Myst Online: Uru Live is a massive multiplayer online game (MMOG) unlike anything else. Instead of repetitive kill/take/buy gameplay of other MMOGs, the very essence of Myst Online is to explore vast, fantastic worlds; savoring and uncovering new areas and new information at every turn. Exploring in Myst Online is an extraordinary experience, where immersing yourself in the environment gives you insight into how to move forward, and what went on before. You can explore alone, or share the journey with a select group friends or family from anywhere in the world. Create an online avatar and chat via text and voice, share images and clues, and explore the Ages of Myst Online together. You’ll rediscover, restore and rebuild the ancient city of D’ni and learn about the history of its fallen civilization.
Myst Online: Uru Live (or MO:UL for short) is the latest incarnation of Uru, a series of amazing adventures starting with Uru: Ages Beyond Myst and spanning Uru: To D’ni and Uru: The Path Of The Shell. It’s a continuation of the critically acclaimed games Myst and Riven; and the Myst novels. For further details on Myst and Uru, we recommend MYSTlore, a great fan-run encyclopedia of all things Myst.
MO:ULagain is the currently available reincarnation of everything in MO:UL in a free, donation-supported, server run by Cyan. It is the first step in “opening” MO:UL. Cyan is planning that the client, servers and tools of MO:UL will soon become open source, allowing fans to continue developing the game and its universe. Fans will be able to host their own Uru servers and write their own custom, fan-made worlds for everyone to explore. For details, please see the Developers page.
System Requirements:
■Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7
■800MHz PentiumIII or AMD Athlon or better Processor
■512MB of Memory, 1GB or more recommended
■Video Card: 32 MB RAM, DirectX9.0 -compliant video card and compliant audio card
■DirectX 9.0c
■3+ GB free Hard Drive Space
■Broadband Internet Connection
■800 by 600 16 bit displays
What sets this game apart though from the previous Myst games, aside from the full 3D world and 3rd person view is the online aspect. After gaining your Relto book, you can travel to the majestic underground city of D'ni and meet other players and from there, you can do whatever you want. Socialize in the bar or around town. Sight see through the various Ages or even team up to solve some of the more elaborate puzzles (not originally the initial game could be completed entirely solo. The Gametap incarnation added multiplayer puzzles).
What is the draw? Exploration.
Personally, I always loved this game. I supported Until Uru, back when Cyan was running a barebones Uru server. It was a way to show that there was a community and to keep the game alive until a company would support Cyan's online plans (Ubisoft pulling their support almost at launch). A couple of years later they got picked up by Gametap which brought them a new storyline and new Ages for people to play in. I also frequently posted in the thread in G&T about this and I can't wait to play again and go exploring. I also can't wait to see what people will make when this becomes open sourced. Just before UU was pulled, people were starting to crack the game and adding in their own Ages. Nothing fancy, essentially just a blank untextured room that you could link to and from, but now with support from the devs things are going to be awesome.
Also screenshoootttts.
Alright, I'll get on that.
<EDIT: OP Moved to second post.>
Do you guys mean to say that it's back?
Though right now, it's frakin impossible to update from Cyan's servers and they recommend you download the full install from fileplanet.
Always wanted to try it when it was on Gametap but never took the time.
Still managed to solve a couple of puzzles but have no clue what I'm doing and everyone insists on calling certain areas by names or ages which don't ever seem to have been revealed to me. Not knowing what the hell to do is pretty charming though and makes me hope that 'The Secret World' will use some similar puzzle solving.
I want to know more PA people on Twitter.
What's next, a Gabriel Knight MMO?
For the Age names, I forgot where people get the names but they ARE in the game. You have to read some of the journals lying around and through them you are told what they are.
Also after you get your Ki, you can access the Hub which will let you fast travel to each Age and it WILL tell the name.
Don't tease my poor ol' heart.
XBL:Phenyhelm - 3DS:Phenyhelm
Their forums say be patient and just keep trying over and over despite that message. Make sure you only have one instance of the client opened at a time (open task manager and kill extra ones).
edit- Okay, my game sort of "hitches" every few seconds. By that I mean, it freezes for like a split second fairly frequently. It is annoying. Anyone else have this problem? I am on Win 7 if that matters.
I'm downloading this, definitely, hope you see you guys in game.
edit- Guild of Greeters is a handy dandy website filled with many FAQs, Guides, Walkthroughs, what-have-you.
The thing I liked about the Myst series is that it never really held your hand for everything, you had to figure it all out on your own. Thus the accomplishment itself was the reward.
I'll post a quick starter guide soon and what are the first things to do. Stuff like getting your Ki, a little watch like thing that also you to take screen shots and access ingame email, and getting to the social neighborhoods where other people hang out.
Best bet would be to just download it from Filepanet. Here is the link for your convenience.
I still have my "stuttering" problem with the game. Updated video and audio drivers, didn't seem to help. It makes playing this game a touch frustrating at times.
edit- Also the "Ferry Terminal" Age/Area/Whatever it's called, seems to be the defacto hang out for most people.
I am angered.
Oh, once you get settled in, return to your Relto and activate the one pillar there and go to the "Age" shown in the book. Congratulations you are now in New Mexico! You should find a trailer with a dude sitting outside it nearby. He will explain some things. Finishing the puzzle in our world is probably a good first step IMHO. As it will unlock several things for you back in your Relto. Plus it is the first part of the story. IIRC the game used to start people off there, not sure why/when they changed it.
edit- We should organize some kind of meet up. Maybe try to tackle some of the Ages that require multiple people. Also, I vote "Arcadian Archeology Club" for our group name. Not that you can actually form guilds IIRC.
