Pogo's art and storyboards, crits please!

pogo mudderpogo mudder Registered User regular
edited February 2010 in Artist's Corner
Hey guys, recently my uni work has required me to draw up storyboards on quite a regular basis. Sometimes i'm the one who has to produce the animation, but more often than not i hand the boards over to someone else to animate.

I've really been enjoying this process and i'd like to improve as much as i can, so are there any artists out there who would/could crit my on composition and stuff? I'm mostly interested in how you think they work as story boards rather than the quality of the art (but if you think the art is hindering the message then let me know) but all input would be more than welcome :)

I suppose the first and most important thing i need to know is, do you understand what is going on. Because if you don't it's very likely the animators won't either D:

Here's a quick story board i did a couple of days ago for an advertisement promoting a brand of vegetarian meat pies called 'nom noms' (i didn't come up with the name) featuring the brands mascot 'V-Rex' :)

The grey arrows denote camera movement, where the black arrows indicate object movement.

let me know what you think :)







what a work of art is man, and the most boring choice you can make
pogo mudder on


  • erisian popeerisian pope Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    The spoilers make it kinda hard to read.
    I don't have a lot to offer on the art.
    I did enjoy the carrots embedded in the dinosaur, that was pretty amusing.
    it's fine to dump a ton of images directly into the thread without spoilering them. People will come to the thread to see the art, so if the art's right there that won't bother them.

    erisian pope on
  • pogo mudderpogo mudder Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    thanks for the tip :)

    pogo mudder on
    what a work of art is man, and the most boring choice you can make
  • thejazzmanthejazzman Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    I don't have much experience with composition and story boarding, but I might suggest making the T-rex have lots of sharp teeth instead of the 'one big tooth' cartoon thing, then it would make him look more carnivorous and be a bigger contrast when he decides he likes vegetables.

    Maybe some people who have an understanding of image composition could post some advice?

    thejazzman on
  • pogo mudderpogo mudder Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    Hey, well when you first see him with big teeth, that's supposed to be after the vege transition but i might need to make that clearer.

    I suppose not many people really know how to crit this sort of thing, so how about some input on what you guys think of the art then!

    pogo mudder on
    what a work of art is man, and the most boring choice you can make
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