Your mind is software. Program it.
Your body is a shell. Change it.
Death is a disease. Cure it.
Extinction is approaching. Fight it.
Welcome to
Eclipse Phase, by Posthuman Studios, a pen-and-paper roleplaying game featuring a transhuman setting.
The rest of this OP shamelessly jacked from Rainfall. (thanks rainfall!)
Let's face it. You can only take so many dwarves and elves, swords and spells, before you want to try something else. Science Fiction is a pretty underdeveloped aspect of the RPG industry, with only a few standouts like Traveller even making an impression on the general consciousness. And if you're looking for transhumanist sci-fi? You're out of luck.
Until now.The guys who made Shadowrun got together with the artists for Cthulhutech, and decided to fill the gap. A whole load of transhumanist literature turned into pure liquid awesome, and placed inside some of the best formatting ever seen in an RPG book, and you've got Eclipse Phase.
So that's cool, but it gets better. The game was released under the Creative Commons License. It's free to download. You can find it at the bottom of the page. Of course, if you like it, buy it, but check it out, at the very least. It's worth at least a casual investigation.
So what exactly is Eclipse Phase, aside from an RPG about Transhumanism Conspiracy and Horror?
Well, I'm not good at explaining things. So, I'm going to take this straight outta the book.
We humans have a special way of pulling ourselves up and kicking ourselves down at the same time. We'd achieved more progress than ever before, at the cost of wrecking our planet and destabilizing our own governments. But things were starting to look up.
With exponentially accelerating technologies, we reached out into the solar system, terraforming worlds and seeding new life. We re-forged our bodies and minds, casting off sickness and death. We achieved immortality through the digitization of our minds, resleeving from one biological or synthetic body to the next, at-will. We uplifted animals and AIs to be our equals. We acquired the means to build anything we desired from the molecular level up, so that no one need want again.
Yet our race towards extinction was not slowed, and in fact received a machine-assist over the precipice. Billions died as our technologies rapidly bloomed into something beyond control... further transforming humanity into something else, scattering us throughout the solar system, and reigniting various conflicts. Nuclear strikes, biowarfare plagues, nanoswarms, mass uploads... a thousand horrors nearly wiped humanity from existence.
We still survive, divided into a patchwork of restrictive inner system hypercorp-backed oligarchies and libertarian outer system collectivist habitats, tribal networks, and new experimental societal models. We have spread to the outer reaches of the solar system and even gained footholds in the galaxy beyond. But we are no longer solely "human"... we have evoled into something simultaneously more and different -- something transhuman.
Huh. Sounds neat. What's this about transhumanity?
Transhumanity is damn simple. In the future, we'll theoretically be able to enhance our bodies and minds, eliminating weaknesses like sicknesses, disabilities, genetic disorders, and even death. So as a theme, it raises questions like what defines humanity? What does it mean to defeat all these weaknesses? What does it mean when you can upload your mind and personality onto a flash-drive? If we can make computers and animals sentient, are we responsible for them? What defines 'you'?
So this stuff sounds pretty deep. Why would I want to waste entertainment time with it?
Well, because this stuff also means you get completely badass technology, robots, guns, space ships, virtual worlds, killer AIs, and awesome other stuff.
The default campaign setting of
Eclipse Phase sets up the party as agents of a shadowy network known as "Firewall," which is an organization dedicated to stopping things that threaten the entirety of transhumanity. Whether this is rogue AIs, aliens, terrorists with WMDs, nanotech swarms, or hyper-biological superplagues, you've got a good chance of being up on the front lines being totally badass.
Or, if your skills run in different directions, you can also be sneaking around gathering information and performing pre-emptive operations to stop threats before they even begin. It's a wide range of possibilities, and offers a lot of great starting points for getting into the world of Eclipse Phase.
So what makes Eclipse Phase unique as a game?
There's a distinct lack of transhumanist games out there, an obvious lack of sci-fi games, and a distinct lack of games that are as well-presented as Eclipse Phase. However, one of the key things that makes Eclipse Phase is rather unique to the setting. Your character has an Ego, your mind, your personality, your skills. You only get one of those.
However, you also get a Morph, which is your body, your speed, your strength, your durability, your looks. You can swap between these, they are expendable, they can die without anyone batting an eye. provided you've backed up your mind.
The simple idea that your mind isn't inherently linked to your body is a key point of transhumanism, allows for thousands of interesting character ideas(one of the characters in the opening fiction grumbles about always getting stuck in a Morph with a smoking addiction, even though he doesn't smoke,) and is rather unique. There's more, but that's the big one.
How do the rules work?
