[Pre-PAX Bar Crawl] Pokecrawl Episode 1: The Adventure Begins!

Atlus ParkerAtlus Parker Registered User regular
edited April 2010 in PAX Archive

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Oh no!

You've overslept again! Unfortunately today isn't just any other day. Today is the day you get your first Pokemon and start your Pokemon journey! Without a moment to spare, you grab your signature ball cap and backpack and run out the door. By the time you get to Professor Oak's house all your friends have already left and the professor smells like a brewery. Stepping gingerly over empty bottles of Wild Turkey you approach the professor. "Agh hrbl mmf dorf," he says to you, gesturing at the 4 Pokeballs your friends missed because they were tucked away in a half rack of Natty Ice. Before you can ask which one you can take Oak passes out on the floor. Turning him on his side so he doesn't choke on his own vomit, you grab the Pokeballs and look at the labels: !Charmander, !Bulbasaur, !Pikachu, and !Squirtle seem to be contained inside. Resisting the temptation to just grab all four you reach out and choose...

What This Is

Welcome to PAX East version of the PrePAX bar crawl. You may remember me from the other PrePAX bar crawl, The Triwizard Drinking Tournament. Or if this is your first PAX, maybe not. In any case, the Pokecrawl is a barcrawl/scavenger hunt that's Pokemon themed. The goal is to get as drunk as possible while participating in drinking games designed to get you there. Oh yeah, it's also a great way to meet fellow PAXers and make friends before the convention itself. As always, attendees will be encouraged to come dressed in characters from the Pokemon universe (Red/Blue/Yellow generation).

What This Isn't

This still isn't a kegger at the Theta Phi Delta. It's also not Wizard or Twilight themed. We wouldn't want to get punched in the face, now would we?

How To Participate

To sign up, just make a post here starting with "I choose you!" and then your desired Pokemon: !Charmander, !Bulbasaur, !Pikachu, or !Squirtle to get sorted into the appropriate team. I will also be looking for Professors and assistants to lead each team. Once you've chosen your starting Pokemon all you have to do is show up at your team's starting bar (TBA). As with my other bar crawls, I will be asking each participant for a donation of at least $1 for Child's Play. This donation will get you y our scorecard and your team's pin. The team that raises the most gets bragging rights when I present the collected donations to Gabe & Tycho.


Standby Members

Being on "standby" does not mean that you ride the pine unless someone drops out. All it means is that you may or may not get your own team button and scorecard because all supplies are ordered based on 200 total participants. Everyone is welcome to join no matter when they sign up. Hell, I want the attendance for this bar crawl to blow that of the the last Triwizard Drinking Tournament and that definitely had 200 people. Keep on signing but just bear in mind that at this point you may not get the goodies, but you will definitely get the good time.

When This Is

This event happens the Thursday before PAX at 8:30pm. Starting bar is determined by your team.

Team Red (54) Standby (15)

For those who've chosen Charmander. Highly spirited and quick to anger. You're governed by the element of Fire. Weak vs Water.

ProfRed: AtlusParker +1
PokeAsst♂: ZeroHourHero
PokeAsst♀: Sexy Vulpix
01. Arco
03. zezspecs
04. PeasantDave +5
05. Vaulter85
06. chupamiubre
07. arsonisfun
08. Jamers
09. crashdaddy +1
10. ian.samuel
11. kaoticrequiem
12. o55goten +1
13. Goose!
14. burnttoast45 +5
15. ikelewis +1
16. gxb5443
17. Troubletown
18. DarkDisciple
19. Squeej +4
20. Thanatopolis
21. Hexcore
22. ukiyo e
23. zombiebot +3
24. cbr
25. HardSix
26. notmetalenough +3
27. CountThanda

01. binhqx
02. Ferris007
03. Halfazedninja +1
04. capnjack +2
05. ian.samuel
06. Marveus +1
07. DruVirus
08. w00dm4n
09. Aereus +1
10. Kajjarrin

Schedule & Challenges:
08:30 PM Bar 1: Pour House (Challenges 1 & 2)
Boulder Badge: Brock's Challenge: Prove your toughness to Brock by drinking a random shot of the bartender's choosing.
Cascade Badge: Misty's Challenge: Drink a domestic beer. Because, y'know, they're all water.

