So, let me start by saying I've gotten a lot of enjoyment out of the Xbox. Usually as a DVD player, admittedly, but a lot of fun out of it nonetheless.
That said, my Xbox died on my earlier today. Just up and died, getting weird noises and the blinking yellow light.
However, I'm not planning on replacing it. Can't afford a new one right now, much less a 360, and on top of that, this isn't the first time this has happened. This was actually my
third Xbox. The first one succumbed to the shocky-burny cord, and I'm not really sure was went wrong with the second one.
Now, this isn't a thread to rag on the big black box, but I want to ask: has anyone else here had console just up and die on them? No dropping, no overheating, they just fucking stopped?
I can't be alone here.
*cues Taps*
Sorry to hear that man. I had my dreamcast die on me. They replaced it with a Gamecube (warranty). I love my 'cube, but I cried that day.
Not me, though. Still have all of my original consoles all in working condition going back to the NES and Gameboy1.
Steam ID: slashx000______Twitter: @bill_at_zeboyd______ Facebook: Zeboyd Games
I still have my original Game Boy, bought around the time of the Game Boy Pocket, and it still works the last time I checked.
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Well, you could always crack the thing open. If it still works, then most likely either the switch itself got shoved out of whack or the plastic that holds the actual internal switch to the part you move got broken. Either way it'd be a simple fix, if you're up to it.
*Knocks on wood*
Halo 2 is still so pretty and quite fun as co-op.
I've had problems with one of my Dreamcasts, but it miraculously fixed itself, and I have 4 of em anyway, so it wasn't a biggie. My genesis has never faltered, though the 32x sometimes likes to tease me, my Saturn can be a bitch sometimes, but I have a second one, and it doesn't give me crap, and we all know that every NES system has to be beaten, then loved, then beaten again until it will load your rusty-ass cartridges. The old Ataris have a problem with overheating, so I can't play my 5200 for more than an hour, but that's not too much of a problem. The Sear's made pong clones try to burn your house down everytime you plug them in. It's good, dangerous fun.
My CD32 despite having the back off it and the ill fitting SX1 adapter fall out and short the console, is still up and running. The old 250mb hd in the sx1 is still kicking away too, with all my classics (Monkey Island 1 and 2, Hitchhiker's Guide, Dreamweb) on it.
The PS2 is getting a bit clunky but still works. I'm sure I'll kill it eventually as I use a slide tool to play import gamesand I'm confident it's not doing the gears much good.
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
I've never actually had a console die on me. Except maybe my Dreamcast. I'm afraid to play it again in case it actually is dead and not just having trouble reading that one disc.
My old first gen XBox is still alive and kicking, but I didn't use it as much as most people probably used theirs.
Guess you are due for a failure. Better not buy anything new!
Only thing to break on me was a PS1, and that was human error. cracked the board with the controller ports on it. Controller port 2 still worked, just not port 1.
I'm also having the DVD drive issue with my original Xbox though, I will usually need to eject\reinsert a disc about 5-10 times before the system will recognize it. Sometime when I can justify the expense of getting a replacement drive I will do so and fix it up as well.
Got 4 games too, handy as my brother had somehow lost the Halo 2 disc.
On a related note ... can anyone point me to good guide to diagnosing and fixing a busted PS2 fattie? Besides the ones that are on GameFAQs.
My Xbox 360 died out of nowhere. It was working one night. When I woke up the next day, the DVD-ROM wouldn't even spin up. Completely out of nowhere.
My GBA:SP stopped working once out of nowhere. I dropped it in the toilet and then it wouldn't work! What the hell! You're not supposed to be able to play underwater?!?!!??!?!!??!??!?!?!??!?
.... .... .... ....
And also Eternal Darkness disagrees with you.
What would you even do when your console got the munchies? Shove some twinkies in its A/V port? Throw some doritos at the DVD tray?
Cooking Mama?
And he's getting a new one for his b-day tomorrow.
He kills it with Madden.
Thompson drive in my xbox though
that didnt go so hot
So i ripped the thing open, but linux on it, and installed a $30 DVD drive into it
good times
I also remember my family's NES breaking. I was really little though, so I don't remember much about it.
The screen on my original Gameboy stopped working. I think I dropped it a lot though, I was a stupid little kid.
My gamecube won't play my copy eternal darkness, WTF? My disc works fine in other gamecubes(not a scratch on it) and other copies of eternal darkness work in my cube. So weird.