So I want to play some videos from a thumbdrive (I've seen done before and thought it was pretty neat) but I don't know how to get them from their FLV format to... something that's able to be viewed on the XBox.
I have Adobe Media Encoder, but I wouldn't think that an XBox would read a Quicktime file.
I downloaded the MPEG Streamclip download, but it doesn't support FLV files.
Solutions? Thanks.
Fake edit: It looks like AVI's work on the XBox so I would just go with that.
get ffmpeg
google for the right command
there's lots of stuff about ffmpeg floating around.
Edit: Oops, forgot about the Mac thing, although the site says it might work under OS X?
There's even a version that comes with a pretty interface if you're not fond of terminal. I think it's called ffmpegosx, but I'm fond of terminal so I can't say for sure.
I can't get it to even recognize the FLV files. Cuando the fuck?
On the off-chance that you're trying to watch downloaded Youtube videos, your best bet would be to install the DownloadHelper addon for Firefox, and then re-download the Youtube vids you're trying to watch using that, by making sure you select an mp4 format (fmt=18 for for older HQ videos, fmt=22 for 720p HD videos, and something even higher for the new 1080p format)
If you got your stuff from some other place, then you'll have to re-encode your clips, and again, MP4 is a good choice (the other alternative would be WMV). If you're running Windows, SUPER is the easiest tool to use. On a Mac, ffmpegx is probably the best thing, though I've never used it so I can't be 100% sure (it's based on ffmpeg, which is good, and provides a GUI, which should be easier to use than a console app, unless you're comfortable typing long commands.)
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I just tested this. "ffmpeg -i miku.flv miku.mp4" was all I needed to do. You might need to tweak it for bitrate, etc, if you don't like the resultant video quality.
I'm using the hub-version.