Hey guys,
I'm looking for a good bluetooth keyboard and mouse. I've been using a Rocketfish keyboard and mouse combo for a while, and while it's been "okay" I've had a lot of trouble with its drivers (I've had to resort to having two bluetooth dongles, the one that came with this keyboard and mouse, and one for all my other bluetooth devices that don't seem to work on the rocketfish dongle once I have its drivers installed), and I occasionally have weird connection issues (Which I think is related to the other driver issues). I've also noticed the mouse is not as smooth as a good wired mouse.
So, I'm looking for a bluetooth mouse and keyboard that doesn't require crazy arcane drivers and a unique adapter to work, and is smooth and responsive enough for gaming. Something with a decent range, like 20 ft, is also a necessity.
I know I'm asking a lot here, but I've been having trouble finding a good mouse and keyboard for the longest time. I'm trying to stick to bluetooth because when I go RF, I seem to get some interference from my bluetooth devices, and it just makes sense to have all my wireless devices using the same standard. Normally I just turn to Newegg, but I only found two bluetooth combos, and neither of them look too hot. Both have reviews saying they're not good for gaming. Maybe I ask for the impossible...
Edit: Actually I spoke too soon, there are mixed reviews on
this one, but for the most part they say it's good for gaming, but not competitive gaming. But, really, competitive levels of gaming is not going to happen with wireless input devices.
I have heard some okay things about the higher end logitech stuff, but really would advise against paying that much for something just so it can be wireless.
PSN: TheScrublet
20 ft is probably a little bit of an exaggeration, probably something more like 10 to 15 ft. I never really measured. But yeah, I use my big ass DLP TV as my computer monitor. I use the computer so often though, that it would be a huge pain in the ass to have cables to constantly wrap up and unwrap. (Not to mention the bunny threat. Seriously, they love to chew wires. These cord wrappers do the trick, but they make cords even more awkward, unpleasant, and ugly.)
Let's just say I have a need for wireless, and I would even settle for sticking to my occasionally cutting out, two dongles with funky drivers setup before I resort to extension cables.
I mean aren't wireless waves traveling faster than electricity?
I like Logitech hardware, the SetPoint drivers and I are in a love/hate relationship. You can always just use the Windows drivers.
My advice is to go to a BestBuy/Futureshop and physically use some of the mice/ketyboard setups they have there. Microsoft makes some pretty okay stuff too.
Depending on how much you're spending, you could be stuck with these guys for a long time and don't want to hate how certain keys are lined up on the keyboard or how you keep accidentally clicking a button.
The keyboard you linked, my buddy has one and it is HUGE, the wireless one is probably more heavy than your Rocketfish one as well, may not be an issue, who knows, you may have sissy girly legs.
I've got http://www.duurtlang.net/weblog/uploaded_images/logitech_dinovo_media_desktop-745000.gif and I like the size, the newer one is a little bigger.
Also rabbits, cute.
Nearly all wireless mice put themselves in to a low power standby mode, fairly quickly, to avoid chewing up batteries. Some wake up quicker than others, but there is a noticeable delay on all of them. So wired mice win on that without having to consider anything else.
I still prefer wireless and haven't used a wired mouse, outside work, in over 10 years.
At this point, I'm much more concerned about quality of hardware and reasonability of software than I am with overall keyboard layout and size. Although, you do have a point. If it's ridiculous, then that could be an issue. I think as long as it fits on my lap (I've got hueg manly man legs), and in the storage space under my coffee table, it'll be fine. I've read that on the particular keyboard I was looking at, that there were some layout and key issues, like no scroll lock, no windows key on the right, and the numpad pretty much locked to number use (Fortunately for me, I only use the numpad for numbers, and I don't care about the missing keys).
I seem to remember looking at the keyboard you linked from Newegg, but they don't have it there anymore... I wonder what happened. I also can't remember why I decided against buying it. Probably price, at the time I couldn't afford to spend more than 50 on a keyboard. Looking at it on Amazon, it's still a little pricy. Reviews say that the keys can become unresponsive after a few weeks of intensive use, have you had this issue?
