We're getting another 24-30" of snow tonight still, so it's time to play a game but I have brain lock on deciding which one. Please help:
PS3: Borderlands (played maybe 20 minutes so far), Ghostbusters (defeated the stay puff marshmellow man - would probably have to start over forgot the controls), MAG (this is getting played regardless), White Knight Chronicles (Haven't made it to the credits- will have to fight wife for the disc since she is further along then me), Dragon Age Origins (Made it to the second act possibly... we are three lonely warriors at our first castle on the run...)
Xbox360: Fallout 3 (made it to the first town... not sure i am feeling this one might have to restart and give it a go)
PS2: Bully and Dragon Quest VIII both of which I have played a little but always heard good things about.
Out of these what is the best snowed in game?
I have a few I can play (conan, batman AA, uncharted 2) that won't take long to finish, the above are just the long engrossing games i can think of that i have.
EDIT : Still snowed in (Well not really, see below) and have a snow today tomorrow.
For the record: White Knight Chronicles is NO WHERE NEAR as bad as the reviews at IGN would have you believe. For someone who never had any interest in playing WOW this has sucked me in and giving into my wife's wishes I braved the crappy N. VA roads to get a second copy so we could adventure together.
I realized I could not only build a fence for my town but didn't have enough twigs to do it - that's when I knew MAG was taking a back seat this week!
So feel free to close this.
Dragon Age would be a good choice too. From what I've experienced its pretty fun and the characters should keep you interested
I am watching her play on and off today thinking wow - we could be questing TOGETHER if i hadn't been so cheap.
I really really wish they would offer half off second copy of games that can be played online.
Dragon Quest VIII is such a great nostalgic game, I don't know if you ever played the first Dragon warrior but DQVIII is like a wonderful trip to your childhood with better graphics.
Dragon Age is also a great game with lots of fun. Might i suggest the Mage build with the sword mage? much fun.
Fallout 3 is another nostalgia throwback, though less then DQVIII. So much fun, but easy to just wander off the story line and spend hours wandering the wastelands. Try Borderlands, similar feel with better colors and more action.
ANYWAY, Goodoldgames.com has Fallout 1 and 2 for like $6 each. You could spend all night and all day tomorrow playing those.
Personally, I've stared into Star Trek Online.
What part of DC are you in? I'm out in the Gainsville area down 66... It's coming down pretty solid here.
Just to keep it on topic...the more I think about more than an hour or two of uninterrupted FO3, the more I'm certain it'd drive me insane. Just sayin.
I'm in Bethesda and going with ME2.
Also: Are there any good downloadable games anyone would recommend?
I really would like a space combat game (where you sit in the cockpit - Remember Colony Wars on the PS1 or Starlancer on the Dreamcast?)
Anyway, that's where I plan to be this weekend. But as far as space flight games go, check out GoG.com and look at their simulator products. Decent stuff for cheap.
I suppose you also will have enough time to learn X3:Reunion without being able to ragequit out of it and go do something sunny and warm.
Yeah, but Borderlands lacks the breadth or depth of Fallout 3 by a long shot.
My Backloggery
Might I recommend Star Trek Online? I've been playing it off/on all weekend and its good fun. Lots of folks in the WangFleet too.
If you have any portables, I'd recommend charging them up for when you're without power for a week.