
The problem is it's always Job's.