Howdy! First time posting in the forums, but have been reading PA for a long time. Recently, I've been getting into film and special effects/animations, which I realize isn't the natural medium for this forum, but I'm not sure where else I'd put it.
These have all been made in the last month or so, as I first started working with these program After Effects the week of Thanksgiving. Looking for critiques or anything of the like.
First thing a friend and I did with After Effects. Tried making a "holographic" keyboard for him to interact with. I know it's not the best, but it was the first time doing anything really with the program.
This was me dicking around with some animations I got for Christmas.
Based on some tutorials, used for a friend's video blog.
This was the 2nd attempt at my friend's intro for her video blog (not using a tutorial).
This, actually, is a part for something I'm hoping to do this year, which is a live action version of PA's Automata. Just a fan made thing. This is the credit reel, as we're getting a new camera that won't arrive till late February. The names are all just stand ins for now, until we actually get people to play the parts. It's also not finished. I plan on adding another minute or so worth of animations if I can. Also considering removing the "pop up" effect and replacing it with the actual animations like the ones seen towards the end. Music is the song made by Christoph for Automata from back in June/July of this year. Lemme know what you think!
SIEGE TV | I made the short film Automata: Prelude. Check out the thread and go watch it
Especially the Automota thing, I always dig that "pop up" effect.
I can't wait to see what you post next!
Good work so far though. After Effects is an awesome piece of software (when it isn't crashing)
I've gotten the Automata time up to 1:25 or so from :55. Will be uploading tomorrow to see what you guys think of the newer stuff. Thanks again!
The only major thing I have with these is that the individual reveals on your elements are a bit slow, I noticed especially on elements like the reveal of the name Shannon on the second blog as well as the title of the blog itself.
These are just personal opinions though, if you feel slower is better than thats what you have to go with. Every industry will have different speeds, and all of my work with after effects has been in news, where time is money, so we try to design our graphics and animations to be sleek, quick, and with the biggest payoff available for the time alloted to us.
To my eye it just seems your stuff has an unnecessary slow down to it all. It could be just an issue of pulling your key frames out too long over your timeline. I'm a very visual person though, so I would have an easier time if i got a glance at the timelines themselves :P
Overall though I give your stuff two big thumbs up. You're very creative with your stuff.
Check this site out for resources, its one of the best tutorial sites out there for after effects:
Yeah, I got that from a friend. I agree that the Shannon reveal was slow. I don't like how the text ended up in the one with the growing vines. If things seem slow in Automata, that's on purpose.
About to start rendering out a new version of that and uploading it. Thanks again for the feedback!
Hopefully these newer animations are a little better. There's already a few things I saw after rendering it that I wish I had fixed, but it'll be fixed in the next upload of it. Anyway, here it is!
Okay, so, I am trying to get into the local commercial market where I live, since it's abysmal. I am proposing an idea to a comic book store here and wanted to make a "proof of concept" video to show them what I was talking about with the idea (it involves a super hero crashing into the ground outside the shop). So, I made that and then wanted to do more with it, so I made a Happy New Years video with the footage and one of my favorite characters.
have a look at this tutorial. Should help you with your momentum issues in this new piece.
This is another intro I made for a friend's vlog. I feel like it's a big improvement, but who knows. Tried to work on the pacing and smoother camera movements. (for Video CoPilots, I didn't use SureTarget).
also the part where the hero flies across from right to left, then appears at the top doesn't seem to be timed right
at the speed he flies across, it doesn't seem like he is going NEARLY fast enough to fly back the the middle of the screen and reposition himself to be standing upright
when i first saw it, I thought the dude at the top must have been a different person to the one who flew past; there just doesn't seem to be enough transition time between the two appearances
and i mean there are small things like the dust cloud dissipating in a second flat, and the plain circular shadow. but i'm sure you're aware of those, and that is the sort of thing that will improve as you get more time/money to work on things in more detail
Webcomic Twitter Steam Wishlist SATAN
This is the 2nd commercial my friend and I have done for a local business. This time we were doing one for a store called Gamesboro, which is something akin to a local version of Gamestop, but with more of a concentration on retro games/arcade. After this one, sound is one of the main things we're trying to get better at, since it's our weakest point I feel. We did another version after we we did some audio compression, but have yet to upload that one.
Criticisms welcome!
Pladd Dot commercial was something the owner wanted to do. Audio is lacking due to the location and my lack of proper audio equipment (something the owner is helping me fix).
Criticisms welcome.
Sound is my weakest aspect right now, I'm aware. Though, did you guys see any improvement from the original Gamesboro ad to the new one? Right now, it's really about giving the client's what they ask for and throwing in my own ideas as we go, but in a very conservative manner while I build a reputation and skill.
I appreciate the critiques. I'll work hard to correct what you guys were saying in the next ones I do.
I was honestly shocked to have such a positive comment, so thanks.
There's one little bit of audio (you'll know) that is messed up but the actor moved out of state before we could get him back in to ADR it. Lemme know what you think! Also, the voice over is the store owner. He wanted it to sound like that.
It's got up to 1080p, so, watch it like that if possible.
I thought the store owners voice worked very well.
Here's the commercial:
Commercial has a temporary password on it till tomorrow. PW is 'brooke'
Here's the blog post:
Let me know what you think of the image. This was a rough draft to gauge how it would print, but we're trying to keep as true to the comic as we can.
I'm...not sure why his collar is popped, either.
Our first game is now available for free on Google Play: Frontier: Isle of the Seven Gods
Based it off of this image:
I like the visual though.
Our first game is now available for free on Google Play: Frontier: Isle of the Seven Gods