Hello denizens of H/A, I find myself in need of your wide and varied expertise.
I have an opportunity to pursue an MBA that my employer will pay 90% of. However I am not sure which MBA i should pursue.
Some facts about me...
I currently work in the financial industry and will most likely continue working in this industry for a long time.
I do not need a masters to maintain my current job and there are no immediate prospects that a masters degree would help me to obtain directly. however, it is a good opportunity so i want to take advantage while my life is stable and i am currently child free. (a situation that will not last forever hopefully)
My undergraduate degree is in social science ed. (money well spent)
My question...
Should i just go for a basic MBA which would have a wider application?
Should i go for a more specific Masters of Finance? will this restrict my options?
What is the deal with a Masters Certificate? I see a program that i can get the MBA with a finance cert. is this like a minor?
Thanks in advance for any insight that you all may have.
Also, beware of your work "paying 90%", with the cost of education. Only $5,250 per year is tax free, the rest is taxable income to you.
Let 'em eat fucking pineapples!
Their use is dependent on your career goals. If you're in Finance and you really like Finance, then pursuing a Masters of Finance is likely more worthwhile -- especially if you have little interest in having people "under" you. Same with Engineering Management, which I believe handles a lot of project management. It's great if you know you want to stay within engineering and are aware of the types of jobs that you could get with the MEM.
I'm about to finish up an MBA myself, and the reason I selected it (with a General Business focus) was because I don't know what my future career path holds. I obviously have interests and my current job is related to those, but my big reason for acquiring an MBA is that I don't want to start at the bottom whenever I get my next job. My skills and usefulness are known by my current employer, but there is no path for advancement and I know I won't be here forever, so an MBA was a way for me to guarantee that I would be employable but also not have to start over as a peon.
If you're serious about starting a program, spend some time talking to academic advisors. They'll happily schedule to meet with you before you apply, and you can ask them what the specific degrees mean to those within the program. Different schools emphasize different elements, after all.