So, my current place of employment is driving me up the wall and I'm debating on leaving, possibly even changing careers altogether...
My job is primarily IT help desk, but I'm also tasked with data entry, higher level support that should be getting assigned to someone more knowledgeable, but is goin to me for "cost effectiveness"....
I'm also planning on going back to school starting in the fall, so a job that plays nice with that schedule would be nice... Also, maybe work from home or something...
I'm open to about anything, as long as it makes about 25/30 thousand a year... Or whatever that equates to in hourly pay...
I'm just looking for people to throw out suggestions that might fit the bill, I'm open to about anything, not worried about healthcare/benefits as much as I am school friendly/family friendly..... Which I know is tough to find...
- Testing? Project testers get paid quite well...
- Sales of some sort?