09:20 PM Bar 2: McGreevy's (Challenge 3)
Thunder Badge: Lt Surge's Challenge: Challenge a member of Team Yellow to a shot consisting of their elemental weakness (Rum).

10:20 PM Bar 3: McGreevy's (Challenge 4)
Rainbow Badge: Erika's Challenge: Choose a member of Team Green and demonstrate your good manners. Mutually decide on a drink for the both of you.

11:20 PM Bar 4: Lir (Challenge 5)
Soul Badge: Koga's Challenge: Choose a member of Team Blue and drink their poisonous concoction consisting of at least 2 different alcohols.

12:20 AM Bar 5: King's (Challenges 6, 7, & Bonus)
Marsh Badge: Sabrina's Challenge: Your professor or PokeAsst chooses a number between 1-10. If you read his/her mind correctly, take a drink of your choice. If not, take a drink of your PokeProf/PokeAsst's choice.
Volcano Badge: Blaine's Challenge: Blaine is the QUIZ MASTER!!!! Answer a random trivia question from your PokeProf or PokeAsst. Answer it correctly and you may skip taking a drink for this challenge. Get it wrong and take a doubleshot of your choosing.
Bonus: Elite 4 Badge: The Mew Challenge: This challenge is only available to trainers who have already earned all 8 other badges. You may catch Mew for a bonus button by taking a shot of 151. If the bar will not serve 151, a doubleshot of rum will suffice.

Wild Card Challenge:
Earth Badge: Giovanni's Challenge: This badge is only awarded to those who come dressed in costume.


Team Green (61) Standby (12)

For those who've chosen Bulbasaur. Tolerant of others and even tempered. You're governed by the element of Grass. Weak vs Fire.

ProfGreen: tehnakki +1
PokeAsst♂: VThornheart
PokeAsst♀: delcicious3.14 +1
01. SoCo_and_Lime
02. shugarae +2
03. Whirlspell
04. muttonhead
05. t2kizzle +1
06. Nikolis
07. Citrus
08. mcslanty +2
09. PinkysAvenger
10. Hippowithwings +2-3
11. Perco +1
12. nerve
13. Kitteh +3
14. Tedevium +1
15. Shenanigan +2
16. sonokodomo +2
17. Rhiley +1
18. bakasama +1
19. sig11
20. Mesoian +2
21. Accalon
22. NES
23. DeathByOrganic +1
24. Valantine
25. PuddingSenator
26. NoLe4fCl0v3r
27. Randomfool +3
28. BallisticChick
29. Nebins

01. gappleton
02. gregchick1
03. StrikerObi
04. JohnnyFiver
05. binhqx
06. Yoshi MCF +2
07. Athena
08. plastic_girl
09. Vanishing Point
10. Rex Beavers

Schedule & Challenges:
08:30 PM Bar 1: Mcgreevy's (Challenges 1 & 2)
Boulder Badge: Brock's Challenge: Prove your toughness to Brock by drinking a random shot of the bartender's choosing.
Cascade Badge: Misty's Challenge: Drink a domestic beer. Because, y'know, they're all water.

09:20 PM Bar 2: Lir (Challenge 3)
Thunder Badge: Lt Surge's Challenge: Challenge a member of Team Blue to a shot consisting of their elemental weakness (Tequila).

10:20 PM Bar 3: McGreevy's (Challenge 4)
Rainbow Badge: Erika's Challenge: Choose a member of Team Red and demonstrate your good manners. Mutually decide on a drink for the both of you.

11:20 PM Bar 4: Pour House (Challenge 5)
Soul Badge: Koga's Challenge: Choose a member of Team Yellow and drink their poisonous concoction consisting of at least 2 different alcohols.

