So, a friend brought their laptop over for me to investigate, basically, I think they've run into a starforce + daemon tools issue. The laptop is tuck in an endless reboot cycle, it boots, it bluescreens and immediately reboots. You try going to safe mode, it gets to a point where it is about to load STPD.sys and then you can hit esc to stop it from loading (at which point the machine bluescreens and reboots) or you can let it load (at which point the machine blue screens and reboots).
I've connected the hard drive to another machine, and moved all the stuff that they want saved onto another drive, so I can nuke it if I must (but I ver much do not want to, as the only option is Vista, and neither they nor I like vista, and I don't have all the requisite drivers for the machine - not usually an issue barring the fact that I am currently saddled with a network speed of up to 11KB/s thanks to traffic shaping).
So, my questions are, if I need to do something more than just rename stpd.sys, and have to remove the references in the registry, how should I do this (in a way that doesn't involve downloading a huge livecd or something). Can I boot into dos and do regediting? Can I Do regediting on the machine to which the hard drive is connected by pointing regedit at a file on the harddrive (and if so, where?).
Any more information required?
Based on very quick googling, all you need to do is remove the file.