EDIT: Ok, hopefully words will be enough.
The Nocren (AKA John Turner, Ki # 00326152) Guide to making your Relto home pretty (A work in progress).
So you're new to Uru, or maybe you're returning. Either way, your home away from home is kinda barren isn't it? Just a mountain top, some trees, rocks, and a hut with a dresser and library. And even that's not impressive since it only has one book in it.
So let's add some scenery. First step. Go to your library and open up that book. Don't be shy. This book links you to your Bevin or neighborhood. This is randomly assigned to you. Don't worry though you don't have to spend time with these people if you don't want to. Eventually you'll gain access to other Bevins and other, better people. Now you'll be in your Bevin standing next to a fountain. Turn around and go down the steps towards the water garden. Take the right most path and jump up onto the stump. Now look at the window protruding out from the wall. If you look closely there might be a Relto page attached to the wall. Noticed how I said "Might", not every Bevin has this page.
NEW EDITION! Now with pictures!
At the water/light garden-
On the stump-
So maybe you got some little islands around your mountain top retreat now (maybe not). Let's add some life to your seclusion. Head back to your Relto (mouse down to the bottom of the screen or press f3). See that weird thing in front of your hut? Go ahead and open it.
Welcome to New Mexico. Ok, so talk to Zandi if you want and explore the desert a bit. Go ahead and walk/run around a bit. Going counter-clockwise (going right from where you linked in from) you'll encounter Zandi's trailer, the Cleft, some ruins and some bones before running into the "No Trespassing" sign. Head for the ruins. (Riven players will recognize it.) There should be a page in the area that adds a bird flying around your place.
NEW EDITION! With pretty pictures to make up for my lack of writing talent!
And so far that's all I've (re-)discovered. More as I find them.
So now you've got a bird and (maybe) some islands. If you finished your task in New Mexico, you probably also have four totems in your front yard. Find the one that links you to Gahreesen (it's where you got your Ki). Make sure you use the one from your library or front yard. The ones in the Bevin have been... altered by the DRC to make things safe, but what's risk without reward? So, go to the room where you got your Ki. See that little roadblocker? Go past it and jump right into the crevasse. There should be a page down there that will add some rocks and logs for you to kick around back at your Relto.
How do you get out? Just link back home, and next time, just jump over the thing.
NEW EDITION! What some pictures?
And here's the page.
And the reward!
How is this thread only two pages long? Is this the result of all mmo gaming being moved to its own subform? I just feel like this thread would have been way more successful in G&T, or even SE++ for that matter...
"Failed to delete old patcher executable. Access is denied." pops up, how can I fix it?
By now I bet you're thinking that your new getaway is looking a little shoddy. What better way to spruce it up some by repairing that worn old roof with something new? In Teledahn (the Age with all the mushrooms and you start in a little shack) you'll find Douglas Sharper's office. Once you take a ride in a bucket, unlock the elevator and head up to the office. Next to the crate and aquarium, you should see a page for you Relto book that will give you a new roof for your hut.
So since your roof is now fixed, I bet you're thinking that your lawn could use a little work. And you're right it does. First off, go to the Guild of Greeters Bevin (those guys have all the luck). Now go to the book room (it contains the Gahreesen book and a couple others). Link using the center book. This will take you to a nice little garden called Eder Tsogal. This was one of the Ages that was released during the Gametap tour. There is a puzzle here but you need a couple of players and some coordination to pull it off. Anyway after linking into the Age, head straight forward on the little rock path. Keep going forward past the raised platform and into the puddle/pool of water. The one with the rocks sticking out of it. Behind the tallest rock is your Relto page.
NEW EDITION! Pretty Pictures! And how to tell Eder Tsogal and Eder Delin apart!
Alright so the little sapling evergreens aren't enough for you? Head to a Bevin (your's or someone else's) and look in their book room. If the center book has a picture of a snow covered garden, you're in luck. This is the Eder Delin Age. Head for the gazebo and right on the bench is a page that will add some maple trees to your getaway hut.
NEW EDITION! More pretty pictures! And Exciting Bonus Content!!!
Seems to run fine for me. I'll add my Ki number when I'm out of work tonight.
Pokemon White: 3353-4309-8670
(PM me if you add please)
For example, take Edar Gira and Eder Kemo (the rocky area with the gas vents and waterfalls and the garden it links to). You know how you have to build a bridge to walk over the water so you don't lose the fireflies and you can see your way in the dark?
Normally you have to make your one jump over the water and into the cave so you can go up the path, open the door, and knock down a few more traps to build another bridge then redo the entire thing so that you can make your way to the journey cloth.
With a second player you can just have them move the first bridge into the second position and avoid having to go back for a second set of flies.
Another example is Gahreesen (where you get your Ki). Know how you have to step on the plate, then run around activating switches to raise a gear? With two players, one can just stand on the plate and give the other infinite time.
The only Ages that are mandatory are Eder Tsogal and Eder Delin (the Ages that appear in your Bevin. Age placement is random, you Bevin may have Tsogal and another may have Delin). Those require about two or 3 people and some coordination between them.
Pokemon White: 3353-4309-8670
(PM me if you add please)
So how is this game with its puzzles? Am I going to enjoy it without wasting hours on it?
Oh and how are the graphics? Myst was world famous for being one of the first games to be visually pleasing...
Example would be this cave I was in. It had cave paintings of some weird symbols, but I actually didn't pay it much mind. Later on in that Age I came across some gauges that had the same symbol that was in the cave. So I go back there and sure enough, it turned out the cave paintings told me what to do with the gauges.
Though most of the "big" puzzles are not that easy, but the answers usually are laying around somewhere.