12:20 AM Bar 5: Daisy Buchanan's (Challenges 6, 7, & Bonus)
Marsh Badge: Sabrina's Challenge: Your professor or PokeAsst chooses a number between 1-10. If you read his/her mind correctly, take a drink of your choice. If not, take a drink of your PokeProf/PokeAsst's choice.
Volcano Badge: Blaine's Challenge: Blaine is the QUIZ MASTER!!!! Answer a random trivia question from your PokeProf or PokeAsst. Answer it correctly and you may skip taking a drink for this challenge. Get it wrong and take a doubleshot of your choosing.
Bonus: Elite 4 Badge: The Mew Challenge: This challenge is only available to trainers who have already earned all 8 other badges. You may catch Mew for a bonus button by taking a shot of 151. If the bar will not serve 151, a doubleshot of rum will suffice.

Wild Card Challenge:
Earth Badge: Giovanni's Challenge: This badge is only awarded to those who come dressed in costume.


Team Yellow (51) Standby (19)

For those who've chosen Pikachu. You are an untamed spirit and refuse to surrender. You're governed by the Electric element. Weak vs Grass.

ProfYellow: Rdr
PokeAsst♂: Visions
PokeAsst♀: gilberta+1
01. Srol
02. Richie Daggers
03. hexagram83
04. danielofthekings
05. daytonadale
06. MoralDilema +1
07. Taerro +3
08. Roue Cinnamon +2
09. Salpedro
10. LewieP's Mummy
11. LewieP
12. AngryPuppy +2
13. MJPM +2
14. rxninja +3
15. Willeth
16. philbertde +4
17. Illykai +1
18. Selquist
19. Evelyn
20. xbannor
21. kfdavila
22. Norm99 +1
23. Mouse Angelo +3
24. ninja_blade
25. KratzALot

01. MassiveKnight +2
02. o the afermath +1
03. Art Wolf
04. Valoharth
05. greggturek +1
06. Certain.shade.of.green
07. mr_bundy
08. Aryman
09. sykomonkey
10. gfish
11. boozysmurf
12. Rock
13. testsubject23
14. muninn

Schedule & Challenges:
08:30 PM Bar 1: Daisy Buchanan's (Challenges 1 & 2)
Boulder Badge: Brock's Challenge: Prove your toughness to Brock by drinking a random shot of the bartender's choosing.
Cascade Badge: Misty's Challenge: Drink a domestic beer. Because, y'know, they're all water.

09:20 PM Bar 2: McGreevy's (Challenge 3)
Thunder Badge: Lt Surge's Challenge: Challenge a member of Team Red to a shot consisting of their elemental weakness (Vodka).

10:20 PM Bar 3: Pour House (Challenge 4)
Rainbow Badge: Erika's Challenge: Choose a member of Team Green and demonstrate your good manners. Mutually decide on a drink for the both of you.

11:20 PM Bar 4: Pour House (Challenge 5)
Soul Badge: Koga's Challenge: Choose a member of Team Blue and drink their poisonous concoction consisting of at least 2 different alcohols.

12:20 AM Bar 5: TBA (Challenges 6, 7, & Bonus)
Marsh Badge: Sabrina's Challenge: Your professor or PokeAsst chooses a number between 1-10. If you read his/her mind correctly, take a drink of your choice. If not, take a drink of your PokeProf/PokeAsst's choice.
Volcano Badge: Blaine's Challenge: Blaine is the QUIZ MASTER!!!! Answer a random trivia question from your PokeProf or PokeAsst. Answer it correctly and you may skip taking a drink for this challenge. Get it wrong and take a doubleshot of your choosing.
Bonus: Elite 4 Badge: The Mew Challenge: This challenge is only available to trainers who have already earned all 8 other badges. You may catch Mew for a bonus button by taking a shot of 151. If the bar will not serve 151, a doubleshot of rum will suffice.

Wild Card Challenge:
Earth Badge: Giovanni's Challenge: This badge is only awarded to those who come dressed in costume.


Team Blue (58) Standby (21)

For those who've chosen Squirtle. A rascal and a trickster. You're governed by the element of Water. Weak vs Electric.

