Mission Statement: To grow as trainers in a competitive environment while still maintaining the true spirit of PokemonGameplay:
There will be 8 gym leaders, each of a different type.
There will be challengers who battle the leaders in hopes of acquiring their sought after gym badges.
The first player to collect all 8 gym badges is the Pokemon Champion!
But be careful, this is not a permanent position. Anyone with all the badges will be eligible to challenge you. Should someone with all the badges contest you and win, they are crowned the new champion
Rules: (Subject to change)
-Don't be a dick
-No evasion increasing moves. Abilities are allowed.
-No OHKO moves.
No Legendaries List does not include all legendaries. Heatran, Latios, Latias, Articuno, Moltres, Zapdos, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf, Giratina, Cresselia, Jirachi, and the like are all banned as well.
-No duplicate Pokemon
-Hacking to change a Pokemon's stats or abilities is not allowed
-Challengers have 2 teams for the Pokemon League. A Team, and B team. This is to prevent people from stacking strengths against the gym they will be facing next. (i.e.- Building a water team just so you can beat the fire gym)
-No two gyms may have the same type
-The Pokemon Champion is not limited to a certain type
-You cannot put more than one Pokemon on the opponent's team to sleep at one time. Same goes for freeze.
-Choose Pokemon because you love them.
-Choose Pokemon for personal preference of stats.
-It is discouraged to obtain Pokemon through hacking
-A true trainer loves their Pokemon more than they love grinding for hours to change their stats slightly for a competitive edge (EVs and IVs are unnecessary since we are all friends here)
Application to be a Gym Leader
Willing to battle at least twice a week?
Access to wifi?
Post enough to keep up?
Will be ready to have a team up and running by next weekend?
We will choose gym leaders tomorrow, on Sunday, Feb. 20th at 3pm (west coast time)
Gym leaders will be chosen on a "dibs" basis. After the first set of 8 is chosen, there is only one way to become the new gym leader, and that is as follows.
1. Challenge the gym leader for his title.
2. Battle the gym leader, with a team composed of the same type as the opponent.
3. The winner becomes the new gym leader, and is allowed to change the type of the gym if they choose to. If the new gym leader chooses to change the type the type can not be the same type as another gym i.e. 2 fire gyms 2 ghost gyms. In addition to being able to change the type of the gym you must have the new team ready within the same week to keep up with the 2 battles a week minimum.
Rules for Challenging:
-Gyms may be challenged in any order
-Challengers may not challenge the same gym twice a week.
-You must use the same A/B teams to acquire all badges. This prevents making it easy to build for each gym and wipe out the whole league without much effort.
-You must declare before the battle begins whether you are challenging for a gym badge or the right to be a gym leader. You can not decide which you want during or after the battle.
Rules for Gym Leaders
-All pokemon must have the same type as your gym. Primary or secondary matters not.
-You may change your lineup between battles, but it is encouraged you post the last team you used in a challenge to give the challengers a warning of who they may face!
Be Gentlemen and Gentlewomen. All battle records are done through the honor system. Don't be a silly goose and start dumb arguments. This is a great place to talk about battles and how they went down. After all we all want to train to be the very best!
But Swill! I don't know how to play good pokemon! How do I beat a baton passing sweep team with excellent type coverage despite that I am in a mono-type gym?!?
Worry no more! This is a friendly tournament, so you don't need to know all that stuff! Although you may need resources to know things like, Can Starmie learn Thunder? (Psshh Since red and Blue!) Or what is the difference between physical and special attack? Here are some friendly resources!
Smogon.com Smogon University pretty much is the apex of the competitive pokemon scene. With a Battle Simulator and a team builder, not to mention articles on every pokemon with stats and strategies it is more information than you really cared for
bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net This is the best wiki of pokemon I have used yet. Less competitive based and more general knowledge this site is great for learning all about your favorite pokemon how and where to catch them and what moves they can learn!
Serebii.net is just between the two above. An in depth pokedex of all pokemon weaknesses moves and stats is combined with great walkthroughs on how to do just about eveything in the world of pokemon. Their site has many more tutorials and articles to get the basic understanding of how things work and are pretty quick with Pokenews.
Dichotomy -
Speed Racer - Normal
Unintentional -
Munkus Beaver -
Faynor -
Worthless Lurker -
Kuribo's Shoe -
Beasteh -
Trainer Cards down below
And also probably Wynaut.
I could give it a try. The badges at least.
If you would do this, I would be very appreciative. Just 8 or so small little badges so we can can make ghetto trainer cards for everyone.
Have fun, guys!
I'm gonna try and make something up for a trainer card, nothing fancy, probably gonna copy most of the trainer card from the games.
"Hey wait, there's a picnic here. You can't come through here!"
Yes you do, since I wouldn't be okay with running then making myself a gym leader.
But you best be ready for MY CHALLENGE!
@ speed racer: forgot those two! edit'd
Also I call the Normal gym.
here in a couple pages my younger brother is going to come in and talk about him finding me jerking off to pokemon yaoi
-Freeze Clause really isn't enforceable in any good way. The only way to freeze someone is through random chance on ice attacks, so the only way to guarantee that two freezes don't happen at once is to make it illegal to use ice attacks if the opponent has a frozen Pokemon, which is kind of unfair if it's your only attack type that can hit someone super-effectively
-What exactly is the justification behind banning legendaries? I could see it if this was supposed to be an all-out, IV/EV thing because getting good IVs on a legendary is fuckin' ridiculously hard. But since we're not worried about that, I dunno what the point is for the blanket ban. Is it just easier to say "no legendaries" than "no uber pokemon?"
I'd like to wait til heartgold is out but I imagine this thread wouldn't survive til then
by weird, you mean awesome.
The second game was the best though.
One of the good guys had to play poker against a monster with one giant eye and he won because the monster's cards were all reflected in his giant eye.
great op tho, pro as fuck
actually, I'm pretty sure my Rock gym team is nigh-complete
basically just no uber pokemon. I'm really aiming away from people using a set list of pokemon that are "better" than others and having people making diverse teams free of overpowered ones.
I'll look into the freeze rule.
@shoe: We will choose gym leaders tomorrow. I will post at 3pm (west coast time) and then reservations start immediately after that.
Once all the gym leaders are chosen. I will update the OP in the reserved spot from HellaJeff's post.
The gym leaders will have till next Friday the 26th to prepare.
Gym leaders will be expected to take on at least 2 challengers a week. They are welcome to take on more at their discretion.
There are no set dates for battles yet
needed someone to sweat over the keyboard with and nerd out
we're gamf~!
Who are the gym leaders?
What spring does with the cherry trees.
It could probably use a pokeball or 30 somewhere on here, and the badge section needs to be broken up into sections.
I might break up the team section into individual boxes.
Also it needs some actual color.
We are doing dibs tomorrow at 3pm west coast time
the first dibs after my post at 3 tomorrow get to be gym leaders
and the other part is all feh like 5 people have expressed interest in the gym leader thing already, calm down
but then i'd have to beat through diamond again as I erased my cart a few weeks ago and started a new game
you gonna get a togekiss in there?
Aside from looking somewhat alike, they both have the association with motherhood, on opposite ends of the spectrum: Cubone constantly mourning its mother, Kangaskhan with its child always in its pouch.
This is my favorite stupid Pokemon rumor.
What spring does with the cherry trees.
oh nooooooooooo
No actual challenges will happen until next saturday.
I will be training as well
is anybody else interested in being Ghost or Dark gym leader?
What spring does with the cherry trees.