Well, maybe this won't be that great a topic since it seems there aren't many people on these boards with a Playstation 3 (totally understandable).
I have a PS2 as well. I never was a fan of the controller. Then I got one of these.
I loved the buttons, PERFECT controller weight, wireless rumble, and
I loved the analog sticks. Sensitivity was incredible, the rubber grips were great, and it was just a lot better than the Dualshock controller.
Now that I have a PS3, I'm missing it. Mainly because of the analog sticks. The trigger buttons are okay.
There's a Logitech controller
out for the PS3 right now, but with the $40 pricetag and not-so-stellar reviews there's no way I'm buying it:
It has no PS button on it, which really, really limits the capabilities of the controller. The main reason I bought the PS2 controller was it was wireless. I'm worried that the PS3 version of this will be weird without those L2/R2 trigger buttons. Compounding these complaints are the bad reviews.
So here is my question..
Anyone know of any good third party controllers coming out? Or that are already out?
Or does anyone know of any ways to mod a PS3 controller? Maybe replace analog sticks? I can't exactly
switch the analog sticks because of the Playstation button not being on the Cordless Action controller.
Is there a way to add weight to it maybe? "Cheap, plastic-y and lightweight" are complaints some people have.. I think I'm going to side with that crowd because the Logitech Cordless Action spoiled me.
Is there any game out right now that supports it? I can't answer your question because I only have Resistance. Apparently, though, Warhawk is really great with it. I read a few hands-on previews well after the E3 mess of a conference and the tilt function works nice on that game. It felt fluid and natural, so I can't wait for Warhawk to come out to give that a go, plus the fun of shooting down hundreds of bogeys in the sky.
Taht's funny, I could've sworn every preview I read from back then said it was clunky as hell.
Although I'm sure the devs hadn't been working on it for long at that point.
This is from Gamespy:
Also, I don't usually hold third party controllers in high regard unless the initial controller warrants the upgrade, much like the Genesis three button or xbox's big controller. Those are the only ones I ever really felt like replacing.
Unless of course some new version of the power glove comes out, then i'll probably be all over that.
Warhawk looks really good. There can be hundreds of enemies in the sky at once, plus hundreds of ground vehicles and soldiers, too. And I believe you get to play as a soldier and in ground vehicles throughout the campaign. There's also 32 player online play. I'm looking forward to it, and it comes out in a few months (around March, I think).
I don't understand why rumble is so popular. I always found it annoying and gimmicky, except in the instances where it's actually part of gameplay, like a hearbeat sensor in MGS2 or something. Why do you like it? Did you find it immersive?
But I don't like the layout and shape of Playstation controllers in general.
I like it when it's done well, but most of the time it's just "Oh, an explosion, lets crank it to 100%" and that shit gets old.
It's best used when it's a gameplay feature, like in Metal Gear Solid games where in 2 it was necessary to detect someone's abnormal heart beat and in 3 as a form of radar. I don't think many other games use it as a gameplay tool, though. Without the rumble, however, the controller does feel really light, and it rests easily in your hands. As I said above, I forgot I was even holding a controller while playing Resistance.
I must agree with you with playstation controllers not having a good layout and shape. God, they're uncomfortable...
"If I ever woke up with a dead hooker in my hotel room, Matt would be the first person I'd call."
Far from ergonomic. Analog sticks are rather unergonomic if compared to Nintendo's or Microsoft's offerings. In fact, Dual Shock is only console which sticks make my hands hurt after 2 hour long playing session.
Doesnt Motorstorm use the tilt? I want to try it on the demo unit my store has, but I have no clue as to turn it on.
The Gamecube controller is just dumb, and as for Microsoft they redeemed themselves with the S controller and the 360. If you bought an Xbox in itès early days you were treated to probably the worst controller ever made.
"If I ever woke up with a dead hooker in my hotel room, Matt would be the first person I'd call."
First Xbox controller was just fine. I actually prefer it over S and 360's controllers. And I wouldn't call Cube controller by any means dumb. It's extremely light and comfortable, even though C-stick could be longer.
Options screen. I couldn't control that thing, but it's good gimmicky fun for 2 minutes or so.
I never had any problems with triggers, but C-Stick is way too short. With PS2 controller problem is that sticks are poorly placed (just slapped hastily to the middle) and not really that precise.
I thik the 360 has the crown of best controller now. I would say the Wii, but it's too early and too different to even be put in the contest.
You mean like this?
Wii Code: 1040-1320-0724-3613 :!!:
I think it's a pretty rudimentary part of the experience and hass been since the psone days, and although it doesn't completely kill a game, it really sucks without it, even for something as simple as force feedback from firing a big gun.
The lack of rumble from car crashes will suck. And of course its use for tension, like in MGS will be sorely missed. It's not like it was getting redundant, and it was removed for an idiotic reason- they just didn't want to bother.
I feel that this is the main reason why most people like this controller so much.
I played Motorstorm a few weeks back, and when you're riding a motorcycle, you actually have to keep the controller perfectly horizontal to keep yourself from falling off the bike. Suffice to say it felt very uncomfortable.
Also, the rings on the analog stick don't feel good. Makes my thumb red after I'm done playing. And I'll never understand why the c stick is so small.
Ehh, not a fan.
Yes originally it was like X and Y.
I think they changed it around the time that X and Y were no longer analog buttons.
To me it felt like the Playstation six-axis control was just a gimmicky feature added in later on to match the features of the Wii. I played with it using motostorm, and it was way too sensitive and imprecise to do anything useful. Compare that to the driving game that they let you test out the Wii on, and it wasn't even a contest.