ProfBlue: Singollo
PokeAsst♂: lucazzo +1
PokeAsst♀: Stephidabefida +1
01. Tiny415
02. whypick1
03. Drennin26
04. Loser4Now +1
05. cherin +1
06. badrew +3
07. baelion
08. rentfn +1
09. Postal Kitty
10. ohthecommotion
11. Queue +1
12. DTurd71 +1
13. wolverinefactor
14. Kosiji
15. huginn
16. def PD +3
17. coolbreeze10
18. burnsbothends
19. mrknight9
20. XtremeWRATH +1
21. Khadour
22. Baka Al
23. Drak +1
24. Sageheart +3
25. TheTerribleMan
26. Deadjon
27. Ekkosangen
28. AurorBK +1
29. Sammy
30. SamLunny +2
31. on8wingedangel +3
32. PepsiOtaku +1
33. staff

01. mersault +3
02. DTurd71 +1
03. Luciel +1
04. fr05t
05. SweetwaterkillX +1
06. heartscarfer
07. WSwan +1
08. Rot26
09. Zerroth
10. GroovesEthnikon
11. ThumbBumpkins
12. sofreshsodarryl +4
13. Skeith27
14. VenomSpawn

Schedule & Challenges:
08:30 PM Bar 1: King's (Challenges 1 & 2)
Boulder Badge: Brock's Challenge: Prove your toughness to Brock by drinking a random shot of the bartender's choosing.
Cascade Badge: Misty's Challenge: Drink a domestic beer. Because, y'know, they're all water.

09:20 PM Bar 2: Lir (Challenge 3)
Thunder Badge: Lt Surge's Challenge: Challenge a member of Team Green to a shot consisting of their elemental weakness (Whisky).

10:20 PM Bar 3: Pour House (Challenge 4)
Rainbow Badge: Erika's Challenge: Choose a member of Team Yellow and demonstrate your good manners. Mutually decide on a drink for the both of you.

11:20 PM Bar 4: Lir (Challenge 5)
Soul Badge: Koga's Challenge: Choose a member of Team Red and drink their poisonous concoction consisting of at least 2 different alcohols.

12:20 AM Bar 5: McGreevy's (Challenges 6, 7, & Bonus)
Marsh Badge: Sabrina's Challenge: Your professor or PokeAsst chooses a number between 1-10. If you read his/her mind correctly, take a drink of your choice. If not, take a drink of your PokeProf/PokeAsst's choice.
Volcano Badge: Blaine's Challenge: Blaine is the QUIZ MASTER!!!! Answer a random trivia question from your PokeProf or PokeAsst. Answer it correctly and you may skip taking a drink for this challenge. Get it wrong and take a doubleshot of your choosing.
Bonus: Elite 4 Badge: The Mew Challenge: This challenge is only available to trainers who have already earned all 8 other badges. You may catch Mew for a bonus button by taking a shot of 151. If the bar will not serve 151, a doubleshot of rum will suffice.

Wild Card Challenge:
Earth Badge: Giovanni's Challenge: This badge is only awarded to those who come dressed in costume.



PokeProfs and PokeAssts are the volunteer leaders who lead each team from bar to bar and handle passing out scorecards, buttons, stickers for completed challenges, etc. Each team has one PokeProf and two PokeAssts, one male and one female. I have acquired enough Pokedexs (Pokedexes?) so that every PokeProf will be able to borrow one for the duration of the Pokecrawl. If you are interested in stepping up to any of these roles, please let me know.

How Do I Win?

There's really no winning, per se. This is pretty much a fun, drunken night out with fellow nerds. But for those of you who do manage to finish your scorecards, there will be a button confirming the fact that you have indeed "drank 'em all". Still not enough? That leads us to...

The Mew Challenge

For those intrepid trainers who have completed their Pokedex, you will receive a rare opportunity to capture one of the rarest Pokemon: Mew, the 151st Pokemon. While the details of this challenge will be kept under wraps, it is fairly obvious what it will entail.

