so i have a friend who is a keyholder for Blockbuster
she gave me this coupon a couple months back
(i covered the serial because hey who knows, maybe by some crazy magic she could get in trouble which i don't want)
this thing is awesome... any movie or game (new release or not) is 99 cents... and i can use it as many times as i want per visit
she said she's used hers (she had a couple, gave some to family) for a few years now and it apparently has no expiration date
she says 'an old assistant manager gave me a handful of them and says they were from a catalog of some sort'
so... we're just both curious
i don't want to ask too many employees because i don't want my coupon to be revoked, but mostly because i don't want my friend to get in trouble for disseminating them if they're supposed to be for employees only
by being firm with the employees at various blockbuster (being honest, saying i have no idea where it came from, but it is valid and i'd like my discount applied) it always gets honored... but basic level employees at several blockbuster don't know its source
neither do two different store managers
someone sate my curiosity?
There was a lot of down time at Blockbuster 10 years ago, and that's when they were at their peak, so knowing how badly the company has fallen apart it's a safe bet that employees get bored as heck and screw around with the system.