Ok so we've had our cat for around two years and her age is that plus around 7 or 8 months. We've been through the whole cat in heat thing and got her fixed quickly after. That must have been around two years ago or so, now that I think about it.
Anyway, my girlfriend and I have noticed a marked behavior change over the last month or so. Our cat has become much more affectionate. She was always sort of lovey before but she's taken it to a whole new level. If shes up from a nap and she isn't rip-shitting around the house like a retard, she is cryyyyyyyying at my feet until it's clear to sit in my lap. she will curl up into a ball in my lap like the kitty whore she is and I used to have to beg her to have anything to do with us when we were comfortable.
Her other behavior is a little weirder. With this, she has become slightly more aggressive when petting her. It's much more often when you go to pet her she will sort of rear back and pounce on your arm as if to say 'back off, dude', even though she might seem content at the time. this behavior wouldnt puzzle me at all if it werent for the frequency it happens now.
Lastly her tail has been twitching in weird ways at times, almost akin to when she was in heat. she will usually run around the house and then turn her back to the wall, and her tail will sort of strobe gently, for lack of more descriptive terms. I never saw it before but now it happens every few days or so. just now she was on the ground with her back to me, her tail flickering sort of lightly while she purred, and now shes in a big ball in my lap completely konked out.
so, any of this sound like its worth worrying about or am i making much ado about nothing? I can live with the loveier behavior change but it sucks going in for a pet and getting a light bite from her.
Second, did you recentally move or change your behaviors?
My cat started going nuts once we moved into our current living situation, yet didn't change that much with us having a baby who's now 1.
Aside from the fact we've found out she'll never eat wet food, but give her dorritos or Sun chips and she'll start helping herself to the bag.
As for the going batshit when being petted. Some cats don't like a lot of stimulation. She may want to sit in your lap, or play, but she doesn't want you to pet her the whole time. When she nips just lay off the petting, she's telling you it doesn't feel good anymore.
As for the tail thing ... dunno, it's been a while since I've had a female cat. But if she went into heat before you had her fixed it may just be a holdover behavior. I had a male cat that would hump a stuffed animal like crazy even after he was fixed because he would do it while he still had his balls.
PSN Hypacia
Xbox HypaciaMinnow
Discord Hypacia#0391
Most female cats that I've met that are snotty will let you know when they want to be pet, or if they just want to sit on your lap. Seems this baby kitten just wants to be on your lap and rub.
The whole "Pet me pet me pet me pet me WHAT THE FUCK DON'T TOUCH ME" thing is a tick with all cats. What makes the most sense to me is the explanation that after petting them for a certain amount of time they become aroused and freak out about it. Or that patch of flesh/fur becomes irritated. With my cats once I notice them getting a bit anxious I pet them else where and in a different manner.
Twitching thing also started happening with my Zeek after about three years. Haven't noticed anything worrying.
I have two males and one female. I have one female that I left at my parents. Both female cats are a bit skiddish and picky when it comes to when they'll let you play with them and when they don't want to be bothered.
I tend to recommend male cats to people who want a more playful cat that is not a pure breed. Females, in my experience, have been less... welcoming.
(guys, she's 2 years and 7/8 months, not 7/8 months :P)
Getting a little aggressive when she's done being petted is normal. Petting is exciting to cats, and sometimes they don't want that excitement, or it changes into some other mood, like play.
Just make sure she's getting enough play time each day, and keep it separate from the petting as possible. A lot of cats will also lightly attack you if you don't pet them the way they like it.
Sorry I wasn't clear about her age, :P I wrote the OP at like 5am.
I thought this was a spraying thing on my cat, though he never sprayed while doing this. After some research I found out this little tail-psychotic twitching is the cat equivalent of finding out he's going to Disney world. It happens when your cat get super excited. Mine does this when we feed him, because he's a big fat cat of cuteness. He also does it when we pull out a toy for him to play with and occasionally when we come home after a long day at work.
Concerning the pouncing thing, do you play roughly with her? She may want to wrestle when she does this (most of my cats have done this as a sign of "lets tussle, big man!"). Wrap your hand and forearm in a thick sock and let her wrestle! Alternatively, I've found cats love getting at "Monster" hands inside pillowcases.
The rest of your troubles are what I would expect from a female cat.