Tips & Tricks

Don't Be a Dick: First and foremost, don't do anything that's going to embarrass yourself or anyone else. Especially since alcohol is going to be involved you're going to want to leave your asshole pants at home. Don't get punched in the face. This is Boston, after all.

Know Your Limit: The only person who knows your alcohol tolerance is you. There's nothing worse than an overindulged drunk so don't be that guy. If someone notices that you're getting sloppy you're already past the point of no return. You should probably stop drinking when someone points out to you that you're peeing on a bar stool.

Leave No Pokemon Behind: We arrive as a group and leave as a group. If someone has to be That Guy/Gal who gets so wasted that they think they're actually Brock, it's the responsibility of the crawl as a whole to ensure this person makes it safely back to their hotel. Use the buddy system, handcuff yourselves to each other, whatever. No one is to vomit in a bus terminal by themselves. Not this night, at least.

Respect the Professor and their Assistants: Anyone designated as a Prof/Asst for the crawl isn't there just to hand out stickers; they're there to make sure everyone's having a good time and that everything runs smoothly. They're there to keep everyone moving and to stop people from jumping up on the bar and dropping trou. If one asks you to stop picking bar fights with Tom Cruise, it might be a good idea to do so.

HAVE FUN: This is the most important guideline of all: Have fun! We're all on vacation and we're drinking with fellow nerds so let's enjoy it. Keeping ourselves fairly reasonable for the evening will make it a good time for everyone.

Guidelines For Trainer Duels

When approaching a bar that has a designated trainer duel as its challenge, pair up with your opponent outside. That way we can avoid as much confusion inside the bar itself as we can. Order your drinks together. You pay for your opponent's drink. If you want to buy your opponent a $50 shot that's up to you but that's your financial burden. In addition to the rules of that particular challenge, keep the drink you order at 2 shots or less. Also there can only be alcohol and soda/juice/etc in the drink. Your usual mixers. I don't want to hear about anyone ordering each other Cowboy Killers, Cement Mixer, Bloody Tampons, or whatever other crap you sickos think up.


Map of the bars: http://tinyurl.com/PokecrawlBoston

Please note: This is not an actual route for any of the teams. It's just a reference for where all the bars are located and is subject to change.

Previous Bar Crawls (ie my credentials)

The First Annual Triwizard Drinking Tournament
The Second Annual Triwizard Drinking Tournament

I like the buttons/logo/etc

The buttons and logo were all lovingly designed by Yamara and ZeroHourHero because I am too inept. You can check out their other works there.

Atlus Parker on


  • ArcoArco Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    I choose you, !Charmander !!!

    There is only one starting Pokémon. So excited about this.

    Arco on
    Like this, not like the gas station.
    Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
    Satellite Theater for life!
  • LigerLiger Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    So, so tempted to be Team Rocket. I will show up at various locations and cause shenanigans. SHENANIGANS!

    (Interested, but I'll decide on a team in the near future)

    Liger on
    5932306549_6b4d957b56.jpg CUSTOM LANYARDS FOR PAX
  • SoCo_and_LimeSoCo_and_Lime Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    I choose you....!Bulbasaur

    and yes, it's because you're green.
    Not that there's anything wrong with that

    SoCo_and_Lime on
    [x] Bolt Bus
    [x] Radisson Hotel Boston
    [x] Pre-Pax Dinner
    [x] BYOC and 3 Day Pass

  • Tiny415Tiny415 Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    I choose you,!Squirtle

    Sounds like it will be alot of fun, and if this years Magfest is any indication, the East Coast is looking forward to a "wicked kewl" gaming event.

    Tiny415 on
    PAX East 2010 Enforcer
    2010 Team SQUIRTLE Trainer
  • whypick1whypick1 PAX [E] Info Booth Manager ~2' from an LCDRegistered User regular
    edited February 2010
    While I do enjoy the PAX pub crawls, I have to see if my newly-granted Enforcing duties have me working when the crawl starts. If I do show up, I'm definitely not reprising my role as Magellan (I should probably stick to navigating people in an area I've actually been). Feel free to put me down as a tentative.

