What is it?
Its a short 15-20 minute game that DusT_HounD summarizes pretty well
Tatsuya Koyama has released version 1.00 of his shmup, Genetos.
It's 27-odd megs of pure shooter bliss, taking you through the evolution of shoot 'em ups, starting with Space Invaders, going through Rayforce, then out into some sort of Rez territory.
As you play, your ship starts out only able to go left and right, then later as you evolve, you gain the ability to move up and down, and each evolutionary stage gives more functions, like homing shots, smart bomb etc. Stages and enemies also evolve accordingly.
Depending on how you play, your ship may develop other functions too, like a fucking huge sword, or a reflect shield etc., so each playthrough will bring you a different experience. There are many new weapons to unlock, so it has a little bit of longevity, not to mention trying score runs, as it seems to have quite a nice points system too. Five difficulty levels and replay recording is also catered for.
On top of this, the soundtrack is awesome too, AND IT'S FUCKING FREE!!! Seriously, i emailed Tatsuya, and asked if i could send him a paypal donation, and he refused it, saying that my compliment was enough. Madness. Someone needs to tell him to port it for iphone or something and get it onto the apps store.
TL;DR: Freeware Japanese shmup, loving homage to the shoot 'em up genre, fantastic soundtrack, unlockables, everyone should play it. Oh yeah, runs brilliantly on netbooks too.
Lots of guns?
Yup! You start off with just a plain 2-shot peashooter, but as you evolve you get different bomb and sub-weapon types depending on how you play.
Main guns: You will be using these a lot
Normal - Lots of bullets spreading out into a fan like pattern, nothing too fancy but very useful
Blade - Two very large blades extend from your ship as you fire. They do pretty good damage to everything they touch. Fun but a bit difficult to use effectively
Orbit - Revolving blades spin around your ship. Great against regular enemies
Graze - Fires bullets at enemy bullets. So it's great for higher difficulties and later levels
Slow - Low speed shot that stays in position with the ship and gradually accelerates
Bombs: Great at getting you out of a tight spot, most make you invulnerable and turn enemies' bullets into points
Circle - Creates a circle explosion with you at the center. It has good range and makes you invulnerable while it is deploying
Cross - Creates a Cross shaped explosion that extends to the edges of the screen. Happens instantly
Burning - Covers you in a field of fire and doubles your movement speed for 4 seconds
Flash - An instant full screen bomb that wipes all enemies in a blink
Chain - Blasts enemies in a chain reaction
Sub-Weapons: Supporting abilities
Laser - Locks on to enemies and fires a barrage of homing lasers.
Overclock - Tired of getting hit all the time? Use this put everything into slow motion
Counter - Like Laser, but different in that you absorb enemy bullets to fire instead of locking on. One of my favorites
Zero Shift - Warps you in the direction you're moving in and everything in your path is destroyed
Summon - Summon a boss you've fought before and let it fight for you
So where do I get it?Right here folksScores
The whole point of this thread! I'll list the top 3 in each difficulty so either post your scores here in
Cyan or PM me with them if you want them added to the list. It's not required, but try to include your weapon set with your score.
- PeregrineFalcon 3,998,415
- Blaze_zero 2,679,309
- .
Standard User
- Jothki 7,715,427 orbit/cross/summon
- Mr Fuzzbutt 5,981,851 orbit/cross/summon
- Mith 4,732,695
- Jothki 6,116,293 blade/cross/zero-shift
- Gunwarrior 4,183,745
- Elliotw2 4,058,297
- Gunwarrior 3,548,921
- .
- .
- Joule 7,370,390 Orbit/Circle/laser
- Gunwarrior 983,374 (DNF)
- .
It is a bit late at night where I am. Maybe we'll get some more entrants in the morn.
Edit: Just ran through Creator again with an emphasis on actually getting score. 7370390 - Orbit/Chain/Laser Still a lot of improvement that could be done (like dying a lot less) and holding back to chain more.
She is 503'd!
Here's a mirror of the game I uploaded the other day when the site went down.
I haven't messed around with Overclock much yet but I think it's pretty decent for score purposes and its slow down is very useful (slow bullets down then graze them to reflect).
My score for standard on the first run was 631,000.
I might go to beginner.
Beginner - 2,679,309
Only managed a B-rank with that.
