Get a guild invite as soon as you can. Not because you can help the guild level but because the guild can help you level. We hit the guild exp cap every day and have unlocked a lot of perks that can help leveling -- mount speed, experience gain, reputation gain, and others.
When you log on Dourin just do a '/who Beasts' and ask any of them to point you to an officer. Any one of our officers are most likely online and they can toss you an invite.
Tonight I had scheduled the raiding event to be open for continuing any bosses we had trouble with but since we were able to down the ones I had setup for this week's goals I will use tonight to start putting together the foundation of our 2nd 10m raid. Those of you who read this and are interested in leading it please let me know ingame or via PM, otherwise once my mage is 85 and geared I can lead this one as well.
Edit: My goal this expansion (at least until the first major content patch) is to get every Beast an opportunity to raid if they choose to and as our raiding numbee swells (or dwindle) we can split the two raids towards progression and gearing until both can run the latest content concurrently.
So, a bunch of us [chat]ers over from D&D have decided to get back into WoW again. There aren't really enough of us to form our own guild so we thought we'd throw in our lot with you guys. So, who should I PM for a g-invite?
Inquisitor on
Kai_SanCommonly known as Klineshrike!Registered Userregular
edited January 2011
depending on the wife situation i wouldnt mind stepping in there and tanking on my DK tonight, if you need that.
So, a bunch of us [chat]ers over from D&D have decided to get back into WoW again. There aren't really enough of us to form our own guild so we thought we'd throw in our lot with you guys. So, who should I PM for a g-invite?
If you do a /who Beasts, bother a random person and they can point you in the right direction.
Daddy could use a set of pvp gear, but daddy could really use a vial of the sands.
By the way, have I mentioned that I feel it's kind of bullshit that the engineering and tailoring flying mounts are profession limited, but not the vial? Because, I do.
Munkus BeaverYou don't have to attend every argument you are invited to.Philosophy: Stoicism. Politics: Democratic SocialistRegistered User, ClubPAregular
Daddy could use a set of pvp gear, but daddy could really use a vial of the sands.
By the way, have I mentioned that I feel it's kind of bullshit that the engineering and tailoring flying mounts are profession limited, but not the vial? Because, I do.
Munkus Beaver on
Humor can be dissected as a frog can, but dies in the process.
I wish Blizz would update vanilla player models. The human in that video looks terrible compared to the draenei, blood elves, and goblin. And female trolls, just ugh. They should take the female draenei model, remove the horns and tail and swap the goat legs for human, night elf, or blood elf legs and call that the new female troll.
Too many of the female characters are already made generically humanoid, for the sake of being pretty, with the Worgen being the primary example that comes to mind.
I do agree that the old models could really use a revamp though.
Any mumble admins able to clear out certificates so I can use my normal name?
Ohtsam on
Munkus BeaverYou don't have to attend every argument you are invited to.Philosophy: Stoicism. Politics: Democratic SocialistRegistered User, ClubPAregular
edited January 2011
* Necrotic Strike is now affected by resilience.
Oh hey.
Munkus Beaver on
Humor can be dissected as a frog can, but dies in the process.
I wish Blizz would update vanilla player models. The human in that video looks terrible compared to the draenei, blood elves, and goblin. And female trolls, just ugh. They should take the female draenei model, remove the horns and tail and swap the goat legs for human, night elf, or blood elf legs and call that the new female troll.
While an update may happen, they will likely never do anything so dramatic with the females. Trolls in alpha were lanky and hunched over in a fashion very similar to the males. But players complained and thus we got the crazy sexual dimorphism we see today.
Sterica on
Dr_KeenbeanDumb as a buttPlanet Express ShipRegistered Userregular
edited January 2011
I'm not sure exactly why but I've started trying to clear out my backlog recently. Perhaps because I despise sunlight and social interaction I have chosen the start with The Witcher.
I think this all started because I happened to actually look at my Steam library and realized I had about 20 games that I bought for like $5 during some sale and have never even played.
The main bullet point here is that I'll be around sporadically until I finish Witcher.
If anyone's been following G&T, I've been spending most of my free time with my PSP lately. I'm done with BbS (screw that Final Episode!) I think I'm gonna start an alt...but I'm not sure if I should roll either a Goblin Mage or a Blood Elf Mage.
I was thinking about transfering my rogue but with that 3DS announcement and the wallet rape that is Feb (Tactics Ogre, MvC3 and DQ6) and March (3DS and Ocarina, Dragon Age2) I'm not really thrilled about spending more money transferring toons.