And sleep delay isn't a huge deal. The only time it really matters to me is when the sound is all of a sudden TOO LOUD and I need to stop it NAO!
with a similar set up to what you stated and loves it.
First off, my keyboard's num pad is detached. So if you're in love with numpads...mine is in a box somewhere.
Also my kit is the RF one. My brother has the BT one and the numpad has a little screen and can display what track is playing in WMP and can play/stop/pause/next/back.
Also on the unresponsiveness...my left shift I have to push slightly harder on. Every other key is fine. I've had it for over 5 years as well. The unresponsiveness may have been fixed in the newer models.
Also, the keys are low profile, like a laptop keyboard's keys. I love it, some people like big keys and the clickity clack.
The BT one is very expensive though, but it looks super sleak and sexy. I've had many a BJ's delivered because of my awesome keyboard.
Really tho there is a point where this matters. A year or two back the MS wireless mouse I was using went to sleep CONSTANTLY and took like two seconds to wake up. It became a huge deal.. It wasn't a cheap mouse either. IIRC it was the BT mouse that came with the MS Entertainment Desktop 8000, er so I'd avoid that one.
Also, if you want a BT mouse instead of one that uses it's own proprietary adapter then you're going to find that your selection becomes pretty limited.
The numpad is like, completely unattached? Like, you need some glue if you want to attach it to the rest of the keyboard?
I'm kind of leaning towards one of these two (The one I linked and the one being linked). I would get a refurbed version of the one that is being recommended, but for the first time I'm concerned about the quality of a refurb in regards to these unresponsive keys.
I'm trying to find the dimensions of the keyboard online, and if what I'm reading is right, the MX 5500 is about 5 inches wider, and the diNovo is about 5 inches shorter than the keyboard I currently have. In the end, I kind of like clicky clack keys, and I definitely like my number pad.
I think I need to think about this some more, maybe do a little bit more research. Performance wise, have you and your friend ever had connection issues with either of these keyboards? Or Unsane?
Now I just use a diNovo Edge, because it has a built in touchpad. One of the worst keyboards I have ever used.
mX1100 Laser Mouse
The keyboard works great for anything not game related. It starts losing signal when I start anything too intensive, it's just a few feet away from the dongle too. It worked great for a few months, had good response, never lagged. Now the problems are two-fold. If I have too many key-presses it starts lagging, if I stop pressing anything then I can expect the sleep delay to kick in right away. I don't have these problems outside of games and if you were looking for a good keyboard for just that, I'd go for it- otherwise stay away from it. In fact, I ended up buying a G13 gamepad just to replace this keyboards lack of game functionality. I guess, to be fair, the wireless signal from my mouse might be interfering with the keyboard, since it doesn't happen when it's just keyboard activity.
...The mouse loses signal when the batteries are low, but you get to say you use a laser mouse. It does feel different than an optical mouse...but..ehh. Opticals feel really smooth and no matter what the DPI setting is it never feels the same, it's good but not great. It might just be in my head, it could be my acceleration settings, I don't know. There's also no visible laser (in case I was getting any hopes up), I guess maybe if you had some smoke you might see something. It's easily the most comfortable mouse I've used though and that really outshines the bad stuff. The battery issue isn't a big deal to me (it's bound to all wireless mice, I suppose) and the smoothness isn't horrific or anything. The wake-up lag is there but it's pretty quick, not a problem at all if it's charged. I think I'd toss a recommendation that way as long as you're alright with some not-too-often lag and are cool with lasers.
Yup the numpad isn't attached at all, and it doesn't clip on or anything!
I've found the only time I've missed the keypad is when I would be typing in a credit card number or something similar. In everyday use for just throwing a number out there, 26!, its never bothered me, plus again, more laptopy.