    I choose you, !Squirtle

    whypick1 on
    Is it PAX <insert nearest future PAX here> yet?
  • PeasantDavePeasantDave Jersey ShoreRegistered User regular
    edited February 2010
    I am definitely doing this. I will need to collaborate with my local friends.

    PeasantDave on
  • Atlus ParkerAtlus Parker Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    Rosters updated so far. More info (To be added to the OP):


    PokeProfs and PokeAssts are the volunteer leaders who lead each team from bar to bar and handle passing out scorecards, buttons, stickers for completed challenges, etc. Each team has one PokeProf and two PokeAssts, one male and one female. I have acquired enough Pokedexs (Pokedexes?) so that every PokeProf will be able to borrow one for the duration of the Pokecrawl. If you are interested in stepping up to any of these roles, please let me know.

    How Do I Win?

    There's really no winning, per se. This is pretty much a fun, drunken night out with fellow nerds. But for those of you who do manage to finish your scorecards, there will be a button confirming the fact that you have indeed "drank 'em all". Still not enough? That leads us to...

    The Mew Challenge

    For those intrepid trainers who have completed their Pokedex, you will receive a rare opportunity to capture one of the rarest Pokemon: Mew, the 151st Pokemon. While the details of this challenge will be kept under wraps, it is fairly obvious what it will entail.

    Atlus Parker on
  • tehnakkitehnakki Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    I recall a drunken Atlus stumbling up to me on the street at PAX09 and saying, "Nakki, you're gonna be my professor for green!"* So I am here now demanding the proffered position of Prof. Green. I will do the role great honor and justice.

    *or something to that affect, i was kinda still drunk at the time too...

    tehnakki on
    Hufflepuff for lief, muthafuckers!

    the 'teh' is silent: eljay ~ * ~ twitter ~ * ~ ravelry ~ * ~ last.fm
  • Atlus ParkerAtlus Parker Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    tehnakki wrote: »
    I recall a drunken Atlus stumbling up to me on the street at PAX09 and saying, "Nakki, you're gonna be my professor for green!"* So I am here now demanding the proffered position of Prof. Green. I will do the role great honor and justice.

    *or something to that affect, i was kinda still drunk at the time too...

    That's why it was reserved. :D

    Atlus Parker on
  • tehnakkitehnakki Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    tehnakki wrote: »
    I recall a drunken Atlus stumbling up to me on the street at PAX09 and saying, "Nakki, you're gonna be my professor for green!"* So I am here now demanding the proffered position of Prof. Green. I will do the role great honor and justice.

    *or something to that affect, i was kinda still drunk at the time too...

    That's why it was reserved. :D

    Oh good!! =) I can't wait! Should I wear my lab coat? SHOUD I DYE IT GREEN?!! Or ironon a gigantic image of a bulbasaur to the back?! I'm sure my lab will love it.

    tehnakki on
    Hufflepuff for lief, muthafuckers!

    the 'teh' is silent: eljay ~ * ~ twitter ~ * ~ ravelry ~ * ~ last.fm
  • LewiePLewieP Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    I am so very down for this.

    *LewieP uses Southern Comfort*

    It's super effective

    LewieP on
  • DStalefishDStalefish Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    I'm all over the !charmander.

    DStalefish on
    [E] 09, 10E, 10P, 11E, 11P, 12E
  • ArcoArco Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    I'm really looking forward to seeing some Nurse Joys out and about.

    Arco on
    Like this, not like the gas station.
    Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
    Satellite Theater for life!
  • RandomfoolRandomfool loofmodnar Rochester, NYRegistered User regular
    edited February 2010
    Hooray! I'm totally in for this, the tri-wizard was one of the highlights of PAX last year. Not sure what team yet, I still need to figure out which of my friends are coming.

    Randomfool on
    I do Pokecrawl things. Professor Team Instinct, Hufflepuff supporter.@loofmodnar

  • Atlus ParkerAtlus Parker Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    Quick note: If you plan on bringing friends who aren't on the forums, please indicate how many are coming with you. I'm going to try to keep the teams balanced.

