So, I am currently on exchange to the US (in san francisco). After my semester finishes, I have a month in the states before I have to go home. Hopefully, for some of that month, one of my very close friends will be able to come over and do something amazing with me.
He doesn't have to fly into San Francisco - he could fly to wherever has an international airport, and I could met him there.
We probably only have 10 days together, so we'd like to not do too much travelling vast distances - more, picking one awesome spot and exploring it. We won't be able to rent a car or drive, so a road trip is pretty much out - don't want to waste our time together on greyhound buses.
He doesn't like "cultural" things - ie, art galleries, museums, going to shows (theatre or live music). I will have a lot of time to do these sort of things while I am in SF anyway, so going somewhere to see big cultural attractions is probably out.
We do like: beaches, partying, he likes to gamble a bit but I don't really so I don't want to go to Vegas. I'm a big fan of outdoorsy nature things, but nothing too strenuous - hiking really isn't his thing. Swimming/snorkeling is good though.
We probably have a budget of maybe $2000 for the ten days (not including airfares). We're more than happy to stay in youth hostels - we're both 21.
Is Hawii overrated? I don't really know that much about the US, so I have no idea where to even start looking. But Hawii sounds nice... this is probably the only chance we'll get to do any international travel together for the next few years, so I'd like to make it something special.
Thanks for any advice!
I think so. It's expensive too.
If you like outdoorsy things, why can't you drive to Vegas then go to the Grand Canyon and then off to Yosemite? That's like one of the ultimate outdoorsy thing.
Plenty of nightlife in the whole area, and cultural stuff in case either one does decide to do it. You can head out of NYC itself for outdoorsy stuff like hiking, camping, kayaking, etc (New York State is not just the city).
Home Inspection and Wind Mitigation
I respectfully disagree. I wouldn't go to New York for the beaches, even the Hamptons. NY beaches are nice enough for NYers, but they honestly aren't all that special and are actually objectively kinda bad.
Which rules out Cape Cod, a really outdoorsy place that's really nice outside of spring (it gets kind of muddy). Provincetown has a good night life, as long as you're gay.
Everything within walking distance. Plenty of stuff to see. Affordable rooms and cheap food.
Plenty of stuff to fill up a week.
Oh, I agree they aren't great. But it has everything else he's looking for. He can always head to one of the beaches in NJ that are much better if he really wanted to.
there's probably all kinds of discounts right now, not just because of the economy but also because it's past season but still snowy enough.