Well the only time I get any interference or weird behavior is when the batteries are about to die. I've replaced them twice in the whole keyboard's life. BT will probably be more often as it uses more juice.
I never notice the keyboard going into sleep mode. And technically inbetween click it goes to sleep.
I don't know if things like crappy cordless phones or cell phones or bunnies radiation waves would interfere with a BT signal.
I've never had any connection or lag problems with my RF old style DiNovo.
I play TF2, with you guys some times and I don't have problems with pressing too many keys. I have found that if you want to emulate a d-pad using wads or your arrow keys you will notice the lack of input.
I would never buy a keyboard with a trackpad if I wanted to do anymore more than surf, email, masturbate and listen to music.
The one you're looking at is nice, but the screen is pretty much a waste, especially since you'll have to look down at your crotch from your TV to use it. There are some nice programmable buttons on the left side of Tab, so those would be neat for your TF2 scripts. Take a look at the Ins/home/page up/delete/end/page down keys. If you use any of those keys on a semi regular basis, like for programing or what have you, you'll find it extremely annoying having them laid out the way they are.
Pretty much the only gaming thing about it is that it has a screen for pretty useless gaming information and 4 buttons on the left that are programmable. Performance wise, like wireless strength, simultaneous key presses, etc, were not included when they were making that a "gaming" keyboard.
Okay, well, right now I'm leaning towards the hueg keyboard, the MX 5500. I really appreciate everyone's input, but I like my number pad attached (With my setup, I wouldn't be able to use it without having it in an awkward place), plus I like the feel of clickity clack keys more than laptop keys.
And I can think of a use for that little screen. Sometimes I like to have my TV off, but just play some music, and if I could use the screen for that (I may be mistaken but I think I could display current song on there), then that would be excellent.
As for the misc keys, they're in a similar arrangement as my current keyboard, I usually only find the layout of those keys a problem if they're squished on the side like a laptop keyboard. I am irked with the placement of the insert key (Why the hell did they hide it up there?) but I can get by with ctrl x and ctrl v instead of shift delete and shift insert.
One last thing, the placement of the media keys are perfect for me. That was one thing that I was afraid I was going to lose from my rocketfish keyboard. The volume keys and such are along the left edge of the keyboard, so I can tuck the keyboard away to the side, and adjust the show I'm watching from the edge of the keyboard. If I could get those play keys and such to work, even better.
I think I'm going to try this MX 5500. The diNovo looks great, and would be perfect for a lot of people, but I think this other keyboard just seems to fit my personal quirks and likes. This is assuming both have excellent performance and connectivity though, if I knew one was more reliable than the other I'd change in a heartbeat.
Edit: Bunny Radiation is the core reason I can't have a normal old RF wireless keyboard. They pretty much came up to me and told me they wouldn't let me game unless it was on a bluetooth keyboard and mouse.
Anyways enjoy the keyboard that is not my recommendation, I'm not bitter.
Although unfortunately it only appears to work with Mac OS X.
Don't know whether there was an update since then or logitech's mx5000 desktop just sucked, but I had a bluetooth lag of 20-30 ms, very noticeable.
I've since then switched to a corded mx518, but I guess a non-bluetooth cordless gaming mouse would probably work better than bt..
when I inquired about it, I learned that this lag was inherent to bt.
It's not that much noticeable, but when you have a connection with a ping of ~90ms, those additional 30 ms really pushed it in the "not that fun anymore" territory for me. But as I said, it was a problem of bluetooth, obviously not of RF itself. Rf should physically actually be a faster transmission than over a cable, if I'm thinking right..
But that was more than a year ago, so it's possibly fixed.
Except for me, my receiver is right next to my mouse.
If you can manage it; a usb extension running along the side of your wall unobtrusively with the receiver plugged in to it could cut down on any range issues you might have. If you can do something like that I wouldn't worry about range too much.
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That's not a bad idea. Maybe it could make it look like some sort of a silly wall lamp.
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