    Atlus Parker on
  • VThornheartVThornheart Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    Oh Atlus... I want to join, but I'm afraid that I shamed myself terribly the last pub crawl with my stunning display of lightweightedness. =)

    However, that doesn't mean I can't help!

    I would like to volunteer to be the !PokeAssist for team Bulbasaur! If I can't handle my liquor, at least I'll be there for the fun in a non-drinking (or perhaps just limited drinking) fashion. ;)

    (if the position's available of course. ;) )

    VThornheart on
    3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
  • shugaraeshugarae Phoenix, AZRegistered User regular
    edited February 2010
    YAY! I was so happy when I saw this thread at work XD

    I choose you, !Bulbasaur

    and it'll be me + 2

    shugarae on
    Omeganaut class of '08. Fuck Peggle. Omeganaut class of '17 West. Fuck Rainbow Road.
    The Best in Terms of Pants on JCCC3
  • ZeroHourHeroZeroHourHero Allentown, PARegistered User regular
    edited February 2010
    I Choose you! Charmander, and I'd like to volunteer to assist Team Red.

    P.S. on a side note, I really think Blue and Yellow's pins turned out the best.

    Im not 100% pleased with green and red.

    ZeroHourHero on
  • ArcoArco Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    I'm actually not sure what the buttons are for. There's no button exchange for East, right?

    Arco on
    Like this, not like the gas station.
    Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
    Satellite Theater for life!
  • Atlus ParkerAtlus Parker Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    Arco wrote: »
    I'm actually not sure what the buttons are for. There's no button exchange for East, right?

    They work just like the ones from the TWDT: They're just identification and there's a couple others that are prizes.

    Atlus Parker on
  • ZeroHourHeroZeroHourHero Allentown, PARegistered User regular
    edited February 2010
    To Clarify, when I say Assist I meant PokeAssistM

    Im normally the go to guy for taking care of drunks at parties, and have done my time working at bars and such.

    Even 3 sheets to the wind, Im good at doing it.

    ZeroHourHero on
  • DStalefishDStalefish Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    Can't you set 151 on fire?

    DStalefish on
    [E] 09, 10E, 10P, 11E, 11P, 12E
  • chupamiubrechupamiubre Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    DStalefish wrote: »
    Can't you set 151 on fire?

    It makes a very pretty flame!

    chupamiubre on
    <ZeroHourHero> I have a tiny penis
    <Qs23> I just need to get my dicks in a row
    <prox> i work for dicks
    #paforums_pax, all about the dicks.
  • WhirlspellWhirlspell Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    I choose you, !Bulbasaur!

    SOoooo excited for this. PAX Prime 2009 was my first PAX, but it was a month before my 21st so I wasn't able to participate in the Tri Wizard. Very excited to meet some fine folk and then drink them under the table :)

    I'll be participating by myself, not knowing anyone there (I'm new to the forums as of today!). Somebody be my drinking buddy!

    Whirlspell on
    Always be yourself. Unless you suck. - Joss Whedon
  • ukiyo eukiyo e Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    I choose you, !Squirtle

    So, all I gotta ask is, who's gonna be in the squirtle squad with me?
    It has been far too long since the last time I got drunk while wearing a turtle shell.

    Also, Team Green should spend the entire night only speaking in Japanese.

    Also, also, Koffing = Car Bomb (although getting a bartender to make a car bomb in Boston can be difficult)

    Also, also, also...

    ukiyo e on
  • Vaulter85Vaulter85 Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    I choose you !Charmander

    This is going to be awesome. =)

    Vaulter85 on
    Team Charmander Brofessional
  • RdrRdr Rider Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    I choose you, !Pikachu!

    I'd also like to be the Professor. :)

    Edit: I'll have a +1.

    Rdr on
  • chupamiubrechupamiubre Registered User regular
    edited February 2010

    WOOT! should be fun. I just hope we don't get hopelessly lost like team B did back in 2008.

    chupamiubre on
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  • zezspecszezspecs ScotlandRegistered User regular
    edited February 2010
    I choose you, !Charmander

    I heart fire and dragons.

    zezspecs on
  • DeefuzzDeefuzz Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    Damn. It really sucks that I can't drink anymore due to medication I am on. I would have loved to participate in this.

