Hey guys I'm looking for a new wallet to buy.
I've had the same wallet for as long as I can remember and now its tattered, stained, and close to ripping. It's very sentimental to me, being the only thing I've actually kept and used since I was very young. My 21st birthday is coming up so I figured it's the perfect occasion to retire it somewhere safe and pick up something new.
The new wallet needs to be able to hold bills and store cards and photos (doesn't matter if its hidden in a pocket or in a plastic holder). Other than that, I pretty much want the coolest, stand out piece of wallet there ever was. Cost isnt a factor in the suggestions (but I don't need one covered in jewels). And the wallet doesn't need to be a fancy brand to be considered awesome.
So throw out some ideas.
once you know what you like, however, go to a store like Marshalls or Century21 and buy the wallet there... for $20 instead of $100
Or why not go to Marshalls and just see what you like?
Anyone who is going to want to see your ID is going to want it removed from the wallet. Easier to lose as well when it's on the outside.
My wallet is white and I love it.
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i like the look of the taxi wallet best i think it would look nicely different in red, but not silly and childish which is great
some other linked ones were
the super slimmy
the jimi
some people favor things like
or if you're into moneyclips
the duckbill
these can actually look pretty good and definitely distinct, not sure how well they stay together though.
kpop appreciation station i also like to tweet some
They tend to only last around a year but they are free so it's no big problem.
I want to know more PA people on Twitter.
b/c Marshalls typically has a pile of opened, disheveled wallet boxes... not a situation that's very conducive to careful examination, especially if you have three other people picking through the pile with you. YMMV, of course.
Considering MythBusters built a sailboat out of duct tape, picked up a car with duct tape, and built a gorram working cannon with duct tape, I'd say they hold up pretty well. It would also be an icebreaker with cute gurls in the chekcout lane.
This wont last you years (I've had mine for six months and it's showing signs of wear), but they ARE neat.
If people are going to judge you based on your wallet... you don't want to associate with those kinds of idiots in the first place.
I've used one recently for about 2 years, and although it is a good ice breaker as you said, its also a good lint/dirt/crap collector on the edges of the tape as it gradually peels away.
That's nice, they didn't build a wallet out of it though and that is a completely different kind of working environment to any of those. And 'goddamn' is spelt with Ds, not Rs.
kpop appreciation station i also like to tweet some
Except, like, you know... employers and clients...
My wallet.
On that suggestion, I have often considered getting a cigarette case style wallet.
My bi-fold wallet has the front lower pocket with a clear front so that the ID shows through. In case someone wants to hold the id the clear plastic has a thumb size oval in it that allows me to easily slip the ID out.
Very much like this: http://www.leatherology.com/item_detail.aspx?ItemCode=LWS01102G01012
Also, I can count to "boat".
yeah i was going to say, if you work in a professional environment, you want to be perceived as professional, not as the quirky guy with the fun wallet.
now, if you don't need to worry about being professional, do what ya want.
Here's a link, they have a bunch of styles and several colors.
Actually thats kinda cool, I'm british by blood.
Behold: http://www.hammacher.com/Product/Default.aspx?sku=77308&refsku=75815 The significantly-more-tolerable-to-look-at Stainless Steel Wallet. Something draws me to it, but yeah I would like something a bit more professional like Belreul said, though that stainless steel actually might work. The wallet I have now is denim, sports a velcro fastener (yeah I know), is ripped and worn, and is about .75 inches thick loaded.
Normally when I tell people I've had it forever (it actually has the word "Forever" stitched on it), its considered interesting and what not, but I think, when I'm 21, I probably shouldn't be making that SCHRRTTT noise when I buy a drink for a girl I've just met. I could be wrong.
*Edit*Actually I don't care if it's professional or quirky, I just need to lose the velcro :P
Great suggestions so far.
what I'm getting at, is that if you have a unique wallet with history and the only thing wrong is that the velcro noise is cock blocking you, remove the velcro!
Yeah it's used to stay together. The velcro isn't really a cock block or a problem cuz I never 'bust out the wallet' dramatically or anything. It's more like that first car that's ready to die, and the best thing to do is to just park it in the garage and buy something nice with leather seats.
Go bold or go home.