So I feel like this has a pretty obvious solution, but for some reason it escapes me.
I share a one bedroom apartment with my girlfriend and two kitties. Lately, I've noticed there's a lot of dust, and cat hair, and other general... tiny badness... all around my apartment. Ideally, it'd be nice if there was just some plug-in or something that did this for me so I don't have to scrub my apartment daily, but for now I'd settle for an effective method of getting rid of it in the first place.
It's approximately absolute zero outside, so leaving windows open to air the place out isn't too likely. I'd vacuum, but that's a pretty short task, since we just have one tiny carpet in the living room and the rest of the apartment is hardwood. I figure I can dust and sweep, but I feel like I'd just be putting a lot of the dust back in the air to settle elsewhere, and the idea of thoroughly wiping down every surface, floor, and wall every other day just doesn't seem very efficient to me.
What am I missing here? How do I get my apartment to be a cleaner place?
but they're listening to every word I say
Wait an hour.
Wait a day.
Repeat until dust is less noticeable.
...Are you sure there isn't some nice plug-in freshener that does this for me or something? This seems like a lot of work.
i have one in my apartment, and my roommate and i have noticed dust visibly reduce.
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
Get a dust mop and some rags/washcloths for dusting.
Run the dust mop along the corners of the room and around any light fixtures/fans/etc. that are collecting dust.
Wipe down the furniture and appliances with a moist rag. If you have wood furniture you can spray that with Endust and wipe (Do not use Pledge, it will eat through the finish over time). If you have a glass coffee table, feel free to use a glass cleaner on it.
Vacuum your upholstered furniture and any draperies.
Wipe down your cabinetry and baseboards with a damp rag.
Vacuum your carpet. Mop the hardwood floors with the dust mop. Mop your kitchen floors with a wet mop.
Once or twice a week, wipe off the table tops with a damp rag or use something like a swiffer duster if you can afford it and vacuum.