    Deefuzz on
    [ Web: Twitter | Blog ]
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  • PeasantDavePeasantDave Jersey ShoreRegistered User regular
    edited February 2010
    Looks like I'll be rocking !Charmander with the red team.

    PeasantDave on
  • tehnakkitehnakki Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    Deefuzz wrote: »
    Damn. It really sucks that I can't drink anymore due to medication I am on. I would have loved to participate in this.

    Just 'cause you don't drink doesn't mean you can't come along! For the Triwizard pub crawl each House had a couple of muggles (non-drinkers) to help the prefects and head of house herd the gaggle of drunken students. And I know the muggles in my house had fun =D

    Hmm... the equivalent for this crawl.... OMG!! Nurse Joys and Officer Jennys!! Though maybe guys wouldn't want to be called Nurse Joy....

    tehnakki on
    Hufflepuff for lief, muthafuckers!

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  • Atlus ParkerAtlus Parker Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    Looks like Team Red is blasting off at the speed of light.

    Atlus Parker on
  • ArcoArco Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    That's because Charmander is the only starting Pokémon. There are no others.

    Arco on
    Like this, not like the gas station.
    Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
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  • LewieP's MummyLewieP's Mummy Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    I'm up for this, at least for the start!

    I'll be a muggle :( very lightweight drinker!

    I'll pick a team once the routes are up.

    LewieP's Mummy on
    For all the top UK Gaming Bargains, check out SavyGamer

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  • baelionbaelion Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    i'll also probably pick a team at a later time, routes and whatnot. what are the rules vis a vis lack of costumes? i mean, i want to be in one, but what with limited luggage space i don't exactly know what i'll be able to pull off.
    SUPER glad this is only the early pokemon stuff.

    oh, and i think the charmander badge turned out pretty good. but in fairness right now i think i'll go with another team. stupid red lizard has too many fans.

    baelion on
    Masters Degree Student: PLEASE TALK TO ME ABOUT NERDCORE
    Lord help me, I chose !Squirtle
  • RdrRdr Rider Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    Charmander is too fussy. Like a spoiled brat. Always disobeying direct orders. Pfffft.

    Rdr on
  • Loser4NowLoser4Now Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    Count me in for Team Blue + 1. Also, remind me I owe VThornheart a drink ( even though he professes *cough* to be a lightweight ) for being a raging prick to him on the '08 forums.

    Loser4Now on
  • arsonisfunarsonisfun Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    No mudkips? :(

    !Charmander is it!

    I'll help guide people to bars/their "home", I can auto-pilot myself anywhere while drunk :)

    arsonisfun on
    I am IRCs resident nerdbro and member of the PokeCrawl planning committee.

    Red B/Gold Professor

    [15:53] <+juju-work> ArsonIsFun is one of the best people I know.
  • arsonisfunarsonisfun Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    ukiyo e wrote: »
    Also, also, Koffing = Car Bomb (although getting a bartender to make a car bomb in Boston can be difficult)

    The secrets to getting a car bomb in boston (and yes, it can be really difficult at the wrong bars)

    Step one - don't ever call it an irish car bomb, just car bomb.

    Step two - if the bar says they don't do dropped shots, just say you will pour the shot into the drink - I have to do this for jagerbombs all the time and bars all seem fine with it. It works for Car Bombs 50/50.

    Step three - if they still refuse just find a buddy to do one with you, find a new bartender to order from, and do the following - One person orders a guiness and a shot of baileys. The other orders a guiness and a shot of Jameson. Drink half your beers, pour half of each shot into each beer. Chug. Success!

    arsonisfun on
    I am IRCs resident nerdbro and member of the PokeCrawl planning committee.

    Red B/Gold Professor

    [15:53] <+juju-work> ArsonIsFun is one of the best people I know.
This discussion has been closed.