Welcome to the wild world of captain forever! where you can be a captain..... FOREVER!
You are the captain of the s.s. Nemesis! this ship is IMMORTAL! when its core is threatened, the ship's temporal shield will break, causing a massive explosion and sending it back in time!
Unfortunately this explosion tends to attract.... Unwanted attention. pirates and the law will descend upon you, shooting first and asking questions later!
As you progress in fights and collect bits, you may notice a color change, this means they are stronger! green is weakest, whereas white or tye-dye is strongest!
for instance, a white bolt will tear through green blocks without hesitation, whereas a default bolt (from your heart shaped core) will take AGES to bore through white blocks.
Here's the ship i made, just before tye-dye law enforcers tore me to shreds!!
so.... Defend yourself! click and drag parts to create your own ship!
The cross bars are lasers - more color means more damage and range!
The U shaped things are boosters - more color means more thrust!
Experiment with your own creations.
Fly ships like this!
Enjoy being a captain forever! play a clean start
P.s. i forgot to mention, that you can export your doomed ship and let others play it! post the image of the ship you made and the link like the one above!
They cant fight back much and you can drill into their tasty core.
And when they DO die, you can drive off with the bits to escape the others.
There's a much more fleshed out version available that costs money. I think it's called Captain Successor.
You can drag parts away with you, or you can click them and pull them along whilst you escape.
I made my ship look the way it did so i could abscond with bits of my opponents
there are also times when you kill ships when it says "you got time to build"
My Backloggery
That was 1/2 the reason i made this thread
The white ships are a trap. I managed to make:
and 2 seconds later it was:
Anyone else had something similar?
Alien Battlecruiser Mk. II
Don't.. uh.. don't fire while turning really fast.
Don't fire while turning at all, really. It is quite impressive, though. Madpoet's orange ship is actually really nicely built. miscellaneousinsanity's ship needs more boosters on the front to help with the turning. I only started this a few minutes ago, but I think my beginner-level design is decent enough: Captain N00b
I had another green laser on the front for surgically taking out cores once I exposed them with my broadsides, but a yellow ship showed up and tagged me with a burst of three lasers, and I had to scavenge to rebuild my previous design and was short one weapon.
Has anyone else chipped in for Captain Successor? I'm torn... it has a lot of cool options, but I find it a lot harder to keep my parts alive and near impossible to make a ship I like. It also seems to have a lot of really killer enemies.