Eclipse Phase uses a d100 system, from 00(low=good) to 99(high=bad.) You try to roll under your skill, and if you roll double digits, it's a critical result. Neat and simple. That's it. Your character has an array of attributes split between Ego and Morph, skills(which are linked to your Ego,) and positive/negative qualities(again, split between Ego and Morph depending on the quality.)
So you're making a giant thread here, are you going to run a game?Yes. In fact, let's meet the cast!
Rend -
The Game MasterCrimsoncoyote -
Theodore Henry Ewerst (teal)
Raye (cyan)
Zellpher -
ANDI (Artificial Nascent Derivative Intelligence) (darkseagreen)
Wallace (lime)
Edcrab -
Irgvin Ridwyler (purple)
Gideon (darkorchid)
Wildcat -
Henrique (darkred)
Rainfall -
Krash (darkorange)
Ivan (orange)
You guys should begin generating your characters as soon as you can and we will, finally, get this show on the road. This will also be the OOC thread, and so audience participation and discussion in this thread is, of course, welcomed and encouraged. Feel free to use this to discuss Eclipse Phase in general, or comment on the state of the game.
[EDIT] I'm leaning toward Titan, myself.
I will get on this shortly
Any chance I can piggyback in on this, Rend-dearest, or are you full up?
Actually this came about awhile ago via PMs. I'd prefer to keep it small, but seeing as you are the only reason I ever even knew about Eclipse Phase in the first place, there may be something we can work out.
Let's see what Edcrab, Zellpher, Crimson, and Wildcat come up with in character creation and we can go from there?
I've already had to be reminded how character-creation works...
I am but a poor hapless victim of the game Rainfall was also in, which died horribly
Character creation is almost needlessly complex. Having to factor in Morph and Ego traits really doesn't make things easy. So no jeering yet.
@Skid it was not my game! It was that other guys! I was just a player!
Page 130 of the rulebook has a summary of character creation, but here's the basic:
1. Defi ne Character Concept (p. 130)
2. Choose Background (p. 131)
3. Choose Faction (p. 132)
4. Spend Free Points (p. 134)
a) 105 aptitude points
b) 1 Moxie
c) 5,000 credit
d) 50 Rep
e) Native tongue
5. Spend Customization Points (p. 135)
a) 1,000 CP to spend
15 CP = 1 Moxie
10 CP = 1 aptitude point
5 CP = 1 psi sleight
5 CP = 1 specialization
2 CP = 1 skill point (61-80)
1 CP = 1 skill point (up to 60)
1 CP = 1,000 credit
1 CP = 10 rep
b) Active skill minimum: 400 skill points
c) Knowledge skill minimum: 300 skill points
d) Choose Starting Morph (pp. 136 and 139)
e) Choose Traits (pp. 136 and 145)
6. Purchase Gear (p. 136)
7. Choose Motivation (p. 137)
8. Calculate Remaining Stats (p. 138)
9. Detail the Character (p. 138)
Actually no. I just misremembered- I'll fix that, and Rend will never suspect a thing!
Hey guys! I was just over there in the other thread and I heard you guys talking about Eclipse Phase!
Also, when I tried to run a game, I made this, to hopefully ease character creation. Also, I set it up so it can be edited too, if something is missing.
I will be watching closely.
Not really blaming you, man. I got introduced to the game and got to make a character- it was a good experience anyway
Edit- other game is gone now. Rend, you have my interest and I'll leave it at that
E: Done! Sheet here Thank you Kuhlmeye. This isn't everything (missing gear and traits) but gives a general idea of what the character is like. Now to put all of these notes onto an actual sheet.
I noticed chargen was pissing y'all off. Tons of points to spend, right? If it's not too late, check here. Scroll down to Fan Created Material. There are several Excel character sheets people have posted. Personally, I recommend the one by Tony Lee, but I'm biased, as he's one of my playtest group.
Also, I'll be an Enforcer at PAX East next month. I didn't try to set up any Eclipse Phase games during the con, because I thought it was the wrong audience. I might reconsider if I thought there were some interest.
OK, that's all... Sorry for interrupting.
I'm still trying to come up with an idea for a character, and get something hammered out soon.
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Secondary Slave : Classified
Greetings! You can call me the Autonomous Nascent Derivative Intelligence, or A.N.D.I. for short. I am an intelligence created by the Argonauts designed for research and information retrieval. My personality is supposed to be derived from my creator, hence derivative. I look forward to working with all of you and putting my skills to good use. I have also included a photo of my most constant state, However this will change and adapt depending on the situation. Do not be alarmed, for I am no larger than the average dog.
You guys designed a really awesome game :^: Feel free to stick around and offer whatever you have, it would be good to actually get some experienced input. None of us have actually ever played the game before (or, if we have, not for long) so this will be kind of a wild ride.
