The health care debate in America is heating up as Lord Obama summons his wary friends and mortal enemies for a massive health care summit.
Will it be a productive debate? Or a PR stunt?
Is health care reform doomed? Or will Reid actually go through with his indication that he's going to
pass the Senate bill, amended through reconciliation?
No man can say! But please discuss.
this link contains a nice explanatory table of the differences between the Senate, House, and Obama's plans. Here's
another way to compare the bills, courtesy of the Kaiser foundation.
What are the "two steps back" here that you seem to think exist?
good work
It . . . wasn't the only way until a month ago?
Bow chicka bow bow
Well, considering the best bill that got through the Senate is hated by the House, I'm not sure how true that is. Maybe they could have agreed to something in conference that Nelson/Lieberman/Lincoln/Landrieu would have voted for, but that's not a guarantee.
Obama was voted in to change things, and his public opinion health care bid was a big part of that. Now the brunt of their bill is everyone is forced to buy the same shitty coverage they could get now. If they don't fix this bill pronto to be something Americans will like, the republicans will own the congress once again.
If you werenot aTrotskyite RINO Leftist fake NeoCON, and were a True Conservative then this partisan crap wouldnot be even occurring. Since you, McConnell are exactly what Obama needs in office to ensure his radical Healthcare Bill, then many like myself will continue to let others KNOW that you and Obama are ANTI-Americans. People like you and obama sicken what is truthful, and make truth fiction. What sayings can be made from yours and obamas actions? War is Peace, Truth is lies, Up is Down, Bad is Good. All that I can add is: YOU LIE! There is No difference in the Red vs Blue Party Labels Americans who truly Love their Country. These two factions work together cohesively to fool and to enslave you. May God Bless America Once Again.
That's not bow chicka bow bow that's exactly what we already knew. McConnell doesn't know if he has 10 Democrats, and I don't think we know we have 50.
No it isn't, and no they couldn't.
Right. I trust the same kinds of people who make Erin Brockovitch decisions to never screw over sick people for the sake of the bottom line... again. I mean, once this bill passes everyone will turn over a new leaf and sing and dance together in the forest of good times and happiness.
Or, it'll be the same people doing the same shit with a different veneer. Definition of insanity: Repeating the same action in the same way expecting different results.
b) Even if we didn't lose in MA Nelson would have stabbed everyone in the back.
That reads like Tea Party Mad Libs. It's only missing a masturbatory sentence about the founding fathers/the constitution.
How sad is it that majority rule (and not even that, really, since a majority of the country is represented by only 25 Dems) is going to get disparaged as the primary narrative?
I never realized that OPM poisoned old people.
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
Yeah, I wouldn't want history and fact to get in the way of your hopeless optimism. Carry on.
I blame liberals like Derrick for our loss in MA. People who, instead of acting pragmatically, throw a hissy fit when an imperfect and flawed bill emerges from a messy process and irrationally parrot the bullshit line that it's worse than the status quo.
No one cares about process.
Your argument is identical to the people who castigate a public option because they don't trust government.
The bill heavily regulates insurance companies. Your argument is based on paranoid fantasies about the all-powerful insurance companies magically circumventing such regulation.
When in history has 10-20% of Americans had their insurance plans selected by the Office of Personnel Management? I mean, I knew the Federal Government was the largest employer, but I didn't think it was that big.
Well, Reid does. That's the problem.
When voting, did you miss that part of the argument? The process of passing legislation matters obviously matters when you're trying to pass legislation.
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
It was my understanding the the new regulations are being enforced by the same toothless agency that had little luck enforcing the old regulations?
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
Nope. OPM is in charge of the exchanges.
It arguably was, but with a less direct sounding approach and not really publicized at the moment. This is basically just him using the bully pulpit.
Coakley lost by what, five percent?
People outraged by bribes to Nelson et al + disaffected liberals (high turnout does not mean equal turnout) might equal the margin of her loss. That's all I'm saying.
Massachusetts is a hugely Democratic state. Massachusetts also has state health care that rivals that they would have gotten under the plan then going through the Senate. Even with giveaways going to other states and all the other crap, MA voters aren't voting on Healthcare. And if the are, they're not crossing over to vote for the Republican.
In a state like MA, massive voter turnout + Republican win = massive crossover voting. You don't crossover to vote against the party you support by a 2 to 1 margin because of misplaced subsidies, especially if they aren't actually going to effect your own services.
Coakley lost that election by 1) failing to campaign and 2) making an ass out of herself when she did. It wasn't in any sense a referendum on HCR at a national level.
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.