One playthrough is probably 20-30 hours, depending on how inclined you are to stop and smell the roses/complete all the content. Most people seem to like to play through twice per character, though (the 'build the character' run, and the higher difficulty 'canon' run.)
You should buy it anyway if you play videogames, though, it is pretty amazing all the way around
Eat it You Nasty Pig. on
hold your head high soldier, it ain't over yet
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
Dr_KeenbeanDumb as a buttPlanet Express ShipRegistered Userregular
What kind of DPS should I be doing in heroics, first starting out. I remember wrath had an ideal 1500 min to start in heroics. I just broke the 329 limit on my huntard and was told 5-6k is too low.
EWom on
Whether they find a life there or not, I think Jupiter should be called an enemy planet.
For just getting into heroics, with an ilvl 333+ weapon, I say at least 9k DPS should suffice. At least that is what I ask of my DPS for Baradin Hold for the minimum and that is a simple tank and spank fight.
Ok and BH is a raid, I'm talking 5 man heroics. Of which none of the DPS were at 9k and I wasn't even the lowest DPS, but I was the worst geared. I literally just hit 329 ilvl and got into the heroic, but was told to "step it up" when others were lower dps than me. Are there easier heroics I need to queue specifically for, before randoming into harder ones to get better gear first or what?
EWom on
Whether they find a life there or not, I think Jupiter should be called an enemy planet.
Ah of course, I don't know what I was thinking there. I wasn't really paying attention to meters but I do recall my Frost mage doing roughly 7k DPS in the first couple of heroics. Though if you weren't the lowest DPS in the party and was told to step it up, then the problem wasn't necessarily your DPS as it was them.
Edit: Honestly raw DPS won't make or break heroic runs unless your party can push through enrage-type mechanics. It a matter of everyone, controlling an extra mob will allow more focus fire and less damage on the tank to not drain the healer. If it were a boss then well timed interrupts are key as well knowing when to go all out with cooldowns.
Munkus BeaverYou don't have to attend every argument you are invited to.Philosophy: Stoicism. Politics: Democratic SocialistRegistered User, ClubPAregular
edited January 2011
28 hours if you listen to all the dialogue, 20 hours if you read subtitles and skip most of it.
Munkus Beaver on
Humor can be dissected as a frog can, but dies in the process.
Edit: My goal this expansion (at least until the first major content patch) is to get every Beast an opportunity to raid if they choose to and as our raiding numbee swells (or dwindle) we can split the two raids towards progression and gearing until both can run the latest content concurrently.
If you do a /who Beasts, bother a random person and they can point you in the right direction.
Also gev if you have a spare chaos orb. I would buy you a new recipe.
Just let me know the cost, I can either gather the fuckton of materials, or if you have them, just send over a fuckton of gold.
97 Elementium Bars
80 Volitile Fire
It gets you belt, boots, bracers, chest, gloves, helm, legs, and shoulders.
I typed "Ayl" but autocorrect decided on something better.
I'll hit him up the next time I see him online.
Daddy could use a set of pvp gear, but daddy could really use a vial of the sands.
By the way, have I mentioned that I feel it's kind of bullshit that the engineering and tailoring flying mounts are profession limited, but not the vial? Because, I do.
Why would you type Ayl. He doesn't even play anymore.
What cancer Jesus?
You can still ride around TB in style. Or erp in silvermoon.
That is all.
I do agree that the old models could really use a revamp though.
Oh hey.
Gah. What did I do to deserve that?
I think this all started because I happened to actually look at my Steam library and realized I had about 20 games that I bought for like $5 during some sale and have never even played.
The main bullet point here is that I'll be around sporadically until I finish Witcher.
3DS: 1650-8480-6786
Switch: SW-0653-8208-4705
I was thinking about transfering my rogue but with that 3DS announcement and the wallet rape that is Feb (Tactics Ogre, MvC3 and DQ6) and March (3DS and Ocarina, Dragon Age2) I'm not really thrilled about spending more money transferring toons.
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
You should buy it anyway if you play videogames, though, it is pretty amazing all the way around
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
Stop everything and play through ME2.
You should not even be reading this line as you should be playing ME2. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU.
3DS: 1650-8480-6786
Switch: SW-0653-8208-4705
Edit: Honestly raw DPS won't make or break heroic runs unless your party can push through enrage-type mechanics. It a matter of everyone, controlling an extra mob will allow more focus fire and less damage on the tank to not drain the healer. If it were a boss then well timed interrupts are key as well knowing when to go all out with cooldowns.
But but but...