Can't wait to get this party started. I'm going to go ahead and make an edict here: Make sure your i-rep (firewall rep) starts at 0, we're going to go from firewall recruitment and give you guys your first missions as Sentinels. From there you'll "break the ice" as it were, into the reputation network.
Also, things are going to be taking place on Titan, and in other assorted autonomist/anarchist habitats and regions in the outer system.
At least at PAX Prime, there is a big D&D factor but of course all sorts of table top games being run. Demo games by hardcore fans / designers at PAX is pretty common and awesome, so I'd consider doing one if I were you. The only issue may be the enforcer thing for ya, it can make sitting for a session difficult I imagine.
EDIT: Okay, I have an idea. I'm just trying to rough it out a bit and get it off the ground.
I made this using that oh-so-useful character generation spreadsheet but there's probably still holes to plug. This is a little rough around the edges but here's the core concept, I'll try and get the morph/equipment details finalised:
Irgvin Ridwyler, Criminal Technician
"I'm a tech. 'Techie' is derogative. Pay attention."
Morph: Exalted
Cognition 25
Coordination 20
Intuition 15
Reflexes 10
Savvy 10
Somatics 10
Willpower 15
@-rep 10
c-rep 5
f-rep 10
g-rep 15
r-rep 10
Deception 40 10 50
Intimidation 20 10 30
Perception 20 20 45
Fray 30 10 40
Interfacing 30 30 60
Beam Weapons 30 20 50
Infiltration 30 30 60
Climbing 20 10 30
Palming 30 20 50
Research 30 30 60
Blades 20 10 30
Disguise 20 20 40
Investigation 40 20 60
Scrounging 20 20 40
Persuasion 20 10 30
Native Language: English 30 20 99
Language: Russian 50 20 64
Profession: Gatekeeper Technician 30 30 60
Academic: Socio-Economic Theory 30 30 60
Profession: Confidence Trickster 70 30 79
Art: Writing 40 20 60
Art: Debate & Discourse 50 20 64
Low 100–499 250
Moderate 500–1,499 1,000
High 1,500–9,999 5,000
Expensive 10,000+ 20,000
Morph mods:
Enhanced Vision - Low (250)
Bioweave Armour (Light) - Low (500)
Clean Metabolism - Moderate (1,500)
Toxin Filters - Moderate (2,500)
Crash Suit - Low (2,750)
Smart Dust - Moderate (3,750)
Vibroblade - Low (4,000)
Monogrammed Gatekeeper Corporation Laser Pulser - Moderate (5,000)
Until very recently, Irgvin Ridwyler was generally considered to be a massive asshole. With that not-so-professional diagnosis ringing in his ears, Irgvin resorted to a great deal of psychosurgery in order to address his condition. Some of it didn’t happen voluntarily, coming courtesy of various deals involving irate hypercorps and alternates that featured the outlets of antimatter rockets. He can’t really tell the difference between the old him and the new him, but he still blames the surgery on his occasional penchant for petals and schizo.
Irgvin is technically proficient in a number of fields, but his original calling lied with the various monitoring and scanning apparatuses used by the Gatekeeper Corp. For a while he enjoyed moderate success during his tenure as a researcher there… and then boredom drove him to pirate their XP recordings. In one fell swoop he banished all previous goodwill from the GC and earned himself a not-insignificant rep outside of their offices and outpost stations- criminal and anarchist elements are especially fond of people who believe that all media should be freely available.
The rest is history- Irgvin became a career criminal. A rather lucrative career criminal. He sees himself as rather classy, a sophisticated, driven, liberal thinker unfairly lumped in with the rapists and murderers.
Years of roaming station corridors and dodging pointed questions and even pointier knives honed his skills. He’s pretty much a master of the English language, having narrated several gatecrasher documentaries and ghost-written several explorer biographies (the continuing existence of a market for unadulterated, text-only literature never ceases to amaze him). His favoured hobby, once upon a time, was wading into a good old fashioned argument regarding Gatekeeper funding and proceeding to expertly defend every aspect of their existence.
Irgvin is still a little sore about his history with the GC, but he puts his personal advancement first and tries to forget about it. Despite maintaining most of the gear he was assigned as one of their technicians.
Now also available in .xls format, courtesy of the template we all nicked off Tony Lee
Seriously, that crimsoncoyote needs to get a move on.
Also, as far as your characters go, remember to be thinking about what incident got them INTO firewall. This will be everyone's first mission, but something had to have happened for them to be contacted. Did they see something they shouldn't have seen? Did they know something they should not have known? Or perhaps did firewall simply have need of their talents?
Added it to the original post, thanks for reminding me.
Cheers, I'll sort it out