Rank: B+
Score: 3219934
I think I could have done better. I finished the game with a stock of like 17 bombs so I need to be a lot more liberal in my bomb usage. I may try a "Programmer" run later. Playing on my keyboard like this makes my wrist hurt after awhile.
Only 2284190 on a first attempt, and I didn't even get to the end...
It does, by the way. Or at least it supports the Xbox 360 controller.
This was fun.
EDIT: 3737114 on Standard User w/ Orbit/Circle/Laser.
Also thanks StickyKeys for cocking up the final stage.
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
Actually there's a "Normal" option for your main weapon. Orbit is just so easy to get that you'll likely have it instead (grab the DNA in stage 1 or beat the mutant with your level 1 ship).
Fucking hell
I grabbed the DNA the first time so I didn't the second time, and then killed the mutant with my level one ship.
Which gave me Orbit again
/reopens game
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
You can get Graze by the end of the first level. Unlock methods are either get the DNA in stage 2 (seemed to have been in one of those boxes that scroll by near the end...shortly before they disappear altogether), or "play with unwasted motion".
For Over-clock it's beat the stage 3 mutant with your level 3 ship or go to level 4 with 5 stocks or less.
With the way I play I'm surprised I haven't gotten the swords yet. I like getting in an enemy's face with Orbit, so I would have figured I was being aggressive enough.
The final stage is where most of the points come from because there's a lot of chaining material there.
Beating it also nets a sizable bonus.
And yes, explosions in stage 3 masking bullets is something I could do without.
Switch: US 1651-2551-4335 JP 6310-4664-2624
MH3U Monster Cheat Sheet / MH3U Veggie Elder Ticket Guide
Once you've reached a specific evolution you can see the methods under the history section.
Switch: US 1651-2551-4335 JP 6310-4664-2624
MH3U Monster Cheat Sheet / MH3U Veggie Elder Ticket Guide
Currently DMing: None
[5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
Weapons: Slow-Circle-Laser
The not-that-hard Hard mode
There's one part very near the end where enemies come at you conveniently clustered in the middle third of the screen - I totally spammed bombs and the combo just kept going up.
Ikaruga was 20 minutes. I am in. In like a motherfucker.
I believe if you get Orbit, you won't get Blade later on.
Lotus Land Story is pretty fun. A lot of good songs in it including Bad Apple. Yuka's a pretty awesome last boss too. Dual Spark.
Dracil how come you don't do any more Touhou lunatic/extra videos?
For swords, you need to spend a bunch of time in the upper half of the screen.
I love the cliches it throws at you at the end.
The whole secrets of the universe shit at the end,
The final laser...
I don't think it's comparable to Touhou. Not much in the way of pretty danmaku and no streaming sections that I noticed (some bits you could stream, but nothing actually made for it in Standard User...it's as easily done through simple dodging). Most of it feels like random spam, though the stages themselves seem to loop through a pattern until you either run out of time or get 800 on the item meter (though maybe the latter is just a coincidence).
The bullet hell section seems more similar to the videos I've seen of Cave's games, though obviously not as difficult. That said some of the spam from the final boss did remind me of Sanae's non-spells. And I guess the attacks from both sides look similar to those in Sanae's 'Wonder "Daytime Guest Stars"' but aren't lasers.
99.82% shot down :winky:
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
Some things of note:
Summon can build up a really massive combo in the start of level 5. I probably could have pushed it even further with bombs, but eh.
You can get massive points by bombing a spreading spawn of bullets. The final boss works particularly well for that, since you can hit two at once.
Holy shit. It's a bit tricky to use at first, but they weren't exaggerating about it being powerful. The last boss didn't take nearly as long to finish off. I'll try picking up Orbit and seeing if it precludes me getting Blade.
If it's not too annoying I may try finishing off the second mutant with Orbit alone after the evolution and playing the third stage normally to see if that's enough time above the middle, though perhaps they mean percentage of time since your last evolution. I noticed that at least one of the unlock methods in the history section seems to be a bit inaccurate...for Cross it says to use all your bombs, but I think you have to have no bombs left at the time you evolve since the former didn't work for me and I'm pretty sure I met the latter since I was trying to bomb a mutant to death before I evolved.
The recharge on Zero Shift is low enough that you can keep a combo alive with two or three bombs.
I was running low on lives at the end there, so I probably spent less time on the final boss than I should have. I could've probably gotten the score much higher with more bombing.