I've just noticed a rash has developed over pretty much my entire body (except legs and arms) and I'm not sure exactly why. I did just recently change body wash (to Axe) so I figured that was it. Theres this body wash from England I use (Simple) because I have quite sensitive skin. Anyway, with this kinda thing its either hit or miss for me. So now I'm covered in this rash, and have stopped using the Axe and gone back to Simple.
I'm pretty sure if I just continue like this it will eventually go away, but I'm no doctor so I'm not sure.
Anyway, couple questions.
1) Is there any real possibility that this could grow into a permanent problem? (Like psoriasys or whatever its called)
2) Any estimate at how long it'd probably take to disappear?
3) Any ways to speed up the process?
but um...change your sheets? use alcohol on the rashy bits?
3DS Friend Code: 2165-6448-8348 www.Twitch.TV/cooljammer00
Battle.Net: JohnDarc#1203 Origin/UPlay: CoolJammer00
That aside, it's probably a reaction to the body wash. Give it some time and see if it goes away.
You're wrong and you're right. If you've got any predisposition to psoriasis skin irritation can lead to an outbreak. It can also not go away until you get medical help.
If you've got health insurance you really should go see your doctor now. Seeing a dermatologist usually involves a huge lead time.
Steam / Bus Blog / Goozex Referral
I dunno if this helps any, but I found a pic online of what they look like
It's mostly concentrated on my neck/shoulders/upper chest though, as opposed to right down to the stomach.
Plus, it could even not be related to the body wash. It could be something like chicken pox (did you ever have chicken pox or measles as a child?) or a fungal infection.
In the meantime, get an over the counter dermatological cream and switch back to your original brand of shower wash. If it isn't anything more extreme than a reaction to axe then it should clear up in a couple of days.
I'm not certain what you're referring to as a dermatological cream here but it what it says to me is hydrocortisone or other OTC topical steroids. These are (potentially) what you'll be using if it's actually psoriasis but if it's a infection of some kind it could do wonderful and beautiful things for whatever is infecting your skin. It'd be like laying down a welcome mat for the little beasties.
I'd be shocked if Canada doesn't cover non-cosmetic dermatology. It's your country though so you probably know that better than I do.
I'd do the "doctor now!" routine, but you've already said you're going to make an appointment.
I left that deliberately vague as a pharmacist should be better able to recommend a suitable topical than me. An antiseptic cream like Savlon isn't going to do any harm.
You don't even have to live in filth for that to be a problem - one time a friend of mine got them in his apt and in turned out the guy next door was just some sort of disgusting comic-book-guy style shut in with 2 inches of fuzz over his whole place and the bed bugs (which do, in fact, bite) were coming from there.
I host a podcast about movies.
Other things that come to mind for such a thing are medicinal allergies (if you started taking an anti-biotics or got hooked on a new energy drink recently, stop and chat with your doc), insect bites ( a night passed out in the sand for example, could result in that pic you posted), and over exposure to the sun.
If it itches, cortisone and calomine (that pink chicken pox stuff) are the way to be, if it burns, try cold cream, but avoid the ones containing lanolin, with can make the itching worse.
It's doubtful anything would speed up the healing process, but half a cup of baking soda in the bath helps out with itching (See Also: poison ivy, bedbug bites and chicken pox) while you wait.
What are the pillows stuffed with? It could be that you are allergic to them if they are stuffed with something different from your old pillows like duck down.
While I am 99% sure it's the body wash, I think you should take a closer look at all aspects of your life, just in case. New sheets, definitely change or get rid of them, at least until the rash goes away. Any new foods, detergent, tried a new restaurant lately? etc. Basically anything that goes on or in your body, or comes into contact with anything that goes on or in your body--think about it.
See your doctor ASAP. And don't scratch it.
Since you already have sensitive skin, I wouldn't be at all surprised if it was the axe crap. Wash your sheets if you haven't already - some of it will have rubbed off on them. (if you've recently changed detergents, go back to your old one) Couldn't hurt to throw your clothes through another round of washing too.
You've got some big spots on that rash, so the potential for scaring is there. I mean it'll all probably go away on it's own, but you should really see the doctor for a cream to help the healing and thus reduce scaring. (I doubt you need to go to a dermo for this)
yeah these ones are those memory foam things, Im gonna leave them off my bed for a few nights and see how it goes. Also, my grandma is trying to get me to rub polysporin complete on it, any chance this could do bad?
How long until the Doctor's appointment?
Polysporin looks like a collection of antibiotic's in a suspension of oils (Neosporin is what I'm familiar with it as.) If it's a bacterial infection, that should contain something that the microbes really don't like. The only downside I'm seeing is dumping more foreign stuff on your skin might piss it off more if this is just some kind of allergic response.
I probably wouldn't use the stuff and let the doctor handle it. You don't really think you've got an infection, right?
I'm thinking its an allergic reaction to either the pillows or the body wash, so yeah I'll hold out on the polysporin
Also, it's apparently so rare that they dont teach it to early level med school students, so they brought in all the residents to check it out and teach them about it.
Great, maybe someone will write a paper about you now
Soooooo, did they say what caused it?
Was it like a Scrubs episode?
not really the same thing, as Sacred Heart is a learning hospital.
maybe more like that episode of Friends where Ross has the thing on his ass.
3DS Friend Code: 2165-6448-8348 www.Twitch.TV/cooljammer00
Battle.Net: JohnDarc#1203 Origin/UPlay: CoolJammer00
I dunno, not really...
They said it was some virus...
And that theres this dry spot on my back that signalled it would come. It was all very weird... Bassically asked if any of it started earlier than anything else, so I showed them this dry spot I'd noticed a couple weeks before it. Then they had some special name for it, but roughly meant "The Mother Patch" and said that usually a patch of dry skin appears, and then the dots start to appear and slowly spread in a "Christmas tree" pattern down the body, and then after 6 - 8 weeks will dissapear.
And yes, very like an episode of Grey's Anatomy or something, with one doctor pointing and prodding at different parts of me and the otehrs putting up their hands and asking quite scientific questions... I'd imagine thats how that skeleton hanging in science classrooms feels.
Did they give you anything to speed healing or suggest OTC treatment?
I'm curious what it is, anyone have anyluck finding links?
It's called a "Herald Patch". I had this same thing last year or so. Itched a bit and was just basically ugly and annoying. They gave me some prescription medicated cream and told me to mix it with Noxema. It should clear up pretty quickly.
For anyone that's interested in looking it up.
Pityriasis Rosea